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Chemical Sciences (M.Sc.)

Apply your knowledge to the challenges and technological innovations possible in today*s modern world.


Use your skills and knowledge to develop new analytical procedures, study the role of metal ions in biological systems, or use computer modelling to study molecular structures.

As a student in the Master of Chemical Sciences program at 51勛圖app, you'll discover the common thread of chemistry as it exists within all sciences. Choose from many areas of interest including analytical chemistry, biochemistry, environmental chemistry, physical and theoretical chemistry, organic chemistry, and surface modifications.

You can choose to complete your degree through coursework and a thesis (Thesis stream), or through coursework and a critical review essay (Critical Essay stream).

  • Thesis Stream - In the Thesis stream, you will work on an original research project under the guidance of a professor. The work is presented in a written format (the thesis) and an oral defence.
  • Critical Essay Stream - The Critical Essay stream requires you to write an original critical review of the literature on a specific topic, also under the guidance of a professor. The work is presented by the students in a written format and orally.   

Our small class size provides unique opportunities, such as paid teaching assistantships and the use of research-grade equipment. Our graduates go on to pursue careers in health professions, R&D and quality control for various industries, science communication, education and many others. 

Note: The Chemical Sciences MSc program is offered only in English.

Key Features

A chemical compound being put in a lab flask.
Small classes provide unique opportunities, such as paid teaching assistantships, and the use of research-grade instrumentation.
A head with a thinking bubble in it.
Work in a highly collaborative and professional research environment with members in other 51勛圖app units, other research centres in the city, Ontario, and even other provinces and countries. Become a problem-solver and competent in a wide range of laboratory techniques.
A chemical formula: E = mc^2
Become a leader in several challenging and in-demand careers for today's technology-oriented society.

Career Opportunities

Laboratory, pharmaceuticals and biomedical diagnostic companies, environmental consultancy agencies, a senior chemist in an industrial setting, chief chemist for a steel manufacturer, pharmacist, project and research leader, university professor, teacher, drug controller, physician, surgeon, dentist, veterinarian, research in oceanography, a computer programmer for a mining company, programmer analyst, waste disposal consultant, hospital staff radiologist, environmental monitoring and remediation, food industry, graduate studies, plastic and petrochemical industry, public service, quality assurance and quality control, research institutes.

Jenna Daypuk is using testing compounds in a lab

Jenna Daypuk

After completing my B.Sc. in Biochemistry at Laurentian, I knew that I wanted to continue my studies in the M.Sc. in Chemical Sciences program. The main reason for continuing my education at Laurentian was the extremely positive experience I had as a student in the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry during my undergraduate degree. The faculty are extremely supportive, and their passion for their work is evident in every lecture they give, and every interaction that they have with their students. The new laboratory techniques that I have learned in my first year of study have broadened my skill set, which will be extremely valuable in preparation for a career in research or industry. As a graduate student, I also work as a teaching assistant which is one of the most rewarding parts of being in the program. I have the opportunity to assist with undergraduate labs, helping students with proper laboratory techniques, and problem-solving. Most importantly, I get to share my passion for science with the students and use my own knowledge to help them further their knowledge. I am extremely grateful for the opportunities that this program has granted me, and I am eager to continue to learn and grow as a scientist throughout the rest of my studies.

Jenna Daypuk is using testing compounds in a lab

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Program Details

Faculty Members

Gustavo Arteca

Gustavo Arteca

School of Natural Sciences
Nelson Belzile

Nelson Belzile

School of Natural Sciences
M'hamed Chahma

M'hamed Chahma

School of Natural Sciences
Eric Gauthier

Eric Gauthier

School of Natural Sciences
Joy Munro

Joy Munro

Faculty of Science, Engineering and Architecture
Aseem Kumar

Aseem Kumar

School of Natural Sciences
Louis Mercier

Louis Mercier

School of Natural Sciences
Thomas Merritt

Thomas Merritt

School of Natural Sciences
Sabine Montaut

Sabine Montaut

School of Natural Sciences
Abdelwahab Omri

Abdelwahab Omri

School of Natural Sciences
Amadeo Parissenti

Amadeo Parissenti

School of Natural Sciences
Jeffrey Shepherd

Jeffrey Shepherd

School of Natural Sciences
Stefan Siemann

Stefan Siemann

School of Natural Sciences
Guangdong Yang

Guangdong Yang

School of Natural Sciences
Vasu Appanna

Vasu Appanna

School of Natural Sciences
Blake Dotta

Blake Dotta

School of Natural Sciences
James Watterson

James Watterson

School of Natural Sciences