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Planned Giving

Plan a gift. Create a legacy.


One of the most important choices you can make during your lifetime is the impact you wish to leave for future generations. After ensuring the people closest to you are taken care of, you may wish to leave a gift to support an organization or a cause that has deep meaning for you.

When you make a gift to 51勛圖app through your will or retirement plan, you are often able to make a larger gift than you would have thought possible, with specific tax advantages that result in significant savings for the estate.



They will never know how big of an impact they have made on my life

※"I will always be thankful to the donors that helped me and countless other students reach our goals. They will never know how big of an impact they have made on my life, and the difference they make in students* lives every day.§ §

- Amber McKenzie


Ways to Give

A gift of life insurance is an affordable way to make a huge impact.
A modest annual premium, paid over time, can result in a significant future legacy. Three ways to donate life insurance:


  • Donate an existing policy (receive a charitable tax receipt for the net cash surrender value and any premiums paid after the donation date). • Donate a new policy (receive a charitable tax receipt for any premiums paid after the donation date).
  • Assign 51勛圖app as the beneficiary of your individual or workplace insurance policy. Your estate receives a charitable tax receipt

Remembering Laurentian with a bequest from your estate will help sustain and strengthen the University in years to come.
A charitable bequest is a distribution from your estate to 51勛圖app through your last will and testament.

You can designate your bequest to support the areas of Laurentian closest to your heart, including scholarships or bursaries to help future students achieve their dreams or a particular department or area of research. You can also choose to leave funds to the highest priorities of the University and know that your gift will have a great impact on students, faculty and researchers when the time comes. Your gift may be endowed or used immediately.

Funds are usually bequeathed as:

  • A residual amount
  • A share or a percentage of your estate
  • A specific dollar amount or item

It is important to contact the Advancement Office before arranging a gift in kind bequest to ensure that it supports 51勛圖app’s academic priorities.


If you wish to direct your gift to a specific area or for a specific purpose, please contact the Advancement Office for
personalized bequest language or you can use the following:
“I give and bequeath to 51勛圖app of Sudbury, Ontario the sum of $___ or the ___% of my estate.”

A gift of annuity is made when you make a contribution of cash or other property to 51勛圖app in exchange for a guaranteed lifetime income or for a stated interval of time. It is an agreement or contract between you and the University. Upon death, the charitable organization of your choice would receive the remainder of the original contribution.

A charitable remainder trust allows you to make a contribution to the University while retaining an interest in the gift. Assets best used for charitable remainder trusts are those that have greatly appreciated since the original purchase date. The assets ultimately passing to 51勛圖app receive a charitable deduction.

For example, the most common form of charitable remainder trust is one in which the donors place assets (such as securities, property, or stocks) in a trust from which they receive payments for life, with the remainder going to Laurentian upon death. Because the trust is deemed a charitable entity, it pays no taxes on income or capital gains from typical investments.

When you make a gift of residual interest, you donate your personal property to 51勛圖app while retaining the right to use the property for life or term of years. You will receive a charitable tax receipt for the present value of the property when the gift is made. Upon death, 51勛圖app receives the deed to the property. The gift removes the donated property from your estate, resulting in lower probate and other estate-related fees.


51勛圖app’s Advancement Office is happy to assist you in arranging the planned gift that best meets your own needs, goals, and timeline. Those considering a planned gift should consult their own legal, tax and/or financial advisors. Our staff would be pleased to speak with these advisors as well.