I received my Ph.D in Educational Psychology from the University of Alberta in 2008. I have been in the Psychology department at 51勛圖app since July, 2007. I currently teach Introduction to Psychology, but I have also taught?Fundamentals of Psychometrics, Topics in Developmental Disabilities,?Biopsychosocial Approaches to Disability, Developmental Psychology, Psychology of Education, and Motivation. I strongly believe in fostering critical thinking skills in students, so my lectures tend to be interactive, including group work and discussion. I encourage students to think about the material being presented and to develop their own educated opinions.
My main areas of research focus on intellectual disability issues. I employ mixed methods or purely qualitative approaches to study various aspects of disability, currently families of children with various disabilities as well as sexuality issues. I am particularly interested in Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) and autism and have recently started a new FASD prevention project.
I have presented internationally on various disability issues and I conduct training with agencies on how to teach sex education to individuals with disabilities, sexual abuse of individuals with disabilities, how to employ a biopsychosocial approach to disability, and about specific disabilities and how they can affect sexuality.
I have published several articles related to intellectual disability. I have also co-edited 3?books, including Ethical Dilemmas: Sexuality and Developmental Disability,?Rights Agenda: An Action Plan to Advance the Rights of Persons with Intellectual Disabilities, and most recently Demystifying Syndromes: Clinical and Educational Implications of Syndromes Associated with Intellectual Disabilities.
I supervise Master's students in the Psychology and?Interdisciplinary Health programs, as well as Ph.D students in Interdisciplinary Rural and Northern Health and Interdisciplinary Human Studies. As a supervisor, I try to provide as many publication opportunities to students as possible. I encourage research collaboration and co-authorship with my students.
- Bachelor Arts (Psychology)
- Masters of Education (Teaching and Learning)
- Ph.D. Educational Psychology (Special Education)
- Certificate, Habilitative Mental Health
Academic Appointments
- Full Professor, Psychology
- Associate member, Rural and Northern Health Ph.D.
My main areas of interest are in intellectual disabilities, human rights, and sexuality. I am currently researching families of children with autism and Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) as well as the sexual knowledge and attitudes of individuals with physical and intellectual disabilities. Most recently, I am working with colleagues to create an effective FASD prevention program for Northern Ontario, plus have been asked by Stoelting Inc. to revise the Socio-Sexual Knowledge and Attitudes Assessment Tool with Yona Lunsky.?I have also published about sex education and disability, genetic testing, and ethics around disability.
- 2007 JIDD Editor's Prize; Journal of Intellectual and Developmental Disability
- NADD Ontario Chapter Recognition Award
- Province of Alberta Dissertation Fellowship
- Andrew Stewart Memorial Graduate Prize? ??
- Centre for Academic Excellence Certificate of Appreciation ? ? ? ?
- Student Success Centre Certificate of Appreciation? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ??? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ??
Courses I have taught:
Psychology 1105 (Introduction to Psychology)*
Psychology 2005 (Developmental Psychology)
Psychology 2707 (Motivation)
Psychology 3206 (Psychometrics)
Psychology 3406 (Educational Psychology)
Psychology 4306 (Biopsychosocial Approaches to Disability)
Psychology 4336 (Topics in Developmental Disabilities)
Psychology 5135 (Survey in Experimental Research)
Psychology 5206/DEVE 5636 (Childhood Exceptionality: Developmental Disabilities)
Psychology 5356/DEVE 5646 (Individual Differences)??
ACEX 5006 (Teaching in a Post-Secondary Institutions)*
*currently teaching
Refereed Journal Articles?
- Pepper, J. M., Watson, S. L., & Coons-Harding, K. D. (in press). ※Well where*s he supposed to live?§: Experiences of adoptive parents of emerging adult children with fetal alcohol spectrum disorder in Ontario. Journal on Developmental Disabilities, Special Issue on Transitional Aged Youth.
- Radford-Paz, E. & Watson, S.L. (2018). ※He*s on the streets, and stealing, and perpetuating the cycle# and I*m helpless§: Families* perspectives on criminality in FASD. Journal on Developmental Disabilities, 23(3), 90-104.
- Pepper, J. M., Coons-Harding, K. D., Bibr, C., & Watson, S. L. (2018). Waving a magic wand: Supports for families raising school-aged children with autism spectrum disorder and fetal alcohol spectrum disorder in Ontario. Journal of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Risk and Prevention, 1(1), e2-e16. doi: 10.22374/jfasrp.v1i1.2
- Coons, K. D., Clement, A. L., & Watson, S. L. (2017). Are rural and urban Ontario health care professionals aware of fetal alcohol spectrum disorder? A secondary data analysis of the fetal alcohol syndrome survey for health professionals. Journal on Developmental Disabilities, 23(1), 76-91.
- Coons, K. D., Watson, S. L.. Yantzi, N. M., Lightfoot, N. E., & Larocque, S. (2017). Health care students* attitudes about alcohol consumption during pregnancy: Responses to narrative vignettes. Global Qualitative Nursing Research, 4, 1-18.
- Coons, K. D., Watson, S. L.. Yantzi, N. M., Lightfoot, N. E., & Larocque, S. (2017). ※No alcohol is recommended, but#§: Health care students* attitudes about alcohol consumption during pregnancy. Global Qualitative Nursing Research, 3(1), 1-12. doi: 10.1177/2333393617707663
- Coons, K. D., Watson, S. L., Yantzi, N., & Schinke, R. (2016). Adaptation in families raising children with fetal alcohol spectrum disorder part II: What would help. Journal of Intellectual and Developmental Disability. Advance online publication. doi: 10.3109/13668250.2016.1267718
- Coons, K.D. Watson, S.L, Schinke, R.J., & Yantzi, N.M. (2016). Adaptation in families raising children with fetal alcohol spectrum disorder. Part 1: What has helped. Journal of Intellectual and Developmental Disability.? DOI: 10.3109/13668250.2016.1156659.
