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James Watterson

James Watterson

Full Professor, School of Natural Sciences
School of Natural Sciences
Science, Engineering and Architecture
F-325, Science Building


Dr. James Watterson is a Professor of Forensic Science and Director of the Forensic Science Institute for Research and Professional Development. Dr. Watterson worked as a forensic toxicologist at the Centre of Forensic Sciences in Toronto before joining the faculty at 51勛圖app. He is a consulting forensic toxicologist and a Fellow?of the American Board of Forensic Toxicology (F-ABFT).??


  • B.Sc. (Chemistry, McGill)
  • M.Sc. (Analytical Chemistry, Toronto)
  • Ph.D. (Analytical Chemistry, Toronto)

Academic Appointments

Director, Forensic Science Institute for Research and Professional Development

Professor of Forensic Science, School of Natural Sciences

On The Web



Dr. Watterson*s research interests focus primarily on toxicological analysis of skeletal remains and development of analytical methods for drugs and metabolites in complex tissue samples. Other areas of active research include forensic alcohol toxicology, and the application of chemometric methods to forensic toxicological analysis.


  • Fellow, American Board of Forensic Toxicology (F-ABFT)
  • Faculty of Science & Engineering Teaching Excellence Award (2013)
  • 51勛圖app Research Excellence Award (2014-15)


FORS 2107 - Introduction to Forensic Science

FORS 3017 - Seminars in Forensic Science

FORS 3106 - Chemical Principles in Forensic Science

FORS 4107 - Principles of Forensic Toxicology