Todd Webb
Todd Webb is an associate professor in?the Department of History at 51勛圖app.
- Ph.D. in History, York University, 2006
- M.A. in History, York University, 1998
- B.A. Honours in History and Political Science, University of Toronto, 1997
Academic Appointments
Associate Professor, Department of History
ARTICLES: I am currently writing three articles dealing with the last major schism in British Wesleyan Methodism in 1849-54. ?The first makes the argument that the division in the British connexion was part of a global crisis in Wesleyan Methodism that affected the churches in Australia, Canada, and New Zealand; the second?concentrates on an attempted murder that took place in the industrial village of Yeadon, just south of Leeds in Yorkshire, and its legal, religious, and social contexts; and the third discusses?a ministerial sex scandal and its connections with the politics of the New Poor Law (1834).?
BOOK: These articles are laying the groundwork for a large-scale?study?of a major?crisis in British and transoceanic Wesleyanism, as well as other Anglo-American Protestant churches, during the mid-nineteenth century.?
- 2014: Transatlantic Methodists?shortlisted for the Sir John A. Macdonald Prize, Canadian Historical?Association
- 2012: Publication Grant, Aid to Scholarly Publications Programme (SSHRC)
- 2012: Publication Grant, 51勛圖app Research Fund, 51勛圖app
- 2006: nominated for the John Bullen Prize, Canadian Historical Association
I. ?Current Year (2020-21)
On sabbatical
II. ?Previous Years (2006-2020)
HIST 1206 - Western Civilization: Renaissance to the French Revolution (2007, 2008, 2011, 2018, 2019)
HIST 2026 - Historical Methods (2016)
HIST 2206 - Europe in the Early-Industrial Era (2011)
HIST 2336 - History of the United States to the Civil War (2017, 2019)
HIST 2406 - Early Modern British History (2009, 2011)
HIST 2426 - Modern Britain: 1700 to 1850 (2010, 2012, 2016, 2018)
HIST 2427 - Modern Britain: 1850 to the Present (2010, 2012)
HIST 2507 - France, from the French Revolution to the Present (2013, 2018)
HIST 2566 - Twentieth-Century Europe to World War Two (2018)
HIST 3126 - A History of French Canada (2007, 2009)
HIST 3036 - The City in History (2006, 2008, 2013)
HIST 3226 - Tycoons: The Making of North American Capitalism (2013, 2014)
HIST 3266 - The Canadian West (2007)
HIST 3396 - Special Topics in Nineteenth-Century U.S. History (2015)
HIST 3416 - Protest and Political Change (2014)
HIST 3436 - History of Religion in North America (2015, 2017)
HIST 3456 - The Irish Question: 1798-1998?(2016, 2017)
HIST 3576 - The Americas in the Colonial Era (2008, 2010)
HIST 3806 - History of Revolutions (2008, 2009, 2012, 2015)
HIST 4016 - Directed Readings I: British North America in the Age of Revolution (2006)
HIST 4016 - Directed Readings I: The Mutiny on the?Bounty?(2013)
HIST 4017 - Directed Readings II: Rebellion and Reform in the Canadas (2007)
HIST 4245 - Canadian Intellectual Traditions (2007, 2009)
HIST 4305 - Revolution and Reform in British North America (2007-8)
HIST 4325 - Colonial America and the Pacific (2008-9)
HIST 4467 - Stuart Britain (2012)
HIST 4496 - Modern Britain I: The Rise and Fall of Liberal England (2009, 2011)
HIST 4497 - Modern Britain II: Britain and the First World War (2010, 2012)
HIST 4606 - The French Revolution: Origins to Thermidor (2010, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016)
HIST 4607 - The French Revolution: Thermidor to Napoleon (2011, 2015, 2016, 2017)
HIST 5557 - Select Themes in European History: French Revolution (2021)
III. ?M.A. Supervision
I have supervised M.A. research papers on the historical memory of?settlement in nineteenth-century central Canada;?eighteenth-century Irish history;?the political history of the early American republic;?gender and politics in Britain during the 1790s;?and the environmental history of twentieth-century Canada.