- Oghene, O.P., McGannon, K.R., Schinke, R.J., Watson, S.L., & Quartiroli, A. (2015). Understanding the meanings created around the aging body and sports through media representations of elite masters athletes". Qualitative Research in Sport, Exercise and Health. ?
- Watson, S.L., Hayes, S.A., Radford-Paz, E., & Coons, K.D. (2013). ※I*m hoping, I*m hoping#§: Thoughts about the future from families of children with Autism or Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder in Ontario. Journal on Developmental Disabilities, 19(3), 76-93.
- Coons, K.D. & Watson, S.L. (2013). Conducting research with individuals who have intellectual disabilities: Ethical and practical implications for qualitative research. Journal on Developmental Disabilities, 19(2), 14-24.
- Benoit, M., Lavoie, A., Muray, K., Watson, S., & Beaudoin, M. (2013). La vuln谷rabilit谷 de femmes monoparentales francophones 角 risqu谷 de sans-abrisme dans une communaut谷 du Nord de l*Ontario. Canadian Journal of Public Health, 104(6), 579-582.
- Watson, S.L., Hayes, S.A., & Coons, K.D. (2013). Autism and Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder Part I: A comparison of parenting stress. Journal of Intellectual and Developmental Disability. 38(2), 95-104.
- Watson, S.L., Hayes, S.A., Coons, K.D., & Radford-Paz, E. (2013). Autism and Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder Part II: A qualitative comparison of parenting stress. Journal of Intellectual and Developmental Disability. 38(2), 105-113.
- Hayes, S.A. & Watson, S.L. (2012). The impact of parenting stress: A meta-analysis of studies comparing the experience of parenting stress in parents of children with and without autism spectrum disorder. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders.
- Gould, D.D. Watson, S.L., Price, S.R., & Valliant, P.M. (2012). The relationship between burnout and coping in adult and young offender centre correctional officers: An exploratory investigation. Psychological Services.
- Watson, S.L., Richards, D., Miodrag, N., & Fedoroff, P. (2012). Sex and genes Part 1: Sexuality and Down, Prader-Willi, and Williams syndromes. Intellectual and Developmental Disability, 50(2).
- Watson, S.L., Hayes, S., & Radford-Paz, E. (2011). ※Diagnose me please!§: A review of research about the journey and initial impact of parents seeking a diagnosis of developmental disability for their child. International Review of Research in Developmental Disabilities, 41.
- Watson, S.L. (2009). This test, that test: Family experience of the diagnostic process. The NADD Bulletin, 12(3), 50-53.
- Watson, S.L. (2008). Families and differential diagnosis of developmental disability. Journal on Developmental Disabilities, 14(3), 51-60.
- Watson, S.L. (2008).? ※Something you have to do§: Why do parents of children with developmental disabilities seek a differential diagnosis?? Developmental Disabilities Bulletin, 36, 168-198.
- Lunsky, Y., Frijters, J., Griffiths, D., Watson, S.L., & Williston, S.? (2007). Sexual knowledge and attitudes of men with intellectual disabilities who sexually offend. Journal of Intellectual and Developmental Disability, 32(2), 74-81.
- Richards, D., Miodrag, N., & Watson, S.L. (2006). Sexuality and developmental disability: Obstacles to healthy sexuality throughout the lifespan.? Developmental Disabilities Bulletin, 34(1), 137-155.
- MacPherson-Court, L., McDonald, L., Drummond, J., Kysela, G.M., & Watson, S.L. (2005). Issues in developing an Internet course for family-centred practice in early intervention. Developmental Disabilities Bulletin, 33(1), 154-175.
- Fleming, D., McDonald, L., Drummond, J., Kysela, G.M., & Watson, S.L. (2005). Parent training: Can intervention improve parent-child interactions? Exceptionality Education Canada, 15(2), 77-100.
- Lupart, J.L., Pyryt, M.C., Watson, S.L., & Pierce, K. (2005). Gifted education and counselling in Canada. International Journal for the Advancement of Counselling, 27(2), 173-190.
- Lupart, J.L. & Watson, S.L. (2003). What can we conclude about children and youth at-risk in Canada? Exceptionality Education Canada, 13, 217-226.
- Owen, F., Griffiths, D., Stoner, K., Gosse, L., Watson, S.L., Tardif, C., & Sales, C. (2003). Multi-level human rights training in an Association for Community Living: First steps toward systemic change. Journal on Developmental Disabilities, 10(2), 43-64.
- Griffiths, D., Owen, F., Gosse, L., Stoner, K., Tardif, C., & Watson, S.L. (2003). Human rights: An action-research approach for community-based organizational self-evaluation. Journal of Developmental Disabilities, 10(2), 25-42.
- Richards, D., Watson, S., & Bleich, R.? (2000). Reporting a sexual assault for individuals who have a developmental disability: Guidelines and practices. Journal on Developmental Disabilities, 7(1), 130-140.?
Edited Books
- Watson, S.L. & Griffiths, D.M. (Eds.). (2016). Demystifying Syndromes II: Clinical and Educational Implications of Common Syndromes Associated with Persons with Intellectual Disabilities. Kingston, NY: NADD Press.
