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Khaled Taktek

Khaled Taktek

Full Professor, School of Education
School of Education
Faculty of Education and Health


1. Education and University Positions

Khaled Taktek (Ph.D.) holds a position as a Full Professor with the ¡°?cole d¡¯¨¦ducation, (??)¡± at 51³Ô¹Ïapp (LU, 2000-2002 & 2006-to present). He is accredited by the School of Graduate Studies at LU to supervise graduate students and to teach in the doctoral program of Humanities. Pr¨¦sently, Dr. Taktek is leading several scientific projects related to his main research interest covering the Educational Psychology, Cognitive Psychology, Training of Future Teachers, Sport and Exercise Psychology, Motor Learning and Performance as well as Peace Education.

Dr. Taktek is the author of the refereed books ¡°Psychopedagogy of learning theories: Issues, trends, and applications in the field of education.¡± (2008, Brandon House, New York) as well as ¡°Transactional Analysis as a communication framework and dynamic strategy for peace education: Practices, trends, and challenges for international geopolitical conflict resolution and reconciliation.¡± (2016, Nova Science Publishers, Hauppauge, New York).

Dr. Taktek completed his Ph.D. in education, highest distinction, from the Universit¨¦ du Qu¨¦bec ¨¤ Montr¨¦al (UQAM, 1994-2000), Qu¨¦bec, Canada, and his Master¡¯s degree in human kinetics, highest distinction, from the Universit¨¦ de Montr¨¦al (1988-1990), Qu¨¦bec, Canada. Currently, Dr. Taktek is the President of the ?? Annual Congress of 51³Ô¹Ïapp. Dr. Taktek also serves (since 2014) as an evaluator/chair of Ph.D./Master¡¯s research grants (e.g., SSHRC: Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada; FRQSC: Fonds de recherche du Qu¨¦bec ¨C Soci¨¦t¨¦ et culture, Canada).

Dr. Taktek has been sponsored by several research funds. Recently, through the Foundation for Educational Exchanges between Canada and the United States of America, Dr. Taktek was selected for 2023-2024 Fulbright Canada Research Chair in the School of Humanities and Social Sciences, The Citadel, the Military College of South Carolina.

Elsewhere, on June 27, 2023, Mr. Taktek obtained a grant from the ¡°Funds for new research initiatives - Exploration grants from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council, SSHRC.¡±?Besides, on May 16, 2019, he was awarded a Medallion of Excellence in Research from the Dean of the Academic Board, United States Military Academy (USMA), West Point, New York, Dr. Cindy R. Jebb, Brigadier General.

Moreover, Dr. Taktek was selected for ¡°2014-2015 Canada-US Fulbright Scholar Award¡±, at the USMA, West Point, New York, where he also received a Medallion of Excellence in Research 2015 from the Dean of the Academic Board, Dr. Timothy Trainor, Brigadier General.

Since his appointment at LU, Dr. Taktek has taught a variety of courses at undergraduate and graduate levels. His portfolio includes: Psychopedagogy of the Adolescent; Educational Psychology; Introduction to Applied Research in Psychopedagogy; Health and Physical Education for three principal grades (Primary and Junior, Junior and Intermediate, and Intermediate and superior); as well as Teaching Strategies in Health and Physical Education for Intermediate and Senior Grades. He also contributes to the supervision of students during teaching practice.

Previous to his appointment at LU, Dr. Taktek held a position as Associate Professor at the Military Psychology and Leadership Department, Royal Military College of Canada (RMC, 2002-2006). There, he taught Psychology Research Methods; Introduction to Psychology; Social Psychology; Group Dynamics; Human Factors in Applied Military Sciences; Exercise and Sports Psychology; and Fundamental of Human Psychology courses.

From 2000-2002, he worked as an Assistant Professor at the 51³Ô¹Ïapp School of Education. His portfolio course at that time includes courses in Educational Psychology; Motor Learning and Performance; Health and Physical Education for Primary and Junior Grades; as well as Teaching Strategies in Health and Physical Education for Intermediate and Senior Grades.