I. ?Books
Transatlantic Methodists: British Wesleyanism and the Formation of an Evangelical Culture in Nineteenth-Century Ontario and Quebec. ?Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen's University Press, 2013.
II. ?Chapters in Books
"Bible: History and Politics, 1820-1920." In A Cultural History of the Bible in the Age of Empire. Scott McLaren, ed. London: Bloomsbury Publishing Ltd, forthcoming 2021.
"Introduction." In Persuasion, vii-xxiv. Jane Austen. Montreal: Universitas Press, 2020.
"Emigration, Transatlantic Communication, and Methodist Identity in Nineteenth-Century Ontario and Quebec." ?In Religion, Space, and the Atlantic World, 229-45.? John Corrigan, ed. ?Columbia: University of South Carolina Press,?2017.
"'Only Pemmican Eaters': The International Press and M谷tis Identity, 1869-85." ?In Aboriginal History: A Reader, 151-63. ?Kristin Burnett and Geoff Read, eds. ?Don Mills: Oxford University Press, 2012. ?With Geoff Read. ?(Reprinted in a second edition (2016), 164-178.)
"How the Canadian Methodists Became British: Unity, Schism and Transatlantic Identity, 1827-1854." ?In?Transatlantic Subjects: Ideas, Institutions, and Social Experience in Post-Revolutionary British North America, 159-98. ?Nancy Christie, ed. ?Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen's University Press, 2008.
III. ?Articles in Peer-Reviewed Journals
"Revolution and Counterrevolution among the Methodists in Early Nineteenth Century British North America." Age of Revolutions. URL:
"'The Catholic Mahdi of the North West': Louis Riel and the M谷tis Resistance in Transatlantic and Imperial Context." ?Canadian Historical Review?93, no. 2 (June 2012): 171-95. ?With Geoff Read.
"Making Neo-Britons: The Transatlantic Relationship between Wesleyan Methodists in Britain and the Canadas, 1815-1828." ?British Journal of Canadian Studies?18, no. 1 (2005): 1-25.
IV. ?Articles in Peer-Reviewed Conference Proceedings
"Mabel Loomis Todd and the Will of God: Three Crises of Faith in Late-Nineteenth Century America." Historical Papers 2018, Canadian Society of Church History, 99-114.
"'His teachings are in want of faith': British Wesleyan Responses to Egerton Ryeron."? Historical Papers 2017, Canadian Society of Church History, 127-40.
?"'Calm determination & cool brains': Mary Chesnut's God in the 1860s." ?Historical Papers 2012, Canadian Society of Church History, 5-19.
"The Madness of his Method: Methodism, Discipline and the British World." ?Historical Papers 2010, Canadian Society of Church History, 21-32.
"Faiths of '37: Methodism and Anti-Catholicism in Rebellion-Era Canada." ?Historical Papers 2009, Canadian Society of Church History, 101-118.
"The Destruction of Robert Alder: An Example of Transatlantic Culture and Anarchy among the Methodists." ?Historical Papers 2007, Canadian Society of Church History?, 43-59.
V. ?Encyclopedia Articles
"Bamford, Samuel." ?In Encyclopedia of the Industrial Revolution in World History, 1:60-61. ?Kenneth Hendrickson, ed. ?Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield, 2014.
"Cottonopolis." ?In?Encyclopedia of the Industrial Revolution in World History, 1:222-223. ?Kenneth Hendrickson, ed. ?Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield, 2014.
"Malthus, Thomas Robert." ?In?Encyclopedia of the Industrial Revolution in World History, 2: 582-584. ?Kenneth Hendrickson, ed. ?Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield, 2014.
"Christian Missions in New Zealand and Australia." ?In World History Encyclopedia, 7:937-938. ?Dane A. Morrison, et al., eds. ?Santa Barbara: ABD-CLIO, 2011.
"Congregationalism in Colonial New England." ?In World History Encyclopedia, 6:906-908. ?Dane A. Morrison, et al., eds. ?Santa Barbara: ABD-CLIO, 2011.
