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Jeffrey Wood

Jeffrey Wood

Interim Co-Director, School of Education
Faculty of Education and Health
Full Professor, School of Education
School of Education
Faculty of Education and Health
ELSE 303G, Education Building


Jeffrey is from M谷tis and settler ancestry and lives on the traditional lands of the Atikameksheng Anishnawbek under the Robinson-Huron Treaty. He is a?professor in the School of Education and the School of Indigenous Relations at 51勛圖app and is the Early Learning Lead for the Moosonee and Moose Factory District School Area Boards. Jeffrey has been researching and working with young children for the past 25 years. His research interests include: early childhood education, early literacies, inquiry learning and Indigenous education. Jeffrey has been teaching at 51勛圖app since 2005. ?


Ph.D. Indiana University

M.Ed. York University

B.Ed. University of Ottawa

B.A. (honours) York University?

Academic Appointments

Interim Director?School of Education/?cole?d'谷ducation

Appointed to:

School of Education

School of Indgenous Relations

Associate Member of the Faculty of Graduate Studies?


On The Web


Jeffrey's?research interests include indigenous education, early childhood education, early literacies, new/multiple literacies, and inquiry.


He is currently working on:

Northern Oral language and Writing through Play with the Wikwemikong Board of Education (SSHRC Funded)

Evaluating Enhancing Cree Language and Culture at Ministik School, MFIDSAB?

Developing culturally restorative kindergarten practices in FNMI schools.

Applying a Reggio Emilia approach in Northern Ontario?

Exploring alternative forms of assessment and documenting children*s literacies learning



51勛圖app Student Certificate of Appreciation


51勛圖app Dean*s Doctoral Fellowship?


Indiana University Leo and Jean Fay Fellow


Sudbury Canoe Club Volunteer of the Year Award


Jeffrey primarily teaches:

EDUC 4207 Junior/Intermediate ?Literacies

MIRE-5046EL: The United Nations and International Indigenous Issues?


Books and Book Chapters:

Wood, J. (2023). An Indigenous early childhood pedagogy. In Cote-Meek, S. & T. Moeke-Pickering (Eds.). Perspectives on Indigenous Pedagogy in Education: Learning From One Another. Hershey, PA: IGI Global.

Wood, J. (2022). The Importance of the Land, Language, Culture, Identity and Learning in Relation for Indigenous Children. In Stagg Peterson, S. (Ed).?Roles of place and play in young children*s oral and written language.?Toronto, ON: UToronto Press


Wood, J. & C. Daviau. (2021). R谷pondre au besoin de ressources autochtones. Dans L. M. Brogden, A. Sterzuk et J. Daschuk (dir.),?L'enseignement des Trait谷s en fran?ais.?Qu谷bec: Presses de l'Universit谷 Laval.


Wood, J. (2019). Ethnicity and Race in Childhood (Canada).?Bloomsbury Education and Childhood Studies.?London: Bloomsbury. DOI:10.5040/9781350996311.0007


Wood, J. (2018). Inclusion and marginalization of learners in Canada.?Bloomsbury Education and Childhood Studies.?London: Bloomsbury. DOI: 10.5040/9781474209496.0021


Wood, J. (2016). Enacting Culturally Restorative and Anti-Racist Education in a Kindergarten Classroom. In Husband, T.?But I Don't See Color: The Perils, Practices, and Potentials of Anti-Racist Education.?Rotterdam: Sense Publishers B.V.


Vasquez, V., J. Wood & C. Branigan Felderman (Eds.). (2013).?Perspectives and Provocations in Early Childhood Education vol. 2.?Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.


Wood, J. (2013). Gender issues in kindergarten. In Vasquez, V., J. Wood & C. Branigan Felderman (Eds.).?Perspectives and Provocations in Early Childhood Education vol. 2.?Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing. p.75-90


Vasquez, V & J. Wood (Eds.). (2012).?Perspectives and Provocations in Early Childhood Education.?Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.


Wood, J. (2008). The teacher as researcher. In Provenzo, E. (Ed.).?Encyclopedia of the Social and?

