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Meysar Zeinali-Ghayeshghorshagh

Meysar Zeinali-Ghayeshghorshagh

Associate Professor, Bharti School of Engineering & Computat
Bharti School of Engineering and Computation
Science, Engineering and Architecture
F-225A, Science Building


Meysar Zeinali received the BSc degree in Mechanical Engineering from Tehran University, the MSc degree in Aerospace Engineering (Control and Dynamics) from Sharif University of Technology and?the PhD. Degree in Mechanical/Mechatronic?engineering specialized in robotics and control theory from Queen's University, Kingston, ON, Canada. He worked as a Postdoctoral Scholar in the Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering Department of the University of Waterloo from Jan. 2008 to July 2010. Dr. Zeinali currently is an Associate Professor in the School of Engineering at 51勛圖app and member of Automated Laser Fabrication research group at University of Waterloo.? He is a licensed Professional Engineer in Ontario, and worked in Aerospace industry and Machine Building industry as team lead and head of R&D department before joining the University.?Prof.?Zeinali's?area of research include:

- ? Control theory: Adptive and continuous sliding mode control system design and implementation for robotic systems.

-?? AI-Based Solutions for engineering problems

-?? AI-based control systems?Design and Implementation using multi-model neural networks, Deep Learning,

-? ?Data-Driven system modeling and system identification using Type-2 Fuzzy Systems.

-?? Human Robot Interaction? and Human and Object Recognition.

- ? Model-Based System Engineering, which is a new method of creating subsystem models as the primary means of

? ? information exchange between engineers, rather than on document-based information exchange.

- ? Assisstive?and Collaborative robots?(Vision-Based Human-Robot Interaction).

- ? Robot learning and control system design and implementation.

-?? High-performance hydraulic systems design and analysis.

- ? Control system design for Laser additive manufacturing process.

He has developed a new systematic neuro-fuzzy modeling method and a interactive neuro-fuzzy modelling software based on the developed neuro-fuzzy method. Professor Zeinali is a member of IEEE (the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers), member of the American Society of Mechanical Engineering ASME, and a member of the editorial board of the International Journal of Advanced Robotics systems.

*** AI-Based Solution for Engineering Problems, In non-linear systems lab I provide intelligent solution for your engineering problems. If need an AI-Based model for your systems contact me at mzeinali@laurentian.ca.

***Currently considering applications from graduate students. Please start from here: /graduate-programs


  • Postdoctoral, Robotics, Control and Mechatronics Laboratory, University of Waterloo, Jan. 2008- July 2010.
  • PhD., Mechanical/Mechatronics Engineering (Robotics, Robust and Intelligent Control), Queen's University, Canada.
  • MSc.,?Aerospace Engineering (Dynamics and Control), Sharif University of Technology.
  • BSc., Mechanical Engineering (Design and Solid Mechanics), University of Tehran.

Academic Appointments

Postdoctoral Reseach Fellow Jan. 2008-July 2010, University of waterloo

Assistant Professor July 2010-July 2015, 51勛圖app

Associate Professor 2016-Present, 51勛圖app

On The Web


  • Control theory: Adaptive and continuous sliding mode control system design and implementation for robotic systems.
  • Robot Learning Control Using Recurrent Neural Network (Deep learning -LSTM) and Adaptive Sliding Mode Control (Recent).
  • Object Detection and Tracking for robotic application using Deep-Learning Techniques (Recent)
  • Machine Learning-Based Solutions for your industrial systems.
  • Path planing and colission avidance algorthm development and impementation? for Autonomous Vehicles based on GPS Data (Recent?)
  • Multi-Model Neural Network-Based?Robust and Adaptive Control System Development for Robotic Applications.?
  • Development of a Vision-Based Robot Learning Control for Assistive Robots:
  • Automated?Laser Additive Manufacturing System development (Laser Metal Deposition by Powder Injection): This is a collaborative research between I and the Automated Laser Fabrication Laboratory (ALFa) of the University of Waterloo to develop an intelligent control system which is used to produce near net-shaped parts and repair expensive machine components. Identification and modelling of the process and control of height (thickness) of each deposited layer is an important part of my rsearch.
  • High Performance Hydraulics Systems Design and Analysis (Developed a Software): This research targets modeling,?simulation and?implementation of nonlinear adaptive control for the mechnical and mechatronics systms that use high-performance hydraulic systems for their actuation.




Courses? Develped and Taught:

  1. CPSC-5616:?Machine Learning and Deep Learning (Offered in Winter 2024)
  2. ENGR-5556: Advanced Modelling and Control of Robot Manipulators ( (Offered in Fall 2023)
  3. ENGR-5566: Advanced Fluid Power System Modelling and Control
  4. ENGR-4576: Digital Logic and Microprocessor
  5. ENGR-4547: Introduction to?Robot Manipulation
  6. ENGR-3547: Control Systems
  7. ENGR-4526: Sensors and Instrumentation
  8. ENGR-4566: Fluids Power Systems (Hydraulic and Pneumatics)
  9. ENGR-2506: Dynamics
  10. ENGR-4416: Fluid Particle?Technology



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Selected Publications:

  • R Patel, M Zeinali, K Passi, , Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Control, Dynamic Systems, and Robotics, 2021.cdsr.net.

