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Julie Boissonneault

Julie Boissonneault

Sessional On-Campus
Faculty of Arts
E-230F, Alphone Raymond Pavillion


Julie Boissonneault has been a faculty member at 51³Ô¹Ïapp since 2003 and works in sociolinguistics and didactics of French language in a minority situation. With more than 30 years of experience in teaching at the post-secondary level and in research, her main field of interest lies with French language in Ontario and its social outcomes. She is currently the editor of the Revue du Nouvel-Ontario. She is also accredited with the Ph.D. Program in Human Sciences as well as with the M.Sc. program in orthophonie (Speech pathology).


  • PhD, Ottawa University (2002)
  • M.Ed. (M.A. equiv.), Toronto University (1990)
  • B.S.L. (Bachelor in the science of language), 51³Ô¹Ïapp (1985)

Academic Appointments

Chair, French Studies Department (2010-2013)


Works of the Observatoire de la langue fran?aise en Ontario (OLFO) (on going)

  • Transcription and analysis?of the Ga¨¦tan-Gervais oral French corpus. In collaboration with A. Reguigui.
  • Analysis of the literary corpus of Prise de parole (Publishing House). In collaboration with S. Laflamme & A. Reguigui.
  • Collection of oral corpus of Nord-eastern Ontario miners and forestry workers. In collaboration with R. Bagaoui, D. Dennie, S. Laflamme & A. Reguigui.

Research project on the passage from French-language to English-language schools of students ?in Ontario (2013-2016)

In collaboration with S. Laflamme. Approved and subsidized by the Ministry of Education of Ontario and by 51³Ô¹Ïapp.

Research project on "cultural nuclei" in French-language minority ?communities of Canada (2013-2016)

In collaboration with S. Laflamme.

Approved and subsidized by the F¨¦d¨¦ration culturelle canadienne-fran?aise (FCCF), Heritage Canada and 51³Ô¹Ïapp.

Research projet on the phenomenon of high school drop-outs in francophone Ontario (2003-2005)

In collaboration with G. Allaire, J. Michaud. D. C?t¨¦ and D. Pouthioun.

Le d¨¦crochage au secondaire en Ontario fran?ais : le point de vue des jeunes. Institut franco-ontarien / Ministry of Eucation of Ontario. 2005. Available at


Courses taught since 2009

LING 2016: La communication linguistique (Introduction to sociolinguistics)

LING 2026: Le franco-ontarien (Franco-Ontarian, studies in sociolinguistics)

LING 3026: Am¨¦nagement linguistique (Language planning)

LING 4006: Sociopsycholinguistique (Socio-psycholinguistics)

LING 4007: Recherches sur le bilinguisme (Studies on bilingualism)

LING 4016: Le fran?ais au Canada (French in North America)

LING 4017: Les fran?ais r¨¦gionaux (Regional French)

LING 4527: Histoire de la langue fran?aise (History of the French language)

Specialization essays supervised (LILA 4104)

I. Vuckovic (2013-2014). Perception de linguicisme chez des locuteurs non natifs de l'anglais au Canada.

J. Mongeau (2013-2014). Bilinguisme l¨¦gislatif : discordances linguistiques et cons¨¦quences juridiques.??????? ? ? ? ? ? ?? With M. Giroux (Droit et justice).

C. Hall¨¦e-Th¨¦oret (2012-2013). Utilisation du fran?ais dans le syst¨¨me judiciaire ontarien.

G. Porter (2009-2010). Le jeu langagier dans les situations de communication entre locuteurs bilingues (fran?ais-anglais) : le cas du nord de l'Ontario. With R. Bagaoui (Sociologie).

J. Giroux (2008-2009). Le clavardage : enrichissement ou contamination de la langue fran?aise.


?Books (monographs & edited books)

Boissonneault, J. & A. Reguigui (ed.). Language and Territory. Studies in Urban Sociolinguistics. Sudbury. Human sciences Monograph Series?15. 2014. 510 p.

Cheadle, N. , J. Boissonneault & A. Reguigui (ed.). Language and Territory. Literary Spaces. Sudbury. Human Sciences Monograph Series?16. 2014. 268 p.

Reguigui, A. & J. Boissonneault (ed.). Language and Territory. Language Planning. Sudbury. Human Sciences Monograph Series?14. 2014. 522 p.

Reguigui, A. & J. Boissonneault (ed.). Nouvelles perspectives en sciences sociales. Revue internationale de syst¨¦mique complexe et d'¨¦tudes relationnelles. Special issue on "Linguistics and Complexity." 9:1. 2014. . ?

Boissonneault, J. & C. Guilbault (ed.). Nouvelles perspectives en sciences sociales. Revue internationale de syst¨¦mique complexe et d'¨¦tudes relationnelles. Special issue on "Linguistic Minorities." 6:1. 2010.

Giroux, M. & J. Boissonneault (ed.). La Loi 8, la Charte et l'avenir. R¨¦flexions sur les droits linguistiques de l'Ontario fran?ais. Sudbury. Institut franco-ontarien. 2010. 235 p.

Boissonneault, J. . Enjeux de la m¨¦diatisation ¨¤ l'universit¨¦. Repr¨¦sentation dans la pratique professorale. Sudbury. Prise de parole. 2009. 230 p.

Book chapter

C?t¨¦, D. , J. Boissonneault, J. Michaud, C.-L. Tremblay & G. Allaire. ?On disengaging from high school: Francophone youths, parents and educators in Ontario speak out?. In K. Tilleczek (ed.), Why do students drop out of high school? Narrative studies and social critique. Lewiston, N.Y. Edwin Melle Press. 2008,?115-142.

Selected articles

Boissonneault, J. ?La s¨¦curit¨¦ et l'ins¨¦curit¨¦ linguistiques : miroir des langues en dynamique sociale?. Liaison. La Revue des Arts. 162. 2013. 6-7.

Boissonneault, J. ?Repr¨¦sentations des enjeux des technologies num¨¦riques dans la pratique professorale : pour une sagesse de l'action?. In P. Laverdure & M. Mbonampa (ed.). Eth-ICTs - Ethics and the New Information and Communication Technologies. University of Sudbury. 2012.?21-37.

Hien, A. & J. Boissonneault. ?Le fran?ais du domaine vestimentaire au Burkina Faso et au Canada : les mots pour en parler?. In M. Abecassis & G. Ledegen (ed.). Les voix des fran?ais. Vol. 2 : en parlant, en ¨¦crivant. Oxford. Peter Lang. 2010.?383-401.

Boissonneault, J. ?Divergences et convergences dans les repr¨¦sentations du bilinguisme?. Francophonies d'Am¨¦rique. 25. 2008.?19-48.

Boissonneault, J., J. Michaud, D. C?t¨¦, C.-L.?Tremblay & G. Allaire. ?D¨¦crochage scolaire en Ontario fran?ais et perspectives d'avenir des jeunes?. ?ducation et francophonie. 27:1. 2007.?3-22.

C?t¨¦, D., J. Boissonneault, J. Michaud, C.-L. Tremblay & G. Allaire. ?Dropping out of school: The voices and recommendations of Canadian youth on how to deal with the problem?. International Journal of Environmental, Cultural, Economic and Social Sustainability. 33:4. 2007. 154-161.

Boissonneault, J. ?Se dire... mais comment et pourquoi? R¨¦flexions sur les marqueurs d'identit¨¦ en Ontario fran?ais?. Francophonies d'Am¨¦rique. 18. 2004. 163-169.?