- Owen, F., Griffiths, D., & Watson, S.L. (Eds.). (2012). The human rights agenda for persons with intellectual disabilities. Kingston, NY: NADD Press.
- Owen, F., Griffiths, D., & Watson, S.L. (Eds.). (2011). The human rights agenda for persons with intellectual disabilities. St. Catharines, ON: The 3Rs Community University Research Alliance.
- Griffiths, D., Richards, D., Fedoroff, P., & Watson, S.L. (Eds.). (2002). Ethical dilemmas: Sexuality and developmental disability. Kingston, NY: NADD.
Edited Book Chapters
- Watson, S.L. Kennedy, H., Kechnie, J., & Griffiths, D. (in press). Sexuality and people who have developmental disabilities: From myth to emerging practices. In I. Brown & M. Percy (Eds.), Developmental disabilities in Ontario (3rd edition).
- Watson, S.L., Coons-Harding, K.D., & Whittingham, L. (in press). Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder Part I: Strengths and Challenges. In I. Brown & M. Percy (Eds.), Developmental disabilities in Ontario (3rd edition).
- Watson, S.L., Coons-Harding, K.D., Whittingham, L., & Richer, E. (in press). Justice involved individuals with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder: Risks, interventions and protective factors. In V. Marinos, D. Griffiths, S. Stromski, & L. Whittingham (Eds.), Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities and the Criminal Justice System. Kingston, NY: NADD.
- Watson, S.L. Griffiths, D.M., & Bassett, A. (2016). Demystifying syndromes associated with developmental disabilities. In S.L. Watson & D.M. Griffiths (Eds.), Demystifying Syndromes II: Clinical and Educational Implications of Common Syndromes Associated with Persons with Intellectual Disabilities. Kingston, NY: NADD Press.
- Boyd, K., Richards, D., Bishop, C. & Watson, S.L. (2016). When syndromes demystify: Family and professional perspectives. In S.L. Watson & D.M. Griffiths (Eds.), Demystifying Syndromes II: Clinical and Educational Implications of Common Syndromes Associated with Persons with Intellectual Disabilities. Kingston, NY: NADD Press.
- Gratton, C., Amar, T., & Watson, S.L. (2014). Prader Willi Syndrome: Implications for Applied Behaviour Analysis. In D. Griffiths, R. Condillac, & M. Legree (Eds.), Genetic Syndromes and Applied Behaviour Analysis: A Handbook for ABA Practitioners. Vancouver, BC; UBC Press.
- Watson, S.L., & Hayes, S. (2012). The right to accessible health care for persons with developmental disabilities. In F. Owen, D. Griffiths, & S. Watson (Eds.), The human rights agenda for persons with intellectual disabilities (pp. 59-80). Kingston, NY: NADD Press.
- Watson, S.L., Richards, D., Hayes, S., Lecomte, J., & Taua, C. (2012). The right to consent to treatment. In F. Owen, D. Griffiths, & S. Watson (Eds.), The human rights agenda for persons with intellectual disabilities (pp. 139-168). Kingston, NY: NADD Press.
- Watson, S.L., Stainton, T., & Sobsey, D. (2012). The right to exist and to life-sustaining measures. In F. Owen, D. Griffiths, & S. Watson (Eds.), The human rights agenda for persons with intellectual disabilities (pp. 19-38) Kingston, NY: NADD Press.
- Richards, D., Watson, S.L., Monger, S., & Rogers, C. (2012). Human rights in sexuality and relationships. In F. Owen, D. Griffiths, & S. Watson (Eds.), The human rights agenda for persons with intellectual disabilities (pp. 103-128). Kingston, NY: NADD Press.
- Watson, S.L., & Hayes, S. (2011). The right to accessible health care for persons with developmental disabilities. In F. Owen, D. Griffiths, & S. Watson (Eds.), The human rights agenda for persons with intellectual disabilities (pp. 79-110). St. Catharines, ON: The 3Rs Community University Research Alliance.
- Watson, S.L., Richards, D., Hayes, S., Lecomte, J., & Taua, C. (2011). The right to consent to treatment. In F. Owen, D. Griffiths, & S. Watson (Eds.), The human rights agenda for persons with intellectual disabilities (pp. 187-226). St. Catharines, ON: The 3Rs Community University Research Alliance.
- Watson, S.L., Stainton, T., & Sobsey, D. (2011). The right to exist and to life-sustaining measures. In F. Owen, D. Griffiths, & S. Watson (Eds.), The human rights agenda for persons with intellectual disabilities (pp. 27-52). St. Catharines, ON: The 3Rs Community University Research Alliance.
- Richards, D., Watson, S.L., Monger, S., & Rogers, C. (2011). Human rights in sexuality and relationships. In F. Owen, D. Griffiths, & S. Watson (Eds.), The human rights agenda for persons with intellectual disabilities (pp. 137-172). St. Catharines, ON: The 3Rs Community University Research Alliance.
- Watson, S.L. & Griffiths, D.M. (2008). The right to life. In D.M. Griffiths & F. Owen (Eds.), Challenges to the rights of people with intellectual disabilities. London: Jessica Kingsley.
- Griffiths, D.M., Richards, D., Feldman, M., Watson, S.L., Miodrag, N., Aunos, M., & Lunsky, Y. (2008) Sexual rights and persons with intellectual disabilities. In D.M. Griffiths & F. Owen (Eds.), Challenges to the human rights of people with intellectual disabilities. London: Jessica Kingsley.