Cultural Foundations of Education. New York: Sage.



Peer-reviewed Journal Articles:

Eppley, K.,??Wood, J.?&??Stagg-Peterson, S.?(2023).??Resistance Literature: Representations of Land and Indigeneity in Indigenous-Authored, Canadian Award-Winning Young Adult and Middle-Grade Fiction.?Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy,??00,??1每11.?


Wood, J.,?Peters, E.,?Wood, T., &?Wood, S.?(2022).??Multiliterate lives: Childhood to adult, lessons learned.?Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy,??66,??185每?191. ?


Eppley, K., S. Peterson & J. Wood. (2022). Representations of Indigenous and non-Indigenous rural ways of being in picture books for children.?Journal of Language & Literacy Education.?


Wood, J. (2017). Supporting early literacy learning through play.?What Works? Research Into Practice (65).?Toronto, ON: Ontario Minsitry of Education.


Wood J. (2015). Multiple possibilities: The multi-literate lives of three children.?Complicity: An?

international journal of complexity and education (12)1.


Wood J., T. Thall & E. Caruso Parnell. (2015). The move: Reggio Emilia坼inspired teaching.?

Complicity: An international journal of complexity and education(12)1.


Wood, J. (2005). Voices of Practitioners. Moses's story: Critical literacy and social justice in an?

urban kindergarten.?Young Children Beyond the Journal.


Non-peer reviewed publications:

Rowan, C. & J. Wood. (2020).?Land-Based Education. Ontario Provincial Centre of Excellence for Early Years and Child Care.


Pacini-Ketchabaw, V. N. Land, J. Wood, & C. Herder. (2019).?Companion to Pedagogical Orientations on Documentation. Ontario Provincial Centre of Excellence for Early Years and Child Care.


Hearn, J. & J. Wood. (2014).?Using Documentation to understand children*s mathematical?

thinking. Ontario?Ministry of Education Monograph.


Wood, J. & S. Speir. (2013).?Using Inquiry to create a cohesive experience for children and a more consistent vision for K-1-2 education in Rainbow Schools. Ontario Ministry of Education Monograph.


Wood, J. (2012). Playing with a Reggio Emilia Approach.?ECE assembly of NCTE Newsletter?(4)1. 2-3.


Wood, J., S. Speir & T. Thall. (2012).?Using Inquiry as a Pedagogical Lens. Ontario?Ministry of Education Monograph.


Speir, S., J. Wood, E. Caruso Parnell & T.?Dixon?Van Mierlo. (2012).?Using the Arts as a Pedagogical Lens. Ontario?Ministry of Education Monograph.


Wood, J. (2011).?Writing in Kindergarten. Sudbury, ON: Sudbury, ON: Rainbow District School Board (RDSB).


Dixon?Van Mierlo, T & J. Wood (2010).?An early learning Journey: A social constructivist approach.

Ontario Ministry of Education Monograph.


Wood, J. (2000). Teacher research methodology.?Teacher as Researcher 15(1).


Wood, J. (2000).?Defining literacies.?Eric Document. (ED465980).


Conference papers, posters, presentations and proceedings

Wood, J., E Caruso Parnell & J. Hearn. (2016). Making learning visible. Diversity in Research?

Conference Proceedings. 51勛圖app


Wood, J. (2005) Videogaming as literacy.?Learn With TVO. Podcast????????




Wood, J., C. Daviau & B. Gunner. (2019).?Enhancing Cree Language with Culture.?Indspire Published Research Report.


Wood, J. & C. Daviau.?(2018).?Conseil scolaire catholique Providence Indigenous Resources.?Indspire Published Research Report.


Wood, J., C. Daviau & N. Daviau. (2018).?Anishinaabemowin Revival Program. Indspire Published Research Report.


Wood, J. & S. Speir. (2013). Assessment as Attributing Value: Documentation and Assessment in Early Learning. Ontario Ministry of Education, Assessment and Policy Branch.


Wood J. (2011).?Research Capacity Building in the Northeastern Region.?Sudbury, ON: North Eastern Ontario Education Network. (Research Report)
