Bruce Oddson
After finishing a PhD in psychology at the University of Toronto, I gained some experience in Health research at what is now the Holland Bloorview Rehabilitation Hospital. Since then I have combined my interests in health, wellness and learning in a variety of partnerships and in a variety of research projects.
- B.A. (Hons) Waterloo
- M.A. Guelph
- Ph.D. Toronto
Academic Appointments
School of Kinesiology and Health Studies
On The Web
Health, wellness, and Learning.
I have an extremely large range of interests. I am happy to work on a variety of projects and tend to follow my interests, wherever they lead.
Fall 2024: PHED 3526?Health Policy
Fall 2024: PHED 5126 Research Methods
Winter?2025: PHED 4207 Neuromotor Control
?Winter 2025: PHED 5146 Quantitative methods.
?For a more comprehensive list please see Google Scholar or Research Gate.
- Turcotte J, Oddson B. (2022). Managing increased cognitive load in guided search. Perceptual and Motor Skills.
- Tetzlaff EJ, Greasley CR, Ritchie SD, Oddson B, Little JR, Benoit J, McGarry J. (2022). Student perspectives on experiencing a Northern Ontario portage and wilderness immersion program at 51勛圖app in Northern Ontario, Canada. Journal of Adventure Education and Outdoor Learning .
- B Oddson, N Thomas-Stonell, B Robertson, P Rosenbaum (2019). Validity of a streamlined version of the FOCUS on the Outcomes of Communication under Six: Process and outcome, Child: Care, Health and Development, 45(4), 600-605.
- J Bridekirk, J Turcotte, B Oddson (2017). Harmonious passions support cognitive resources. Motivation and Emotion, 40(4) 646-654.
- K Usuba, B Oddson, A Gauthier, NL Young?(2015).?Changes in Gross Motor Function and Health-Related Quality of Life in Adults With Cerebral Palsy: An 8-Year Follow-Up Study.
- M George, MA Eys, B Oddson, A Roy坼Charland, RJ Schinke, MW Bruner?(2013).?The role of self坼determination in the relationship between social support and physical activity intentions.
- K Washington, N Thomas坼Stonell, B Oddson, S McLeod, G Warr坼Leeper, ..?(2013).?Construct validity of the FOCUS?(Focus on the Outcomes of Communication Under Six): a communicative participation outcome measure for preschool children
- Thomas-Stonell, N, Washington, K., Oddson B., Robertson B., Rosenbaum, R. (2013). Measuring communicative participation using the FOCUS:Focus on the outcomes of communication under six.
- Mansfield, B., Oddson, BE, Turcotte, J., Couture, R. (2012). A possible physiological correlate for mental flow
- Thomas-Stonell, N., Oddson, B., Robertson, B., Rosenbaum, P. (2010). Development of the FOCUS (Focus on the Outcomes of Communication under Six): A Communication Outcome Measure for Preschool Children.
- Delaney JAC, Oddson BE, Kramer H, Shea S, Psaty BM, McClelland RL. Baseline depressive symptoms are not associated with clinically important levels of incident hypertension during two years of follow-up: the multi-ethnic study of atherosclerosis