- Kysela, G., Drummond, J., McDonald, L., Fleming, D., Lupart, J. L., & Watson, S.L. (2006). Enhancing child and family resilience and inclusion. In C. Dionne & N. Rousseau (Eds.), Transformation of educational practices: Research on inclusive education (pp. 253-280).? Quebec: Presses de l?Universite du Quebec.
- Griffiths, D. Watson, S.L., Lewis, T., & Stoner, K.? (2004). Sexuality research and persons with intellectual disabilities. In E. Emerson, C. Hatton, T. Thompson, & T. Parmenter (Eds.), International handbook of methods or research and evaluation in intellectual disabilities (pp. 311-334). London: John Wiley and Sons.
- Griffiths, D. & Watson, S.L. (2004). Demystifying syndromes associated with intellectual disability. In D. Griffiths, D. & R. King, (Eds.), Demystifying syndromes. Kingston, NY: NADD Press
- Watson, S.L., Venema, T., Molloy, W., & Reich, M.? (2002). Sexual rights and individuals who have a developmental disability.? In D. Griffiths, D. Richards, P. Fedoroff, & S.L. Watson (Eds.), Ethical dilemmas: Sexuality and developmental disabilities. (pp. 9-51)? Kingston, NY: NADD.
- Watson, S.L., Griffiths, D., Richards, D., & Dykstra, L.? (2002). Sexuality education. In D. Griffiths, D. Richards, P. Fedoroff, & S.L. Watson (Eds.), Ethical dilemmas: Sexuality and developmental disabilities (pp. 175-225).?? Kingston, NY: NADD.
- Cox-Lindenbaum, D. & Watson, S.L.? (2002). Sexual assault against individuals who have a developmental disability. In D. Griffiths, D. Richards, P. Fedoroff, & S.L. Watson (Eds), Ethical dilemmas: Sexuality and developmental disabilities (pp. 293-329).? Kingston, NY:? NADD.
- Richards, D., Fedoroff, P., Griffiths, D., & Watson, S.L.? (2002). Introduction. In D. Griffiths, D. Richards, P. Fedoroff, & S.L. Watson (Eds.), Ethical dilemmas: Sexuality and developmental disabilities (pp. 11-18). Kingston, NY: NADD.
- Richards, D., Watson, S.L., & Bleich, R.? (2002). Sexual offenses and the legal system. In D. Griffiths, D. Richards, P. Fedoroff, & S.L. Watson (Eds.), Ethical dilemmas: Sexuality and developmental disabilities (pp. 417-444).? Kingston, NY: NADD.
- Griffiths, D., Richards, D., Fedoroff, P., & Watson, S.L. (2002). Sexuality and mental health in persons with developmental disabilities.? In D. Griffiths, C. Stavrakaki, & J. Summers (Eds.), An introduction to the mental health needs of persons with developmental disabilities.? (pp. 419-454).? Sudbury, ON: Habilitative Mental Health Resource Network.
Conference Presentations
International Presentations
- Harding, K.D., Watson, S.L., & McGannon, K.R. (2018). ※Just a little bit§: A television media analysis of alcohol consumption during pregnancy. 16th Annual Qualitative Methods Conference. Banff, AB. May 2018.
- Pepper, J., Watson, S.L., & Harding, K. (2018). ※Well, where*s he supposed to live§: Experiences of Adoptive Parents of Adult Children with FASD in Ontario. 8th International Research Conference on Adolescents and Adults with FASD. Vancouver, BC. April, 2018.
- Coons, K.D. & Watson, S.L. (2018). ※I feel that I need more knowledge and experience§: Health care students* self-efficacy addressing Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder in primary care. 8th International Research Conference on Adolescents and Adults with FASD. Vancouver, BC. April, 2018.
- Watson, S.L. Richards, D., Cox-Lindenbaum, D., & Lindenbaum, L. (2016). An integrated approach to supporting the individual with FASD who has Challenging Sexual Behaviour. Pre-conference symposium presented at the NADD 33rd Annual Conference. Niagara Falls, ON. November 2016.
- Trandovski, K., Carvalho, M.J., & Watson, S.L. (2016, October). ※No One Ever Asks How We're Doing§: Using Qualitative Research with Siblings of Individuals with Disabilities. Presented at the 22nd Annual Qualitative Health Research Conference, Kelowna, BC.
- Trandovski, K., & Watson, S.L. (2016, October). Sibling Experiences in Families of a Child with a Down Syndrome, Cystic Fibrosis, or Cerebral Palsy. Presented at the 22nd Annual Qualitative Health Research Conference, Kelowna, BC.
- Coons, K. D., & Watson, S. L. (2016). ※Well in Europe they drink all the time§: Ontario health care students* attitudes regarding alcohol use during pregnancy. Poster presented at the European Conference on FASD 2016 (EUFASD 2016). London, England. September, 2016.
- Price, S., Smith, V., & Watson, S. L. (2016). Psychological functioning and adaptation of children with autism spectrum disorder transitioning from early intervention to school:? A mixed methods approach. International Society on Early Intervention Conference. Stockholm, Sweden. March, 2016.
- Coons, K.D. & Watson, S.L.? ※One or three, depends on the patient§: Health care professionals* recommendations regarding alcohol consumption during pregnancy. Poster presented at the Gatlinburg Conference on Research and Theory in Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities. San Diego, California. March, 2016.
- Watson, S.L. & Richards, D. (2015). Assessing Challenging Sexual Behavior. NADD 32nd Annual Conference. San Francisco, CA. November 2015.
- Richards, D. & Watson, S.L. (2015). Treating Challenging Sexual Behavior. NADD 32nd Annual Conference. San Francisco, CA. November 2015.
