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Freedom of Information (FOI) Request

This webpage is currently under construction with translation pending.

Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FIPPA)

The University is committed to the protection of the personal information of individuals who are employed, study or volunteer at the University.  Personal information shall be collected and recorded as is necessary or desirable for the proper administration of the University.

The University shall use personal information for the purpose for which it was obtained or compiled, or for a consistent purpose, where the individual has identified that information and consented to its disclosure and shall not disclose personal information except in accordance with the provisions of Freedom of Information and the Protection of Privacy Act (FIPPA).

With some limited exceptions, individuals have a right to access and to request correction of their own personal information. As it relates strictly to FIPPA, personal information that has been used by the University shall be retained for at least one year after use unless the individual to whom the information relates consents to its earlier disposal.

All administrators, faculty, staff, supervisors, contractors and volunteers of the University who have access to general and personal information have a responsibility to ensure that they are in compliance with FIPPA and are required to protect the privacy of individuals and to exercise the utmost caution when handling personal information.  Department/Units/Faculties/Schools shall not release personal information to external or third party inquiries without the authorization of the individual to whom the information pertains, except where information is a matter of public record.  

Formal requests for access to information can be made under the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FIPPA) by completing the FIPPA Request Form attached along with the $5.00 fee to the University's Interim Secretary and General Counsel, who's mailing address is noted below.

A formal application for access must be made in writing, accompanied by a $5.00 application fee (payable in cash or by cheque made out to 51勛圖app of Sudbury) and describe the records that you would like to have access to and their location in sufficient detail to enable the University to identify the requested records. Requesters should also indicate whether they are requesting a copy of a record or are requesting an opportunity to examine a record.  If an individual is seeking access to his/her own personal information, the request must also identify the location of the personal information being requested. All written requests must also include the following contact information: name, address, and day-time telephone number. 

If the Requestor is requesting their own personal information, the request must include the correct name and identifying numbers (such as student or employee number). Acceptable proof of identity will be required before personal records are released.  

If the Requester wishes the University to use email as the main form of communication, the Requester must provide their email address along with a clear written direction to the University indicating that all communication should be by email unless directed otherwise. 

Mailing Address

Requests in writing, preferably by completing the attached application are directed to:    

  • Celeste Boyer
  • General Counsel
  • University Information and Privacy Coordinator
  • Office of General Counsel
  • 11th Floor, 935 Ramsey Lake Road
  • Sudbury, Ontario, P3E 2C6

REMINDER: FIPPA regulations require that a FIPPA request will not be deemed complete or processed until a completed application with an original signature or a written request with an original signature accompanied by the $5.00 application fee are delivered to the Office of the University Secretary and General Counsel. Email or fax requests are not acceptable under FIPPA.

This webpage is currently under construction with translation pending.