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Our Staff

Domestic Recruitment

Pieter Breijer

Pieter Breijer

Manager, Domestic Recruitment

Extension: 3182

Email: pj_breijer@laurentian.ca

Danielle Yasko-Pellerin (She/elle)

Danielle Yasko-Pellerin

Domestic Recruitment Coordinator - Events and Communications

Extension: 3100

Email: dpellerin@laurentian.ca

Jasmine Panacheese

Jasmine Panacheese

Domestic Recruitment Coordinator - Indigenous Communities

Extension: 5331

Email: jpanacheese@laurentian.ca

Kathryn Kettle

Kathryn Kettle

Domestic Recruitment Coordinator – Graduate Studies

Extension: 3103

Email: kkettle@laurentian.ca

Shanleigh Mulligan-Brosseau

Shanleigh Mulligan-Brosseau

Domestic Recruitment Coordinator - Undergraduate Recruitment

Extension: 3185

Email: smulligan-brosseau@laurentian.ca

Nicolas Meilleur

Nicolas Meilleur

Domestic Recruitment Coordinator - Undergraduate Recruitment

Extension: 3926

Email: nmeilleur@laurentian.ca

Samantha Horvath

Samantha Horvath

Domestic Recruitment Officer

Extension: 5366

Email: shorvath@laurentian.ca

Ivan Samoylenko


Ivan Samoylenko

Domestic Recruitment Officer

Extension: 3459

Email: isamoylenko@laurentian.ca

?milie M¨¦nard

Emilie Menard

Senior Ambassador

Extension: 3109

Email: liaison@laurentian.ca

Maxime Comeau

Maxime Comeau

Domestic Recruitment Enrolment Clerk

Extension: 3052

Email: mcomeau@laurentian.ca

International Recruitment

Xuan Zhao

Xuan Zhao

Manager, International Recruitment and Student Services

Extension: 3194

Email: xy_zhao@laurentian.ca

Patrick Oghene

Patrick Oghene

International Affairs & Transitions Coordinator

Extension: 3914

Email: op_oghene@laurentian.ca

Bahaa Habra

Bahaa Habra

International Student Services Coordinator

Extension: 1558

Email: bhabra@laurentian.ca

M¨¦lanie Tilbury

M¨¦lanie Tilbury

International Student Services Coordinator

Extension: 3189

Email: mtilbury@laurentian.ca

Grace Yang

Grace Yang

International Recruitment Coordinator (Asia)

Extension: 3186

Email: jyang4@laurentian.ca

Troy Boyer

Troy Boyer

International Student Services Coordinator

Extension: 1554

Email: tboyer@laurentian.ca

Sékouba Traoré

S¨¦kouba Traor¨¦

International Recruitment Coordinator (Asia)

Extension: 5322

Email: straore@laurentian.ca