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Have you ever thought about getting your degree, but were unclear as to the options available to you? Are you nervous about the support available to you while you study? Maybe it’s just not knowing what programs are available for you or if prior learning will be recognized. This monthly session is designed to make you aware of all the options available to you at 51勛圖app.
Online learning is about accessibility, flexibility, support and a wide array of options.
We will cover how to navigate D2L, what supports are available for students, how to register for classes, and much more.
If you have any questions prior to our event please email info@laurentian.ca or call Liaison Services at 1-800-461-4030.
March Information Session: Post-Sec 105 | Laurentian Online
Connect With Us!
Want to learn more about 51勛圖app or do you already have an interest in one of our programs? Contact a representative to book a personal meeting.
Applying for admission to Online programs
Find your application pathway here, by first establishing your applicant profile:
High school: Out of province grade 12 student or high school graduate who did not pursue post-secondary education after grade 12
College/university transfer: Have previously attended post-secondary institutions
Mature student:
- Are 19 years of age or older by the end of the academic year to which you will apply;
- Have not attended a secondary or postsecondary institution for at least one calendar year prior to the beginning of your university studies;
- Are not eligible for admission on any other basis.
International student: Not currently a Canadian citizen or permanent resident.
Explore our many Online program options
Applying to one of our online programs
Applicants to all postsecondary programs in Ontario must apply through the.
You will need to identify your applicant profile type on their 105 Form. If you require assistance in determining your profile type, please connect with us at info@laurentian.ca.