"Self-Government in Pre-Dominion Canada - The Durham Report." ?In World History Encyclopedia, 7:491-493. ?Dane A. Morrison, et al., eds. ?Santa Barbara: ABD-CLIO, 2011.
"Burr, Aaron (1756-1836)." ?In Encyclopedia of U.S. Political History, 2:69-71. ?Michael A. Morrison, ed. ?Washington: CQ Press, 2010.
"The Whiskey Rebellion." ?In Encyclopedia of U.S. Political History, 2:392-396. ?Michael A. Morrison, ed. ?Washington: CQ Press, 2010.
Revisions to the article on "Methodism," Canadian Encyclopedia. ?URL:
"Combination Laws and revolutionary trade unionism." ?In The International Encyclopedia of World Protest and Revolution: 1500 to the Present, 818-820. ?Immanuel Ness, ed. ?Oxford: Blackwell Publishing Ltd., 2009.
"Smith, Adam (1723-1790). ?In?The International Encyclopedia of World Protest and Revolution: 1500 to the Present, 3053-3055. ?Immanuel Ness, ed. ?Oxford: Blackwell Publishing Ltd., 2009.
VI. ?Book Reviews
Review of Nancy Christie, The Formal and Informal Politics of British Rule in Post-Conquest Quebec, 1760-1837: A Northern Bastille. In British Journal of Canadian Studies (forthcoming Autumn 2020).
Review of Scott McLaren, Pulpit, Press, and Politics: Methodists and the Market for Books in Upper Canada. Borealia (forthcoming September 2020).
Review of Donald Harman Akenson, Exporting the Rapture: John Nelson Darby and the Victorian Conquest of North-American Evangelicalism. In Canadian Historical Review 100, no. 4 (December 2019): 679-81.
Review of Denis McKim, Boundless Dominion: Providence, Politics, and the Early Canadian Presbyterian Worldview. Borealia.
Review of John Coffey, ed. Heart Religion: Evangelical Piety in England and Ireland, 1690-1850.? In Church History 87, no. 1 (March 2018): 250-252.
Review of Brian Young, Patrician Families and the Making of Quebec: The Taschereaus and McCords. ?In British Journal of Canadian Studies 29, no. 1 (Fall 2016), 275-276.
Review of Michel Ducharme, The Idea of Liberty in Canada during the Age of Atlantic Revolutions, 1776-1838. ?In British Journal of Canadian Studies?29, no. 1 (January 2016), 105-106.
"The Other Mrs. Adams: Louisa Adams Review Essay." ?Reviews in History. ?URL:
Review of Catharine Randall, Black Robes and Buckskin: A Selection from the Jesuit Relations. ?In Renaissance and Reformation / Renaissance et R谷forme 35, no. 1 (Winter 2012): 219-221.
Review of Ian Hesketh, Of Apes and Ancestors: Evolution, Christianity, and the Oxford Debate. ?In Canadian Journal of History 45 (Winter 2010): 619-620.
Review of Robynne Rogers Healey, From Quaker and Upper Canadian: Faith and Community among Yonge Street Friends, 1801-1850. ?In University of Toronto Quarterly 78, no. 1 (Winter 2009): 281-283.
Review of J.R. Kerr-Ritchie, Rites of August First: Emancipation Day in the Black Atlantic World. ?In Canadian Journal of History 43, no. 2 (Autumn 2008): 376-377.
Review of J.H. Elliott, Empires of the Atlantic World: Britain and Spain in America, 1492-1830. ?H-Canada, H-News Reviews (October 2007).
Review of J.G.A. Pocock, The Discovery of Islands: Essays in British History. ?In Canadian Journal of History 41, no. 3 (Winter 2006): 623-625.
Review of David Rogers and John McLeod, eds., The revision of Englishness. ?In Left History 11, no. 1 (Spring 2006): 144-146.
Review of David Hempton, Methodism: Empire of the Spirit. ?In Histoire social / Social History 39, no. 78 (2006): 524-525.
Review of James Holston, Ehud's Dagger: Class Struggle in the English Revolution. ?In Left History 9, no. 2 (Spring/Summer 2004): 229-232.