Dr. Taktek also served as a Professor at the University du Qu¨¦bec ¨¤ l¡¯Outaouais (1998-2000) and taught School Learning: Models and Theories; Methods and Techniques in Adult Education; Child Development: Kindergarten and Grades 1-6; Methods and Techniques in Teaching and Learning; as well as School Learning: Domains, Strategies and Determinants. He was also the teaching field placement supervisor for students doing practice in Ontario.

During his graduate studies, his research interests have allowed him to participate as a research assistant to several projects carried out at the UQAM Anthropokinetics Department and the University de Montr¨¦al Kinetics Department, also participating in two research practicums with the ¡°Universit¨¦ de Montr¨¦al Interdisciplinary Group on University Education¡± (GRIPU, in French). Prior to his career in higher education, he worked for the Montreal School Boards as an Elementary and Secondary School Teacher; and as an Adult Education Personal and Social Trainer.



  • Ph.D. Education Sciences, 2000, Universit¨¦ du Qu¨¦bec ¨¤?Montr¨¦al (UQAM), Qu¨¦bec, Canada. Speciality: Psycho-pedagogy of learning. Achieved with academic excellence.
  • M.Sc. Health and Physical Education, 1990, Universit¨¦?de?Montr¨¦al (UM), Qu¨¦bec, Canada. Speciality: Motor Learning and Performance. Achieved with academic excellence.
  • Master¡¯s Level Coursework Human Kinetics, 1988, University of Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.?Speciality: Sports Administration. Achieved with academic excellence.
  • B.Sc. Health and Physical Education, 1987, Speciality: Teacher of Health and Physical Education School of Physical and Health Education. Achieved with academic excellence.

Academic Appointments

  • 2016 - In progress: FULL?PROFESSOR, 51³Ô¹Ïapp, Sudbury, Ontario, Canada.
  • 2006 - 2016: ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR, 51³Ô¹Ïapp, Sudbury, Ontario, Canada.
  • 2004-2006: ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR, Royal Military College of Canada?(RMC), Kingston, Ontario, Canada.
  • 2002-2004: ASSISTANT PROFESSOR, RMC, Kingston, Ontario, Canada.
  • 2000-2002: ASSISTANT PROFESSOR, 51³Ô¹Ïapp, Sudbury, Ontario, Canada.
  • 1998-2000: ASSISTANT PROFESSOR,?Universit¨¦ du Qu¨¦bec en Outaouais?(UQAH), Canada.
  • 1997-1999: LECTURER, Universit¨¦ du Qu¨¦bec ¨¤ Montr¨¦al (UQAM), Qu¨¦bec, Canada.?2006 - en cours: PROFESSEUR AGR?G?, Universit¨¦ Laurentienne, Sudbury, Ontario, Canada

On The Web




???? Presently, Dr. Taktek is leading several scientific research projects related to:?

  • Peace education and war studies, sponsored by the Foundation for Educational Exchange between Canada and the United States of America (¡°Canada-US Fulbright Scholar Awards¡±); the United States Military Academy; the Academic Research Program for Natural Sciences and Engineering at RMC; and 51³Ô¹Ïapp Research Funds (LURF).
  • American and Canadian military training, sponsored by the Foundation for Educational Exchange between Canada and the United States of America (¡°Canada-US Fulbright Scholar Awards¡±); the United States Military Academy; the Academic Research Program for Natural Sciences and Engineering at RMC; and 51³Ô¹Ïapp Research Funds (LURF).
  • The psychopedagogy of learning theories: issues, trends and applications in the field of education, sponsored by 51³Ô¹Ïapp Research Funds (LURF).
  • Health, funded by the Canadian Consortium for Health Promotion (Health Canada, CNFS,in French).
  • Exercise and sport psychology, sponsored by LURF.


