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University Policies
University-level policies are those policies approved by the Senate, Board of Governors President and Vice-Chancellor, or the Executive Team with broad application to Laurentian community members and visitors. Departmental/Faculty policies are not listed here and can be found with the responsible department.
This website is a convenient reference for community members. If you require any assistance finding or interpreting a policy, please contact universitysecretary@laurentian.ca.
* : denotes a Policy that is under review
Polices by Approval Authority
- Accessibility Standards for Customer Service, Policy on
- Attendance Policy for Board Members and Board Committee Appointees
- Capital Debt Policy
- Carry Forward Policy
- Code of Student Rights and Responsibilities (formerly Code of Student Conduct) - JOINT WITH SENATE
- Conflicts of Interest for Board Members and Board Committee Appointees, Policy on
- Commercialization Policy
- Endowment Policy
- Gift Acceptance Policy
- Indemnification Policy
- Institutional Neutrality, Policy on
- Naming, Policy on
- Perquisites, Policy on
- Procurement, Policy on
- Respectful Workplace and Learning Environment, Policy on a
- Respectful Workplace and Learning Environment, Program on a (President-approved)
- Response and Prevention of Sexual Violence
- Risk Management, Policy on
- Short-Term Cash Investment Policy
- Signing Authorizations, Policy on
- Statement of Investment Policy and Procedures for Endowment and other Long Term Investments
- Supplier Code of Conduct
- Access and Loan of Library Materials
- Code of Student Rights and Responsibilities (formerly Code of Student Conduct)- JOINT WITH BOARD
- Donations to 51勛圖app Libraries
- Ethics of Human Research at 51勛圖app, Policy and Procedures
- Grade Appeal Policy
- Institutional Quality Assurance Process (IQAP)
- Non-Credit Programming
- Professor Emeritus - Policy and Procedures
Policies by Category
- Access and Loan of Library Materials
- Code of Student Rights and Responsibilities - JOINT POLICY
- Commercialization Policy
- Donations to 51勛圖app Libraries
- Grade Appeal Policy
- Institutional Quality Assurance Process (IQAP)
- Non-Credit Programming
- Professor Emeritus - Policy and Procedures
- Student Mental Health, Policy on
- Capital Debt Policy
- Carry Forward Policy
- Endowment Policy
- Procurement, Policy on
- Short-Term Cash Investment Policy
- Signing Authorizations, Policy on
- Statement of Investment Policy and Procedures for Endowment and other Long Term Investments
- Tuition Fee Exemption For Employees and their Dependents, Policy on
- Electronic Services Acceptable Use - Awaiting final approval