I am?a Professor Emerita of Philosophy and a former two-time Canada Research Chair in Environment, Culture and Values. My research lies in the philosophy of the life sciences, including the philosophy of biology and bioethics. Broadly speaking, my approach to philosophy is analytic and critically pro-science. It is also highly interdisciplinary;?and, as a result, my work has been supported by grants from all three Canadian 'Tri-Council' agencies (CIHR, NSERC, and SSHRC). ?My publications address philosophical questions pertaining to:
- Scientific theory, practice, and policy?〞?particularly?ecological research, conservation efforts, and our interactions with nonhuman animals;
- The structure of evolutionary biology and its implications for the study of cultural evolution?〞?specifically, the insights available through studying songbird calls using agent-based?computational modelling; and
- International trade and?access to health care resources,?social justice, and exploitation?〞?including the impact of migration of health care workers, international surrogacy markets, and the introduction of novel genetic technologies.
My educational and professional background in philosophy began with a B.A. in Philosophy from McMaster University. ?Having had my interest in the philosophy of biology piqued, I undertook an M.A. at the University of Guelph, where I studied with Professor Michael Ruse.?My Ph.D.?was conducted at the University of Western Ontario, under the supervision of Professor Wayne Myrvold and Professor William (Bill) Harper, where my interests focused on the standards of evidence in evolutionary genetics and cultural evolution. Subsequently, I explored the ethical and policy dimensions of the biological and?health sciences through?a CIHR-funded Postdoctoral Fellowship?at Dalhousie University, with Professor?Fran?oise Baylis in her?Novel Tech Ethics research group. Prior to joining 51勛圖app in 2011, I held a?tenure-track?Assistant Professorship in?Philosophy at Loyola University in Chicago. I have?also had the fortune to be a Visiting Scholar several times at the University of Otago in New Zealand. I am grateful for the range of experience and opportunities afforded to me, and my?research program?is heavily indebted to?mentors and colleagues at these institutions.
- PhD in Philosophy, University of Western Ontario
- MA in Philosophy, University of Guelph
- BA (Hons) in Philosophy, McMaster University
Academic Appointments
On The Web
My research lies in the Philosophy of the Life Sciences, including the Philosophy of Biology and Bioethics. In the realm of Bioethics, my primiary interests lie in the global impact of novel technologies for social justice, including the distribution of medical goods and services, including (but not limited to)?the migration of care workers, medical and reproductive tourism. In the Philosophy of Biology, I investigate the application of Darwinian selection models to cultural change using formal models of bird song transmission.?Spaning both the Philosophy of Biology and Bioethics, I also conduct work on the ethics of ecological research, and on the role of science in human-nonhuman animal relations.
Selected?Grants and Awards
- "ReNewZoo: Training Conservation Professionals for the Zoo/Aquarium of the 21st Century," NSERC Collaborative Research and Training Experience (CREATE) Program, (Co-applicant), with Albrecht Schulte-Hostedde (PI), and Gary Burness, Clint Kelly, David Lesbarreres, Jaqueline Litzgus, Gabriela Mastromonaco, Axel Moehrenschlager, Arne Mooers, Trevor Pitcher, and Andrew Trites (as Co-applicants). 2016-2023
- "Chimpopolis: Science, Society, and the Philosophical Animal," SSHRC Insight Development Program, Co-applicant, with Letitia Meynell (PI), Andrew Fenton (as Co-applicant), and Will Kymlicka, Sue Donaldson, John Gluck, Tony Smith, David Pena-Guzman, Soumi Ghosh (as Collaborators). 2016-2018
- NOHFC?Internship Program, PI with Albrecht Schulte-Hostedde,?Brett Buchanan, Jacqueline Litzgus, and David Lesbarr豕res (as Collaborators). 2014-2016?
- "The Ethics of Ecological Research," SSHRC?Insight Development Program, PI with Albrecht Schulte-Hostedde and Paul Hansen (as Co-Investigators), and with Brett Buchanan, Jacqueline Litzgus, and David Lesbarr豕res (as Collaborators). 2014-2016?
- SSHRC Aid to Small Universities Program, PI, with Brett Buchanan, Albrecht Schulte-Hostedde, Jacqueline Litzgus, and David Lesbarr豕res (as Co-Investigators). 2014-2018?
- "Thinking Extinction" SSHRC?Connections Program, Co-Investigator?with Brett Buchanan (as PI)?and Albrecht Schulte-Hostedde (as Collaborator),?2013-2014?
- "Health and the Environment,"?CIHR?Caf谷 Scientifique Program, 2013-2014?
- Canada Research Chair Program(Tier 2), 2011-2016, 2016-2021??
- CIHR Postdoctoral Fellowship Program, 2007-2009
I teach a variety of courses in the philosophy of science, applied ethics, and global social justice, as well as on the relationships between humans, animals, and the environment. I particularly enjoy introducing students to Critical Thinking and Formal Logic, as well as to helping them develop the skills involved in writing persuasive research essays.
- Chimpanzee Rights: The Philosophers' Brief. (with Krisin Andrews, Gary Comstock, et al.) Routledge (2019)
- "Surrogacy as medical tourism," (with David M. Pena-Guzman)?Handbook of Gestational Surrogacy: International Clinical Practice and Policy Issues?(ed. E. Scott Sills), Cambridge University Press, 46-54. (2016)
- "Why training in ecological research must incorporate ethics education," (with Albrecht I. Schulte-Hostedde)?Hastings Centre Report?45(5), 14-19. (2015)
- "Towards improving the ethics of ecological research," (with Albrecht I. Schulte-Hostedde)?Science and Engineering Ethics? 27(3), 577-594 (2015)
- "The ethics of wildlife disease management," (with Albrecht I. Schulte-Hostedde)?Evolutionary Applications?(2014).
- "At the intersections of emotional and biological labor: Understanding transnational reproductive travel and surrogacy as social reproduction," (with Jennifer L. Johnson and Christopher M. Hajzler)??International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics?7(2).?(2014).
- "The ethics of moral compromise for stem cell research policy," (with Zubin Master)?Health Care Analysis?20(1): 781-801. (2013)
- "A formal investigation of Cultural Selection Theory: Acoustic adaptation in bird song,"?Biology and Philosophy?25: 781-801. (2010)
- "Market stimulus and genomic justice: Evaluating the effects of market access to human germ-line enhancement," (with Christopher M. Hajzler)?Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal?20(2): 161-179. (2010)
- "Reconsidering Cultural Selection Theory,"?British Journal for the Philosophy of Science?59(3) 455-479. (2008)