Dr. Taktek serves as an chair/evaluator of Ph.D. grant research applications submitted to the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) of Canada as well as Master¡¯s research applications submitted to the Fonds de recherche du Qu¨¦bec - Soci¨¦t¨¦ et Culture (FRQSC), Committee ¡°?ducation sp¨¦cialis¨¦e.¡±

During the academic year 2016-2017, Dr. Taktek was selected as Research Coordinator for the Faculty of Education at LU. Indeed, he serves on the Research Coordinator Group of the Vice-President of Research in order to champion research activities promoted by the Office of Research Services. Furthermore, he works closely with the Dean of the Faculty of Education to track and particularly enhance research productivity and possibilities within this Faculty.

Dr. Taktek is a member of the editorial board of the Journal of Mental Imagery (JMI) and a regular reviewer for several journals, including JMI; Canadian Journal of Experimental Psychology; European Review of Applied Psychology; Journal of Child Development Research; Journal of Psychology and Education: Learning and Individual Differences; Revue des Sciences de l¡¯¨¦ducation (in French); and Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) of Canada.

Dr. Taktek is also an expert-consultant and/or representative member for the Ontario Ministry of Education; the Ontario Physical and Health Education Association, Ophea; the Scientific Council of the Quebec Institute of Eidetic Analysis (¡°Institut d¡¯Analyse Eid¨¦tique du Qu¨¦bec¡±, IAEQ, in French); the Scientific Council of the Canadian Institute of Eidetic Image (¡°Institut Canadien de l¡¯Image Eid¨¦tique, ICIEin French¡±); as well as the Division of continued studies of the Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu Campus, Department of National Defense.


  • During his graduate studies, his research interests have allowed him to participate as a research assistant to several projects carried out at the UQAM Anthropokinetics Department and the Universit¨¦?de?Montr¨¦al Kinetics Department, also participating in two research practicums with the Universit¨¦?de?Montr¨¦al Interdisciplinary Group on University Education (GRIPU, in French). ?

  • 1994-1999: SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH ASSOCIATE.?Department of Kinanthropology, Universit¨¦ du Qu¨¦bec ¨¤ Montr¨¦al (UQAM), Montr¨¦al, Qu¨¦bec.

? ? ? ?Under the supervision of?Dr. Nicole Chevalier.

  • 1988-1993: SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH ASSOCIATE.?Department of Physical Education, Universit¨¦?de?Montr¨¦al, Montr¨¦al, Qu¨¦bec.

? ? ? ?Under the supervision of?Dr. Claude Alain.

  • 1996: RESEARCH TRAINING.?Department?of Measurement and Evaluation, Universit¨¦?de?Montr¨¦al, Montr¨¦al, Qu¨¦bec.

? ? ? ?Research training?in Univariate and Multivariate Analysis.

? ? ? ?Under the supervision of?Dr. Jean-Guy Blais, President of Interdisciplinary Group on

?????? University?Education?(Groupe Interdisciplinaire de P¨¦dagogie Universitaire,??????

?????? GRIPU,?in French).

? ? ? ?Rating: Achieved with academic excellence.

  • 1995: RESEARCH TRAINING.?Department of Measurement and Evaluation, Universit¨¦?de?Montr¨¦al, Montr¨¦al, Qu¨¦bec.

? ? ? ?Research training?in Qualitative Analysis?

? ? ? Under the supervision of?Dr. Michel Laurier, member of Interdisciplinary Group?on?

? ? ? ?University?Education?(Groupe Interdisciplinaire de P¨¦dagogie Universitaire,

?????? GRIPU,?in French)?