- Watson, S.L. (2015). Biopsychosocial Assessment for Challenging Sexual Behaviour. 2015 FASD Matters Conference: Across the Lifespan. Minneapolis, MN. November 2015. (invited)
- Coons, K.D., Hughes, T., Watson, S.L., Pepper, J.M., Belanger, J., Carvalho, M., & Ghaderi, G. (2015). ※It takes a village§: Exploring relationships in families of children with FASD. 2015 FASD Matters Conference: Across the Lifespan. Minneapolis, MN. November 2015.
- Watson, S.L (2015). Criminality and Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder. EAMID Annual Conference. Florence, Italy. September 2015.
- Watson, S.L., Richards, D., Cox-Lindenbaum, D., & Lindenbaum, L. (2015). An integrated Approach to Supporting the Individual with FASD who has Challenging Sexual Behaviour. EAMID Annual Conference. Florence, Italy. September 2015.
- Watson, S.L. & Richards, D. (2015). Assessing Challenging Sexual Behavior. NADD 32nd Annual Conference. San Francisco, CA. November 2015.
- Richards, D. & Watson, S.L. (2015). Treating Challenging Sexual Behavior. NADD 32nd Annual Conference. San Francisco, CA. November 2015.
- Coons, K.D., Hughes, T., Watson, S.L., Pepper, J.M., Belanger, J., Carvalho, M., & Ghaderi, G. (2015). ※It takes a village§: Exploring relationships in families of children with FASD.2015 FASD Matters Conference: Across the Lifespan. Minneapolis, MN. November 2015.
- Coons, K. D., Clement, A. L., & Watson, S. L. (2014). ※I See Him Sitting in a Jail Cell§: Concerns for the Future in Families Raising Children with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder in Ontario, Canada. Poster presented at the 4th Health and Wellbeing in Children, Youth and Adults with Developmental Disabilities Conference 每 Life Transitions. Vancouver, BC. October, 2014.
- Coons, K. D., Watson, S. L. Yantzi, N., Lightfoot, N., & Larocque, S. (2014). ※Doctors and Nurses#All Need To Be Educated§: The Need for Improved Education of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder for Health Care Students in Northern Ontario.? Posted presented at the 7th International Symposium: Safety and Health in Agricultural and Rural Populations: Global Perspectives (SHARP). Saskatoon, SK. October, 2014.
- Watson, S.L., Pei, J., Coons, K.D., & Hayes, S.A. (2014). Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder: Challenges Across the Lifespan. Gatlinburg 47th Annual Conference. Chicago, IL. March 2014.
- Coons, K.D., & Watson, S. L. (2014). ※The Knowledge Just Has To Get Out There§: Parents* Reflections on Knowledge and Awareness of FASD in Ontario. Gatlinburg 47th Annual Conference. Chicago, IL. March, 2014.
- Pepper, J. M., Watson, S. L., & Coons, K. D. (2014). Experiences of adoptive parents raising children with developmental disabilities in Ontario, Canada. Poster presented at the Gatlinburg 47th Annual Conference. Chicago, IL. March, 2014.
- Watson, S.L., Richards, D., Fedoroff, J.P., & Miodrag, N. (2013). How to conduct a biopsychosocial assessment for challenging sexual behaviour. NADD 30th Annual Conference. Baltimore, MD. October 2013.
- Watson, S.L. & Richards, D. (2013). ?9th Annual European Congress in Mental Health in Intellectual Disability. Biopsychosocial Approaches to Challenging Sexual Behaviour. Lisbon, Portugal. September 2013.
- ?Coons, K. D., &?Watson, S. L.?(2013).?※The Knowledge Just Has To Get Out There§: Parents* Reflections on Awareness of FASD in Ontario.?The First International Conference on Prevention of FASD. Edmonton, Alberta. September, 2013.
- Watson, S.L. (2013). Families of children with disabilities: A focus on resources and adaptation. Symposium Chair for symposium presented at Gatlinburg 46th Annual Conference. San Antonio, TX. March 2013.
- Watson, S.L. Coons, K.D., & Hayes, S.A. (2013). ※I*m hoping, I*m hoping#§: A comparison of resiliency and hope in families of individuals with fetal alcohol spectrum disorder and autism. Gatlinburg 46th Annual Conference. San Antonio, TX. March 2013.
- Coons, K.D., Clement, A., Radford-Paz, E., & Watson, S.L. (2013). ※It*s like being on a bicycle: You just have to keep pedaling and do the best you can§: Adaptation in families raising children with fetal alcohol spectrum disorder. Gatlinburg 46th Annual Conference. San Antonio, TX. March 2013.
- Watson, S.L., Pei, J., & Cousineau, E. (2012). A Biopsychosocial approach to FASD. Preconference symposium presented at 29th Annual NADD Conference. Denver, CO. October, 2012.
- Watson, S.L., Richards, D., & Griffiths, D. (2011). Genes, Misunderstanding, and Rights: A Biopsychosocial Approach to Sexuality and Disability. NADD 28th Annual Conference. Nashville, TN. November 2011.
- Hayes, S.A., Radford-Paz, E., Watson, S.L., & Madore, A. (2011). Mired in Methodology: Qualitative Research Needed! NADD 28th Annual Conference. Nashville, TN. November 2011.
- Radford-Paz, E., Hayes, S.A., Watson, S.L. (2011). Family, Friends, and Funding: Comparing the Experience of Support in Families of Children with ASD or FASD. Poster presented at NADD 28th Annual Conference. Nashville, TN. November 2011.
