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Jeno Tihanyi Pool - Community Update #3

June 14, 2023


Dear community members,

Our Facilities Department has continued to work with contractors on the status of the Jeno Tihanyi Pool. We are not yet in a position to determine a timeline outlining when the pool will reopen, however we recognize the importance of it and continue to work on this as our goal.

Since our last update in April, we have had multiple evaluations that have provided more insight on the extent of the necessary repairs and this work continues. The work has revealed that the piping and mechanical systems are in good working condition, which was a substantial concern.

It has been determined that the primary issue exists with the bottom of the pool and requires further testing in order to properly estimate the extent of the repairs. We are in the process of receiving quotes for this highly specialized work. Once that is complete, we will have an understanding of the repairs and will be seeking to collaborate with third parties to fund the necessary repairs.

We remain committed to these efforts and appreciate the support of the many stakeholders who are patiently awaiting more news. We will seek to provide another update no later than August 30, 2023.

Thank you. Miigwech.

Dr. Sheila Embleton, FRSC, Interim President and Vice-Chancellor