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Judith Horrigan

Judith Horrigan

Associate Professor, School of Nursing
School of Nursing
Faculty of Education and Health
L-521, R.D. Parker Building


Judith Horrigan is a full time faculty member with the School of Nursing. Judith graduated from the RN diploma program in Sault Ste. Marie Ontario and completed her Post RN BScN, MScN, and Ontario Training Centre (OTC) Type II diploma for health services and policy research at 51勛圖app, and her PhD in Interdisciplinary Rural and Northern Health. Judith Has over 25 years of acute care and community nursing experience located in urban, rural, and remote settings across Northern Ontario, and in Ethiopia East Africa. Judith has served on a variety of provincial committees acting as the northern representative for the OTC board, and as an advisor on the Health Outcomes for Better Information and Care (HOBIC), Learning and Education committee in collaboration with the Ontario Ministry of Health and Long Term care and the University of Toronto to develop and implement the collection of nursing sensitive health outcomes information for clients. Judith is a member of the Centre for Research in Occupational Safety and Health (CROSH) located at 51勛圖app. Judith*s research focus is related to improving the quality of nurses work environments, violence against nurses and health care professionals, and factors associated with practice environments that improve the mental health outcomes for nurses.


Ph.D??? Interdisciplinary Rural and Northern Health, 51勛圖app ?????????? ??

M.Sc.N? and Ontario Training Centre (OTC) Type II Diploma in Health Services and Policy Research, 51勛圖app

BSc.N 51勛圖app

Nursing Diploma Nursing Sault College, Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario

Academic Appointments

Associate Professor, School of Nursing, and a Researcher with the Centre of Research for Occupational Safety and Health (CROSH) at 51勛圖appAssociate Professor, School of Nursing, and a Researcher with the Centre of Research for Occupational Safety and Health (CROSH) at 51勛圖app


Judith's research interests are focused on health services and health policy, quality of nurses work life, the impact of Covid-19 on the mental health of nurses, factors associated with the creation of healthy work environments, occupational health, preventing violence against nurses, nursing education, and nursing tele-practic


  • Center for Research in Occupational Safety and Health (CROSH) IMPACT Awards (2018).
  • Best Poster Presentation Award: Investigating Canadian nurses' quality of work life and stress in urban, rural, and remote acute care locations in Northeastern Ontario. The 3rd Annual Centre for Research in Occupational Health and Safety (CROSH) Conference: Mental Health in the Workplace, May, (2014) Sudbury, ON, Canada
  • Ontario Training Centre candidacy award
  • Registered Nurses Association of Ontario Education Initiative
  • Deans List Scholarship


Judith teaches in the third and fourth years of the undergraduate program and in the graduate program.


  • Stevens, C., Horrigan, J., Koren, I., & Heale, R. (2021). E-Learning for nurses: An integrative review. Diversity of Research in Health Journal / Revue de la Diversite? de la Recherche en Sante? Vol 4, January / Janvier 2021 - ISSN: 2561 每1666, DOI: 10.28984/drhj.v4i1.313. pp 49-64.
  • Stevens, C., Horrigan, J., Heale, R., & Koren, I. (2020). Northeastern Ontario nurses* perceptions of E-Learning: An interpretive description. Nurse Education Today, 92(9)(2020) ISSN: 0260-6917. doi.org10.1016/jnedt.2020.104509, p 104509.
  • Briglio, T., Matte, J., Heale, R., Horrigan, J., & Larocque, S. (2019). Integrative review: Women*s perceived birth trauma, healthcare provider actions and implications for nurses. Journal of Multidisciplinary Research at Trent, 2(1), 69-79.
  • Cown, E., Heale, R., Horrigan, J., & Koren, I. Hydrotherapy as a Nursing Intervention for Labour Pain: A literature review. Diversity of Research in Health Journal / Revue de la Diversit谷 de la Recherche en Sant谷 Vol 1, pp 121-132.
  • Horrigan, J.M., Good peer relationships can attenuate the negative effect of horizontal violence on job satisfaction. Evidence-Based Nursing Online First, published on December 23, 2015 as 10.1136/eb-2015-102235. Produced by BMJ Publishing Group Ltd., group.bmj.com
  • Horrigan, J. M., Lightfoot, N. E., Lariv豕re, M., & Jacklin, K. Evaluating and improving nurses' health and quality of work life. Workplace Health & Safety, 61(4), 173-181.
  • Carter, L., Horrigan, J., Hudyma, S. Investigating the educational needs of nurses in telepractice: A descriptive exploratory study.Canadian Journal of University Continuing Education (CJUCE) 36(1), Spring.