15th annual Graduate Research Symposium?
Find the 5th annual Graduate Research Symposium Booklet here:?Symposium Booklet
15th annual Graduate Research Symposium?
Find the 5th annual Graduate Research Symposium Booklet here:?Symposium Booklet
15th annual Graduate Research Symposium
As part of Research Week 2025, we are pleased to invite graduate students from all disciplines to submit abstracts for the 15th Graduate Research Symposium. This symposium celebrates the diversity of research at 51勛圖app. It offers graduate students an opportunity to share their work, foster interdisciplinary dialogue, and contribute to the rich intellectual exchange that defines our academic community.
Event Details
Presentation Format
This event consists of dynamic, informative 12-minute presentations that highlight the impact of your research. Following each presentation, students will be given a 3-minute Question and Answer period to clarify points or elaborate on areas of interest.
For Questions or More Information, please contact the Faculty of Graduate Studies, at graduatestudies@laurentian.ca
Panel Discussion: Interdisciplinary Graduate Research This year, we are hosting a panel discussion on Interdisciplinary Graduate Research, and we’re looking for graduate students from all disciplines to join the conversation.
Panel Details
Questions? Please contact the Faculty of Graduate Studies, at graduatestudies@laurentian.ca
3MT© Competition
What’s 3MT©?
The Three Minute Thesis (3MT©) competition provides graduate students with an opportunity to refine skills that can be transferred after graduation to diverse career paths. Distilling research into a clear form, without over-simplifying or making it overly-complex, and highlighting the wider implications of the research are important skills to carry into post-graduate employment and public service.
Important Dates:
GRADflix Competition
GRADflix is an exciting competition where graduate students create a short video (1 minute) showcasing their research in an engaging and accessible way. It’s a fun and creative challenge to explain your research to a broad audience, from fellow students to the general public!
Important Dates:
The Faculty of Graduate Studies is offering monthly workshops in French and in English from September 2024 to April 2025. The themes vary monthly, but we will address things such as ethical publication, research tip and tricks, building presentation confidence, citation management systems, inclusive language, and so much more!
This workshop offers tip and tricks with research and placing your citaions within your academic writing.
Date: Friday, February 14, 2025
Time: 1PM to 2PM
Location: Executive Learning Centre, FA-386
Zoom Link:
This workshop offers tip and tricks with research and placing your citaions within your academic writing.
Date: Friday, February 14, 2025
Time: 2PM to 3PM
Location: Executive Learning Centre, FA-386
Zoom Link:
Date: Friday, March 14, 2025
Time: 1PM to 2PM
Location: Executive Learning Centre, FA-386
Zoom Link:
Date: Friday, March 28, 2025
Time: 1PM to 2PM
Location: Executive Learning Centre, FA-386
Zoom Link: