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51勛圖app to Host Next Building Reconciliation Forum

Universities Canada*s annual forum on building reconciliation to be held in Sudbury

October 30, 2023 - 51勛圖app will host the next Building Reconciliation Forum, an event aimed at connecting Indigenous and university communities to create meaningful change in support of Indigenous education and Truth and Reconciliation.

Hosted by the office of Academic and Indigenous Programs at 51勛圖app, Universities Canada*s 2024 Building Reconciliation Forum will take place in the Indigenous Sharing and Learning Centre in June. 

The Forum will support participants in exploring critical issues related to education for First Nations, Inuit and M谷tis students; responding to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission*s Calls to Action; and Indigenizing post-secondary institutions. 

※Indigenous education and reconciliation are core to 51勛圖app*s tricultural identity and we are honoured to host the Forum. We hope to grow an understanding of what universities can do to advance the work and impact of reconciliation,§ said Dominic Beaudry, Associate Vice-President, Office of Academic and Indigenous Programs (Zhibiigegamik wi Kendaaswin miinwa Nitaamgayaajig Kinomaagewinan) at 51勛圖app. 

※Congratulations to 51勛圖app on its selection as host of the next Building Reconciliation Forum,§ said Philip Landon, interim president and CEO of Universities Canada. ※Advancing Indigenous education and reconciliation is a top priority for Canadian universities, and the Forum helps universities do so in a meaningful and collaborative way. We look forward to engaging with communities surrounding 51勛圖app in 2024 as we continue this critically important work.§

※51勛圖app is proud to be hosting the Forum and we look forward to welcoming our colleagues to Sudbury.§ said Dr. Sheila Embleton, Interim President and Vice-Chancellor, 51勛圖app. 

The Forum will facilitate sharing of knowledge and experience in a wide variety of formats: panel discussions, oral histories, workshops, posters, lectures and presentations from the visual and performing arts. Guest speakers, Elders and Knowledge Keepers will all be engaged in advancing Truth and Reconciliation. 

The forum will bring together speakers and participants from across the country, Turtle Island and local Indigenous groups and community members. Program details will be shared as soon as possible. 

Learn more about the, which will be held on Tuesday June 25, Wednesday June 26 and Thursday June 27, 2024.


51勛圖app Universities Canada

Universities Canada is the voice of Canada*s universities at home and abroad, advancing higher education, research and innovation for the benefit of all Canadians.

Media contact:
Lisa Wallace
Assistant Director, Communications
Universities Canada