- Benoit, M., Beaudoin, M., Lavoie, A., Muray, K., & Watson, S. (2011). La vuln谷rabilit谷 du logement des femmes francophones monoparentales, sans-abri ou sans domicile fixe. Une 谷tude des besoins sur la situation 角 Sudbury. 4e Colloque international des programmes locaux et r谷gionaux de sant谷. Ottawa, ON. June 2011.
- Watson, S.L. (2011). Parenting a Child with a Disability: Mixed Methods and International Perspectives. Symposium Chair for Symposium presented at SRCD Biennial Meeting. Montreal, Quebec, March 2011.
- Watson, S.L., Madore, A., & Hayes, S. (2011). Meanings, demands, and resources: How theory informs qualitative research on families of children with disabilities. SRCD Biennial Meeting. Montreal, Quebec, March 2011.
- Watson, S.L., Radford-Paz, E., & Coons, K. (2011). ※We look after them and we do the best we can§: Families raising children with FASD in Northern Ontario. SRCD Biennial Meeting. Montreal, Quebec, March 2011.
- Hayes, S. & Watson, S.L. (2011). Autism ※changes your heart forever§: Family resilience and challenges of raising a child with autism in Northern Ontario. SRCD Biennial Meeting. Montreal, Quebec, March 2011.
- Watson, S.L., Hayes, S., & Radford-Paz, E. (2011). The Beautiful Challenge: A Comparison of Resiliencies of Families Raising a Child with Autism or Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder. Gatlinburg Annual Research Conference. San Antonio, TX. March 2011.
- Watson, S.L. & Hayes, S. (2010). Does having hope help? Resiliencies and challenges of families raising a child with autism. NADD 27th Annual Conference. Seattle, WA, November 2010.
- Watson, S.L. & Hayes, S. (2010). ※What doesn*t kill you makes you stronger, right?§ Families raising a child with autism in Northern Ontario. Mexico City, MX, August 2010.
- Watson, S.L. & Radford-Paz, E. (2010). ※What will the next day bring?§ Resiliencies and challenges of families raising a child with FASD. Poster presented at AAIDD 134th Annual Meeting. Providence, RI, June 2010.
- Hayes, S. & Watson, S.L. (2010). Autism and the family: How hope can help a family transform. Poster presented at AAIDD 134th Annual Meeting. Providence, RI, June 2010
- Watson, S.L. & Richards, D. (2009).? Family-centred practice throughout the lifespan: From diagnosis to transition planning. NADD 26th Annual Conference. New Orleans, Louisiana, October 2009.
- Watson, S.L., Miodrag, N., & Richards, D. (2009). The sexual obstacles of individuals who have differential diagnoses.? Canadian Psychological Association Convention. Montreal, Quebec, June 2009.
- Watson, S.L. (2008). ※This test, that test§: Family experience of the diagnostic process. NADD 25th Annual Conference. Niagara Falls, Ontario. November 2008.
- Watson, S.L., Miodrag, N., & Richards, D. (2008).? Hypogonadism? Cryptorchidism? The sexual obstacles of individuals who have behavioural phenotypes. Poster presented at NADD 25th Annual International Conference. Niagara Falls, Ontario. November, 2008.
- Miodrag, N., Watson, S.L., & Richards, D. (2007). Double jeopardy: The sexual obstacles for individuals who have behavioral phenotypes.? YAI- National Institute for Persons with Disabilities Network 28th Annual International Conference. New York. May, 2007.
- Watson, S.L. & Drahota, A. (2005). AAMR Young Professionals: Preparing our future academics. Poster presented at Summit 2005: The Alliance for Full Participation. Washington, DC. September, 2005.
- Drahota, A., Watson, S.L., & Havercamp, S. (2005). Future direction for AAMR: Attracting and retaining student members. Summit 2005: The Alliance for Full Participation. Washington, DC. September, 2005.
- Lupart, J.L., Watson, S.L., Odishaw, J., & Gao, L. (2004). Building capacity for diversity in an elementary school. 2004 Hawaii International Conference on Education. Honolulu, Hawaii, January, 2004.
- Vyrostko, B. Griffiths, D., Owen, F., Gosse, L., Stoner, K., Sales, C., & Watson, S. (2002). Human rights for individuals with disabilities: Training and research. NADD 19th Annual Conference and Exhibit Show. Denver, CO. October, 2002.
- Watson, S., Griffiths, D., & Lunsky, Y.? (2002). Sex education for individuals who have a developmental disability: The need for assessment.? AAMR 126th Annual Meeting and Exhibit Show. Orlando, FL. May, 2002.
- Lunsky, Y., Griffiths, D., & Watson, S.? (2002). Psychometric properties of the Socio-Sexual Knowledge and Attitudes Assessment Tool- Revised (SSKAAT-R). AAMR 126th Annual Meeting and Exhibit Show. Orlando, FL. May, 2002.
- Watson, S. & Richards, D.? (2001). The 5 W*s of Sexuality Education for Individuals who have developmental disabilities and mental health needs.? NADD 18th Annual Conference and Exhibit Show. New Orleans, LA.? October, 2001.? ? ? ?
National Presentations
- Coons, K. D., & Watson, S. L. (2016). ※There is a Lack of Clear Evidence§: Health Care Students* Knowledge and Self-Efficacy regarding Alcohol Consumption during Pregnancy and Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder. Canadian Student Health Research Forum. Winnipeg, MB. June, 2016.
