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Navigate Laurentian Sessions

What is a Navigate Laurentian Session?

A Navigate Laurentian Session is an opportunity to orient yourself with all things Laurentian. We have introductions to the platforms and processes such as the my.laurentian portal, Self-Service, D2L, your Laurentian email, etc.  These sessions will help you familiarize your Laurentian experience. 

We will feature different services and people who represent various services, departments and aspects of the Laurentian Community. We reserve time in the session for discussion, questions and answers to broad concerns and then help direct you to specific questions in follow up. Join us to build your confidence on campus!

Apple on book

Last day to register for Fall and Fall-Winter courses is Friday, September 13th 2024


Virtual Service Fair is on Wednesday, August 28th 2024 from 9AM to 11AM

Learn More
Computer with Scholar Cap

Fall courses start Wednesday, September 4th 2024.

Registration Guide

To view an alternate format of the Registration Guide or if you are on your cellular device, .



Go to Click on “Self-Service” in the left hand side menu and then use your Laurentian credentials to log-in. (example all lower case user name = mgareau3)

View to Self-Service in portal










Once you have logged-in, click on “Student Planning”

Student Planning view in Self-Service



















Start by reviewing your “View my progress” page to determine your degree requirements and progress in your degree.

View Progress section in Self-Service











Program requirements are divided into outcomes.

Each outcome must be successfully completed in order to graduate. It is important to read the description of each outcome to know what is required of you.

Search for courses from the “View my progress” page by either clicking on specific courses listed under each outcome or clicking the “Search” button that appears in every outcome.

Clicking the “Search” button from each outcome ensures that only the courses that will count towards that outcome will be pulled up from the catalogue.

View of how to search in Self-Service Progress





Once you have clicked on a course or the “Search” button from the desired outcome in the “View My Progress” section, you should filter your catalogue results.

Filtering allows you to narrow your results and makes searching for courses simpler and quicker. We suggest using the following filters :

  • Open sections only (always check off this option as it will only show courses that are available for that session)
  • term (not required but useful)
  • language
  • course delivery method, etc,.


How to search courses in Self-Service




All the courses that appear will fulfill the desired outcome.

Click on the “Register yourself for ____” link on the course of interest to expand the course and see the available sections.

Some courses may have several sections (hybrid, remote delivery, online, different available time slots)

Register yourself for course view




















Each section has its own “Add section to schedule” button.

Click “Add section to schedule” to plan that section.

Click “Add Section” on the pop-up window to plan the course.

Adding a section in Self-Service




*Do not click on the white “Add course to plan” button next to the course title since this doesn’t properly plan the course and doesn’t guarantee that the course is offered

**A planned course is NOT a registered course.



Once you have planned one or multiple courses from different degree outcomes, click on the “Student Planning” link and select the “Plan and Schedule” page.

Plan and Schedule under Self-Service






















Plan and Schedule

Once you are on the “Plan and Schedule” page, please use the arrows on the left hand side to select the term for which you want to register.

pick the term in Self-Service






















On the left hand side, your planned courses will be listed. You may view other sections and plan other sections as per course availability and your preference.

view other sections in Self-Service























The calendar is going to be displayed on the right hand side of the page.

(Please note that online courses will not have a scheduled time slot and will be listed at the bottom of the calendar)

To finalize your registration, you may click on the blue register button for a specific course, or the blue ‘Register Now’ button for the whole term. Repeat this process for every term for which you have planned a course.

(If this is your first course registration, you may need to answer a few questions and provide your SIN to finalize your course registration)

clicking register in self-service























Once you’ve clicked on “Student Planning”, you can access the Catalogue from the left hand side menu or the top drop-down menu.

Catalogue in Self-Service















Course catalogue

You may also search the course catalogue using the course code or subject by using the search bar at the top right of the page (available in the “Student Planning” section)

search in catalogue in self-service













View My Progress

It is always recommended that you plan courses from the “View My Progress page” in order to ensure that you are aligning your course registration with your degree requirements.

*Accessing the catalogue directly will be necessary if you need to register for a lab since these do not appear in the outcomes on the ‘View my progress’ page.

Labs have the same course code with an additional ‘L’ at the end indicating that it is a lab (ex. BIOL 1507ELL Biology II-Lab). They always appear right after the course when searching.

Student Success Centre

J.N Desmarais Library, 2nd Floor Mon-Fri 9:00am to 4:00pm