- English
- 潠极笢恅
- 捩棗娶喧喝眶喝那莽
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- Ti?ng Vi?t
- ???????
51勛圖app is committed to maintaining high performance standards based on fair, ethical, legal, environmental and professional business practices. As such, 51勛圖app abides by all government directives.
On April 1, 2011, the Management Board of Cabinet issued the Ontario Broader Public Sector (BPS) Expense Directive. This Directive requires designated BPS organizations to establish policies regarding expenses reimbursed from public funds.
On February 24, 2012, the approved the 51勛圖app Policy on Expense Reimbursement; this policy was circulated to all staff and faculty on March 29, 2012.
The Administrative Procedures for Travel and Other Reimbursable Expenses provide further administrative directives that align with the Policy on Expense Reimbursement as approved by the Board of Governors.
These Administrative Procedures are intended to govern the reimbursement of expenses from all funds administered by the University, subject to the availability of such funds for reasonable expenses incurred while on approved University business, including expenses of a business nature incurred with respect to guests.
These Administrative Procedures apply to any person in the organization making an expense claim, including the following:
- faculty
- staff
- appointees
- board members
- consultants and contractors engaged by the organization who provide consulting or other services