- Coons, K. D. & Watson, S. L. (2016). ※If we have the knowledge then that is power to help our expectant moms§: Northern Ontario health care students* self-efficacy addressing alcohol consumption during pregnancy. Women*s College Hospital Women*s Xchange Spring Event. Toronto, ON. May, 2016.
- Ghaderi, G. & Watson, S.L. (2015). Knowledge about the Diagnosis and Treatment of Children with ASD: Perspectives from Medical Practitioners and Teachers. Poster presented at Health and Wellbeing in Developmental Disabilities Conference. Toronto, ON.
- Coons, K.D., Clement, A.L., & Watson, S.L. (2015). What do Ontario Health care professionals know about Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder? A secondary data analysis of the FASD survey for health professionals. Poster presented at 16th Annual Meeting of the Fetal Alcohol Canadian Expertise (FACE) Research Network. Ottawa, ON. September 2015.
- Coons, K. D., Clement, A.L., Pepper, J.M., & Watson, S. L. (2014). ※It Takes a Brave Woman to Admit It§: Biological Mothers Raising Children with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder. Poster presented at 15th Annual Meeting of the Fetal Alcohol Canadian Expertise (FACE) Research Network. Toronto, ON. September 2014.
- Pepper, J., Coons, K.D., & Watson, S.L. (2014). Adoptive parents raising children with FASD in Ontario. Poster presented at 15th Annual Meeting of the Fetal Alcohol Canadian Expertise (FACE) Research Network. Toronto, ON. September 2014.
- Coons, K. D., & Watson, S. L. (2013). ※The Knowledge Just Has To Get Out There§: Parents* Reflections on Awareness of FASD in Ontario. The First International Conference on Prevention of FASD. Edmonton, Alberta. September, 2013.
- Gould, D.D., Valliant, P., & Watson, S. (2011). Burnout and Coping in Correctional Officers: A Comparison of Officers Working in Adult and Young Offender Centres. Poster presented at Canadian Psychological Association Annual Convention. Toronto, ON. June 2011.
- Bingley, J.S., Lysynchuk, L.M., Watson, S.L., & Levin, E. (2011). Predicting Early Literacy Skills in Junior Kindergarten from Parental Variables. Poster presented at Canadian Psychology Association Conference. Toronto, ON. June 2011. ?
- O*Connor, E., Lysynchuk, L., Watson, S., & Levin, E. (2011). The Effect of the Home Environment on Early Literacy Skills. Poster presented at Canadian Psychological Association Annual Convention. Toronto, ON. June 2011.
- Watson, S.L., Miodrag, N., & Richards, D. (2009). Hypogonadism? Cryptorchidism? The Sexual Obstacles of Individuals who have Differential Diagnoses. Canadian Psychological Association Annual Convention. Montreal, PQ. June 2009.
- Watson, S.L. (2005). PDD? Angelman Syndrome? Autism? The family experience of diagnosis when a child has a developmental disability. Poster presented at the Canadian Society for the Study of Education (CSSE) Annual Conference. London, ON. May, 2005.
- Watson, S.L. (2004). Family appraisal when a child has a genetic condition. Poster presented at the Canadian Society for the Study of Education (CSSE) Annual Conference. Winnipeg, MB. May-June, 2004.
- Lupart, J.L., Watson, S.L., Odishaw, J., Maas, P., Johnson, N., Hayes, R., & Forman. B. (2003). Actively building capacity for diversity: A school, university, and government partnership. Poster presented at the CLLRNet 2nd Annual Scientific Conference. Victoria, BC. June, 2003.
Provincial/Local Presentations
- Watson, S.L., Richards, D., & Fedoroff, J.P. (2015). Biopsychosocial Assessment for Challenging Sexual Behaviour. OADD 25th Annual Conference. St. Catharines, ON. April 2015.
- Belanger, J. & Watson, S.L. (2015). Living with a Sibling Diagnosed with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder. Poster presented at the OADD 23nd Annual Conference 每 Research Special Interest Group. St. Catharines, ON. April, 2015.
- Carvalho, M. & Watson, S.L. (2015). Living with a Sibling with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Poster presented at the OADD 23nd Annual Conference 每 Research Special Interest Group. St. Catharines, ON. April, 2015.
- Coons, K.D., Clement, A.L., & Watson, S.L. (2015). Rural and Urban Health Care Professionals* Attitudes and Awareness of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder in Ontario, Canada: A Secondary Data Analysis of the FAS Survey for Health Professionals. Poster presented at the OADD 23nd Annual Conference 每 Research Special Interest Group. St. Catharines, ON. April, 2015.
- Ghaderi, G. & Watson, S.L. (2015). Knowledge 51勛圖app the Diagnosis and Treatment of Children with ASD: Perspectives From Medical Professionals and Teachers. Poster presented at the OADD 23nd Annual Conference 每 Research Special Interest Group. St. Catharines, ON. April, 2015.
- Hughes, T. & Watson, S.L. (2015). A Comparison of Sibling Relationships in Families of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder and Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder. Poster presented at the OADD 23nd Annual Conference 每 Research Special Interest Group. St. Catharines, ON. April, 2015.
- Coons, K. D., Clement, A. L., Caswell, J. M., & Watson, S. L. (2014). Investigating the association between child behaviours and parenting stress in families of children with fetal alcohol spectrum disorder. Poster presented at the OADD 22nd Annual Conference 每 Research Special Interest Group. Kingston, ON. April, 2014.
- Coons, K. D., & Watson, S. L. (2014). ※The Knowledge Just Has To Get Out There§: Parents* Reflections on Awareness of FASD in Ontario. Poster presented at the? OADD 22nd Annual Conference 每 Research Special Interest Group. Kingston, ON. April, 2014.
