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Human Studies and Interdisciplinarity (PhD)

Examine human social and physical development over a lifetime.


Apply your knowledge to the many social and physical challenges we face during our lives, such as gender politics, group dynamics, death and dying.

Specialize in several areas of study, including cognition and communication, Franco-Ontarian and Francophone studies, interpretation, values and ethics, regional and cultural studies, and gender relations and sexuality studies.

Learn to observe and critically assess cultural influences, physical and emotional health as they relate to philosophy, psychology, life sciences, education, economics, and communication.

Develop a substantive research project and hone your critical thinking and communication skills with the support of program faculty. Take opportunities to learn outside of the classroom with national and international conferences, 51³Ô¹Ïapp’s Research Week, and the Annual Human Studies Colloquium.

Key Features

An open book with a lightbulb on it
Learn both theoretical and applied knowledge and skills, contribute to, and produce new ideas and theories in these areas.
A book with a pencil on it
Gain solid and exciting education and training about the human being¡¯s role in society and in theories.
People shadows
Work hands-on with strategic partners within the community, in government, business and non-profit organizations.

Career Opportunities

Ethics compliance officer, human resources assistant, social worker, teacher. Graduates may go also on to medical and law school, and directly into careers in teaching, public administration, NGOs -- and even business, where their widely transferable writing and communication skills are highly prized.

Sarah de Blois smiling

Sarah de Blois

The Human Studies & Interdisciplinarity program offers students the opportunity to enhance their problem-solving and communication skills. It has supported the development of my understanding of diverse social problems as they are experienced on a global scale. Learning from a variety of passionate faculty members with expertise in fields such as sociology, communications, history, and gender studies, the program has undoubtedly made me a more well-rounded scholar. I am thankful for the many stimulating opportunities offered by the Human Studies & Interdisciplinarity program as well as 51³Ô¹Ïapp more broadly, to share my research progress, its triumphs and challenges. By leading with a student-first orientation, the program finds balance in supporting students yet also developing their own unique leadership skills. It is these skills that will enhance my future ventures in the workplace and beyond. 

Sarah de Blois smiling

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Program Details

Faculty Members

Emeritus and Adjunct Professors

Stéphane Girard             Stephane_Girard@UHearst.ca

Gary Kinsman                GKinsman@laurentian.ca

Marie LeBel                    Marie_Lebel@UHearst.ca

Ron Srigley                    Rsrigley@upei.ca

Kate Tilleczek                 Ktilleczek@upei.ca

Annie Roy-Charland        Annie.roy-charland@umoncton.ca

Marie-Josée Lavallée      Marie-josee.lavallee@umontreal.ca

Youssef Sadik                 Youssefsadik@yahoo.fr (Université Mohammed V de Rabat)

Trevor Chamberlain        Chambert@mcmaster.ca

Joël Beddows                   jbeddows@theatrefrancais.com (University of Ottawa)

Moustapha Soumahoro   msoumahoro@laurentian.ca

Mélanie Girard                 melanie_girard@uhearst.ca  


51³Ô¹Ïapp Professors


Linda Ambrose

Linda Ambrose

School of Liberal Arts
Rachid Bagaoui

Rachid Bagaoui

School of Social Sciences
Charles B¨¦langer

Charles B¨¦langer

Faculty of Arts
Julie Boissonneault

Julie Boissonneault

Faculty of Arts
Hoi Cheu

Hoi Cheu

School of Liberal Arts
Diana Coholic

Diana Coholic

School of Social Work
Serge Demers

Serge Demers

Office of the Registrar
Tammy Eger

Tammy Eger

Office of the Vice-President, Research
Michael Emond

Michael Emond

School of Social Sciences
Michel Giroux

Michel Giroux

School of Liberal Arts
Carol Kauppi

Carol Kauppi

School of Social Work
Mark Kuhlberg

Mark Kuhlberg

School of Liberal Arts
Simon Laflamme

Simon Laflamme

School of Social Sciences
Michel Larivi¨¨re

Michel Larivi¨¨re

School of Kinesiology and Health Sciences
Elizabeth Levin

Elizabeth Levin

School of Social Sciences
Johanne Melancon

Johanne Melancon

Faculty of Arts
Taima Moeke-Pickering

Taima Moeke-Pickering

School of Indigenous Relations
Bruce Oddson

Bruce Oddson

School of Kinesiology and Health Sciences
Luis Radford

Luis Radford

Faculty of Education and Health
Annie Roy-Charland

Annie Roy-Charland

School of Social Work
Robert Schinke

Robert Schinke

School of Kinesiology and Health Sciences
Philippa Spoel

Philippa Spoel

School of Liberal Arts
Khaled Taktek

Khaled Taktek

School of Education
Jos¨¦e Turcotte

Jos¨¦e Turcotte

School of Social Sciences
Cynthia Whissell

Cynthia Whissell

Faculty of Education and Health
Michael Yeo

Michael Yeo

Faculty of Science, Engineering and Architecture
Chantal Mayer-Crittenden

Chantal Mayer-Crittenden

School of Speech-Language Pathology
Mich¨¨le Minor-Corriveau

Mich¨¨le Minor-Corriveau

School of Speech-Language Pathology
Ernst Gerhardt

Ernst Gerhardt

School of Liberal Arts
Georges Kpazai

Georges Kpazai

School of Kinesiology and Health Sciences
Kerry McGannon

Kerry McGannon

School of Kinesiology and Health Sciences
Manon Robillard

Manon Robillard

School of Speech-Language Pathology
Ratvinder Grewal

Ratvinder Grewal

Bharti School of Engineering and Computation
Parveen Nangia

Parveen Nangia

School of Social Sciences
Roberta Heale

Roberta Heale

School of Nursing
Sadequl Islam

Sadequl Islam

School of Social Sciences
St¨¦phanie Martens

St¨¦phanie Martens

School of Liberal Arts
Yovita Gwekwerere

Yovita Gwekwerere

School of Education
Jaouad Alem

Jaouad Alem

School of Kinesiology and Health Sciences
Lynne Gouliquer

Lynne Gouliquer

School of Social Sciences
M¨¦lanie Perron

M¨¦lanie Perron

School of Social Sciences
Bettina Brockerhoff-Macdonald

Bettina Brockerhoff-Macdonald

Centre for Teaching and Continuing Learning
Joey-Lynn Wabie

Joey-Lynn Wabie

School of Indigenous Relations
Nancy Lightfoot

Nancy Lightfoot

School of Kinesiology and Health Sciences
Hassan Bougrine

Hassan Bougrine

School of Social Sciences
Sara Torres

Sara Torres

School of Social Work
Luckny Zephyr

Luckny Zephyr

School of Business Administration
Jennifer Johnson

Jennifer Johnson

Faculty of Arts
Thomas Strickland

Thomas Strickland

McEwen?School?of Architecture
Kamran Eshghi

Kamran Eshghi

School of Sports Administration
Nahid Golafshani

Nahid Golafshani

School of Education