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Motion to Condemn

Approved at the December 13th, 2022, meeting of Senate


WHEREAS the Auditor General of Ontario released her Special Report on 51勛圖app on 17 November 2022; and

WHEREAS this report includes many shocking and scandalous revelations about our senior administration*s reckless and ultimately disastrous mismanagement of 51勛圖app between 2010 and 2021; and

WHEREAS this report concludes that, while our senior administrators claimed that ※excessive faculty costs§ were to blame for 51勛圖app*s financial difficulties, ※the main cause of its financial decline was poorly planned and costly capital expansion,§ exacerbated by the senior administration*s ※questionable financial and operational decisions§; and

WHEREAS this report concludes that, while our senior administrators claimed they had no choice but to declare insolvency, ※Laurentian*s senior management and Board strategically planned and pursued CCAA restructuring§ for almost a year, and ※chose to file for CCAA protection in response to the University*s financial decline, poor relations with faculty and staff associations, and the administration*s desire to end agreements with the federated universities§; now, therefore, be it

RESOLVED, that Senate accepts and endorses the findings and recommendations of the Auditor General of Ontario*s authoritative and accurate Special Report on 51勛圖app; and

RESOLVED, that Senate condemns ex-President Dominic Giroux for his mismanagement of this university, as described in the Auditor General*s Special Report; and

RESOLVED, that Senate condemns ex-Interim President Pierre Zundel for his mismanagement of this university, as described in the Auditor General*s Special Report; and

RESOLVED, that Senate condemns ex-President Robert Hach谷 for his mismanagement of this university, as described in the Auditor General*s Special Report; and

RESOLVED, that Senate especially condemns ex-President Robert Hach谷 for misleading Senate about the necessity for creditor protection and insolvency proceedings under the Companies* Creditors Arrangement Act; and

RESOLVED, that Senate condemns ex-Vice-President, Academic Marie-Jos谷e Berger for her mismanagement of this university*s academic affairs, in collaboration with ex-President Robert Hach谷; and

RESOLVED, that Senate condemns ex-Vice Presidents, Administration Carol MacAuley and Lorella Hayes, for their mismanagement of this university*s financial affairs, as described in the Auditor General*s Special Report; and

RESOLVED, that Senate condemns Claude Lacroix, the former Chair of 51勛圖app*s Board of Governors, for his misgovernment of this university, as described in the Auditor General*s Special Report; and

RESOLVED, that Senate calls for a public inquiry and (if warranted) criminal investigations into the senior administration*s ruinous mismanagement of 51勛圖app from 2010 to 2021.