  • M Arsenault, LF Tremblay, M Zeinali,?Optimization of trajectory durations based on flow rate scaling for a 4-DoF semi-automated hydraulic rockreaker, Internation Journal of?Mechanism and Machine Theory 143, 103632, 2020.

  • M Zeinali, H Wang,?New Methodology to Design Learning Control for Robots Using Adaptive Sliding Mode Control?and?Multi-Model Neural Networks, Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Control, Dynamic Systems, and Robotics, 2018.
  • Zeinali, M., and Notash, L., Adaptive sliding mode control with uncertainty estimator for robot manipulators, Journal of Mechanism and Machine Theory, Vol. 45, No. 1, pp. 80-90, 2010.??[This paper ranked 4 and 7 among?top 25 most read articles in the Journal During??September 2009- September 2010].
  • Zeinali, M., Multi-Layer Fuzzy System Modeling a New Approach: Theory and Application, Proc. of? International Conference on Fuzzy Theory and Its Applications (iFUZZY 2017), ?Kenting, TAIWAN, Nov. 12-15, 6-Pages, 2017 [Best Paper Competition Finalist].
  • M Zeinali,?First-Order Continuous Adaptive Sliding Mode Control for Robot Manipulators with Finite-Time Convergence of Trajectories to Real Sliding Mode, 15th International Workshop on Variable Structure Systems (VSS), 261-266, 2018.?? ? ? ? ?? ? ??
  • Louis-Francis Tremblay, Marc Arsenault, M Zeinali,?Development of a trajectory planning algorithm for a 4-DoF rockbreaker based on hydraulic flow rate limits,Transactions of the Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering 173, 2019.??
  • Kunwar, S., and Zeinali, M., Human Head and Face Detection Using Single Camera to Improve Human Robot Interaction, Proc. of 25th CANCAM London, Canada, May 31-June 4, 2015.
  • Zeinali, M.,?Sliding Mode Control Design for Robot Manipulators Based on Online Estimation of Uncertainties and Its Experimental Verification, Journal of Mechatronics, doi: 10.1166/jom. 2015.1095, Vol.3(2), pp. 85-97, 2015.
  • Zeinali, M., A Novel Approach to Build a Learning Controller by Combining Fuzzy Modeling, Sliding Mode, and PID Control for Robotic Applications, ASME 2013 Conference on Information Storage and Processing Systems, Pages V001T07A009, California, Santa Clara, June 24, 2013.
  • Farshidianfar M., Khajepour A., Gerlich A., and Zeinali M., System Identification and Height Control of Laser Cladding Using Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference Systems, ICALEO 32th Int. Conf. on, Application of Lasers and Electro-Optics, Florida, USA, October 2013.
  • Alizadeh, P., Zeinali M., "A Real-Time Object Distance Measurement Using a Monocular Camera" Proceedings of 24th IASTED international Conference on Modelling and Simulation, Canada, Alberta, Banff, July 17, 2013.
  • Fazeli, A., Zeinali, M., and Khajepour, A., Application of Adaptive Sliding Mode Control for Regenerative Braking Torque Control of Air-Hybrid Engine, IEEE/ASME TRANSACTIONS ON MECHATRONICS, DOI: 10.1109/TMECH.2011.2129525, Issue 99, pp.745-755, 2012.
  • Zeinali, M., Learning Controller Design using Fuzzy Modeling, Sliding Mode Control, and PID controller for Robots, The 14th IASTED International Symposium on International Symposium on Intelligent Systems and Control, pp. 287-292, 2013.
  • Zeinali, M., and Khajepour, A., Height Control in Laser Cladding Using Adaptive Sliding Mode Technique: Theory and Experiment, ASME Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, Vol. 132, Issue 4, 10pages, 2010.
  • Zeinali, M., and Khajepour, A., Development of an Adaptive Fuzzy Logic-Based Inverse Dynamic Model for Laser Cladding Process, Journal of Engineering Application of Artificial intelligence, No 23, pp.1408每1419, 2010
  • Fazeli A., Zeinali M., Khajepour A., Pournazeri M. "Air Hybrid Engine Torque Control Using Adaptive Sliding Mode Control" ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition IMECE2010, November 12-18, 2010, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, 2010.
  • Zeinali, M., and Khajepour, A., Design and Application of Robust Adaptive Controller to Cable-Driven Parallel Robot Manipulator: Theory and Experiment, ASME 2010 Int. Design Engineering Technical Conf. and Computers and Information in Engineering, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, August 15-18, 2010.
  • Zeinali, M., and Khajepour, A., Adaptive Fuzzy Sliding Mode Control Design and Application to Laser Metal Deposition, Proc. Of American Control Conference ACC2010, Baltimore, Maryland, USA, June 30-July 02, 2010.