- Pepper, J. M., Watson, S. L., & Coons, K. D. (2014). Experiences of adoptive parents raising children with developmental disabilities in Ontario, Canada. Poster presented at the OADD 22nd Annual Conference 每 Research Special Interest Group. Kingston, ON. April 2014.
- Scopie, M., Watson, S. L., Hayes, S., Clement, A. L., & Coons, K. D. (2014). Autism supports: Formal vs. informal allocation of resources for families in Northern Ontario. Forthcoming poster presentation at the OADD 22nd Annual Conference 每 Research Special Interest Group. Kingston, ON. April 2014.?
Coons, K. D., & Watson, S. L. (2013). Conducting research with individuals with intellectual?disabilities: Ethical and practical implications for qualitative research. OADD 21st?Annual Conference 每 Research Special Interest Group. Niagara Falls, ON.? April, 2013.
Clement, A., Coons, K. D., & Watson, S. L. (2013). Grandparents raising grandchildren with fetal alcohol spectrum disorder: Unique challenges and a ※second chance§. Poster presented at the OADD 21st Annual Conference 每 Research Special Interest Group. Niagara Falls, ON. April, 2013.
- Watson, S.L. & Coons, K.D. (2012). ※I worry about what will happen to him when I am gone§: Thoughts about the future from parents of children with Autism and FASD. OADD 20th Annual Conference- Research Special Interest Group. Kingston, ON. April, 2012.
- Watson, S. (2012). La pens谷e critique dans les grand cours du premier cycle. 19e journ谷e des sciences et savoirs ACFAS-Sudbury. Sudbury, ON. April, 2012.
- Watson, S. (2012). La Belle D谷fi: Les r谷siliences et d谷fies des familles au nord de L*Ontario. Colloque de la Soci谷t谷 Qu谷b谷coise sur la D谷ficience Intellectuelle. March 2012 (Invited Address).
- Watson, S.L. & Coons, K.D (2012). The beautiful challenges: Resilient families raising children with autism or FASD. ※Disability, Definitions, Representation, Classification§ International Workshop. Sudbury, ON. February 2012.
- Griffiths, D., Watson, S.L., & Owen, R. (2011). Human Rights: Where do we go from here? Community Living Ontario 58th Annual Conference. Niagara Falls, ON. June 2011.
- Coons, K. & Watson, S.L. (2011). Raising a Child with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder or Autism Spectrum Disorder in Northern Ontario. OADD 19th Annual Conference- Research Special Interest Group. St. Catharines, ON. April, 2011
- Watson, S.L. (2010). Specific Disabilities and their Impact on Sexual Expression. Community Network of Specialized Care. November 2010.
- Watson, S.L. & Radford-Paz, E. (2010). ※It*s like being on a roller coaster§: Resiliencies and challenges of families of children with FASD in Northern Ontario. Northern Health Research Conference. June, 2010.
- Watson, S.L. & Radford-Paz, E. (2010). Resiliencies and challenges of families raising a child with FASD in Northern Ontario. OADD 18th Annual Conference- Research Special Interest Group. Toronto, ON.? April, 2010.
- Gray, M. & Watson, W.L. (2010). Attitudes of university students and professionals towards the sexuality of individuals with and without disabilities. Poster presented at OADD 18th Annual Conference- Research Special Interest Group. Toronto, ON.? April, 2010.
- Watson, S.L. (2005). The family experience of diagnosis when a child has a developmental disability. Poster presented at the University of Alberta Education Graduate Student Poster Fair. Edmonton, AB. March, 2005.
- Watson, S. (2002). Sexual rights for individuals who have a developmental disability.? WDACL 7th Annual Conference.? Welland, ON. May, 2002.
- Watson, S., Richards, D., & Bleich, R. (2002). Sexual assault and the legal system. WDACL 7th Annual Conference.? Welland, ON. May, 2002.
- Watson, S., Griffiths, D., Richards, D., & Dykstra, L. (2002). Sex education for individuals with a disability. WDACL 7th Annual Conference. Welland, ON. May, 2002.
- Watson, S., Griffiths, D., & Lunsky, Y.? (2002). Sex education for individuals who have developmental disabilities: The need for assessment. OADD 13th Annual Conference- Research Special Interest Group. Toronto, ON.? April, 2002
- Vyrostko, B., Stoner, K., Gosse, L., Griffiths, D., Owen, F., Watson, S., & Tweedy, K.? (2002). Human rights for individuals with disabilities. OADD 13th Annual Conference. Toronto, ON. April, 2002.
- Watson, S., Griffiths, D., & Lunsky, Y. (2002). Sex education for individuals who have developmental disabilities: The need for assessment. Poster presented at the OADD 13th Annual Conference Research Special Interest Group. Toronto, ON.? April, 2002
- Stoner, K. Gosse, L., Griffiths, D., Owen, F., Vyrostko, B., Watson, S., & Tweedy, K. (2002). 3 Rs 每 Rights, respect and responsibility: A human rights training program for individuals with developmental and intellectual disabilities as well as their support staff. Poster presented at the OADD 13th Annual Conference Research Special Interest Group. Toronto, ON.? April, 2002
- Gosse, L., Stoner, K., Griffiths, D., Owen, F., Vyrostko, B., Watson, S., & Tweedy, K. (2002). Human rights for individuals with disabilities. Poster presented at the OADD 13th Annual Conference Research Special Interest Group. Toronto, ON.? April, 2002.