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Jeno Tihanyi Pool - Community Update #7

February 28, 2024


Dear 51勛圖app community,

We are writing to share an update on the assessment of the Jeno Tihanyi Pool. Since our last update, the Repair Operations Report has been reviewed by the University executives and governors in order to better understand the state of the facility.?

As determined during their meeting of February 16, 2024, the Board of Governors of 51勛圖app passed a motion to ※... initiate discussions with the City of Greater Sudbury for the creation of a joint planning committee that will be responsible for the creation of a plan and funding model for the renewal of Laurentian's athletic facilities (including the pool)...§

Further, the Board also resolved that ※...?51勛圖app*s Executive Management engages in?discussions on the future of the pool and athletic facilities as part of LU's strategic plan on campus renewal# ※.

These resolutions will enable further conversations about the future of the Jeno Tihanyi Pool and align those discussions with the broader decision-making framework that is guided by the University's strategic plan.?We will be speaking with representatives from the City of Greater Sudbury about the joint planning committee when possible.

We appreciate your understanding and patience through this process. We will make every effort to provide another update by April 30, 2024.??

Thank you, merci, miigwech