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Jean-Francois Robitaille

Jean-Francois Robitaille

Associate Professor, School of Natural Sciences
School of Natural Sciences
Science, Engineering and Architecture
S-611, Science Building


Born in Montr¨¦al, Qu¨¦


  • B.Sc. Zoologie-Botanique, U. Sherbrooke, Sherbrooke, Qu¨¦. 1981
  • Ph.D. ?thologie, U. de Montr¨¦al, Qu¨¦. 1989
  • Post-doc 1989-90, U.Q.A.M., Montr¨¦al, Qu¨¦.

Academic Appointments

Current: ?associate professor, Dept Biology, 51³Ô¹Ïapp





Forest ecology


Ecology of mesocarnivores (Mammalia)


BIOL 2356F Principes d'¨¦cologie

BIOL 2706F Forme et fonction des Vert¨¦br¨¦s

BIOL 2757F Aspects biologiques de la sexualit¨¦ humaine

BIOL 4717F Comportement animal

BIOL 4727F Sujets choisis en mammalogie

BIOL 4017E&F Revue de litt¨¦rature/ Literature review

BIOL 4035E&F Th¨¨se et s¨¦minaire/Thesis and Seminar

BIOL 5747F Sujets choisis en ¨¦cologie comportementale


Carr, D., Bowman, J., Kyle, C.J., Tully, S.M., Koen, E.L., Robitaille, J.-F., et Wilson, P.J.? 2007. Rapid Homogenization of Multiple Sources: Genetic Structure of a Recolonizing Population of Fishers. Journal of Wildlife Management 71:1853¨C1861.

Robitaille J.-F. et Laurence S. 2007. More on the validation of fecal samples for the large scale study of dietary differences between two sympatric carnivores.? Acta Theriol. 52:307-315.

Robitaille, J.-F., Villano, L., Jung, T. Slama, H.P, et Oakley, M. P. 2012. Fat dynamics and development of body condition indices for harvested populations of wolverine Gulo gulo.? Wildl. Biol. 18:35-45.