? ? ? ?Rating: Achieved with academic excellence



  • Taktek, K. (August 20, 2023). Selected for 2023-2024 Fulbright Canada Research Chair in the School of Humanities and Social Sciences, The Citadel, the Military College of South Carolina.
  • Taktek, K. (June 27, 2023). Received a grant from the ¡°Funds for new research initiatives - Exploration grants from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council, SSHRC.¡±
  • Taktek, K. (June 5, 2023). Submitted?a grant application to the ¡°New Research Initiative Fund - SSHRC Explore Grants¡±.
  • Taktek, K. (February 2, 2023). Submitted a grant application to the ¡°Insight Development Grant-SSHRC¡±.
  • Taktek, K. (November 15, 2022). Submitted a grant application to the ¡°Canada-US Fulbright Scholar Awards¡± (Foundation for Educational Exchange between Canada and the United States of America).
  • Taktek, K. (March 1, 2022). Submitted a grant application to ¡°COPA, Centre Ontarien de Pr¨¦vention des Agressions / Ontario Center for Assault Prevention¡±.
  • ??Taktek, K. (February 2, 2022). Submitted a grant application to the ¡°Insight Development Grant-SSHRC¡±.
  • Taktek, K. (November 15, 2021). Submitted a grant application to the ¡°Canada-US Fulbright Scholar Awards¡± (Foundation for Educational Exchange between Canada and the United States of America).
  • Taktek, K. (March 6, 2020). Interviewed by Radio Canada ¡°Converging French Education Expertise to Sudbury. [¡°Faire converger l¡¯expertise sur l'¨¦ducation en fran?ais vers Sudbury]¡±.
  • Taktek, K. (February 28, 2020 and Mars 06, 2020). President of the ¡°?cole des sciences de l¡¯¨¦ducation Annual Congress 2020¡± in partnership with CFORP, 2nd precongress of ACFAS-Sudbury in education, and Ophea ¡°On a Journey to the Frontiers of Research in Education: Diversity and Psychopedagogical Applications in the Contemporary Context of Ontario¡±. [? Voyage aux fronti¨¨res de la recherche en ¨¦ducation?: diversit¨¦ et applications p¨¦dagogiques dans le contexte contemporain en Ontario. ?] Financial support received from the Office of Research Services at 51³Ô¹Ïapp; the office of the Vice-President, Francophone Affairs; Health Canada (CNFS); Ontario Physical and Health Education Association (Ophea); ACFAS-Sudbury; ?cole des sciences de l¡¯?ducation; and COPA.
  • Taktek, K. (November 15, 2019). Submitted a grant application to the ¡°Canada-US Fulbright Scholar Award¡±s (Foundation for Educational Exchange between Canada and the United States of America).
  • Taktek, K. (Academic Year 2018-2019). Awarded a Medallion of Excellence in Research from the Dean of the Academic Board, United States Military Academy (USMA), West Point, New York, Dr. Cindy R. Jebb, Brigadier General.?
  • Taktek, K. (Academic year 2018-2019, 2019-2020, In progress). Collaborated with the Canadian Association for French-Language Education (ACELF), ACUFC, and CTF, as part of the pilot project to develop and deliver information workshops on identity building resources for students of three Faculties of education located in a minority setting.
  • Taktek, K. (November 15, 2018). Submitted a grant application to the ¡°Canada-US Fulbright Scholar Awards¡± (Foundation for Educational Exchange between Canada and the United States of America).
  • Taktek, K. (September 28, 2018). President of the ¡°?cole des sciences de l¡¯¨¦ducation Annual Congress¡± in collaboration with Ontario Physical and Health Education Association, Ophea ¡°Violence Prevention and Sexual Harassment: Learning More about Available Resources for Teachers.¡± [? La pr¨¦vention de la violence et le harc¨¨lement ¨¤ caract¨¨re sexuel?: apprendre davantage au sujet des ressources disponibles pour les enseignantes et les enseignants. ?] Financial support received from Ophea; Health Canada (CNFS); and J.N. Desmarais Library.
  • Taktek, K. (March 15, 2018). Received aletter of thanks from the Vice-President, Research at 51³Ô¹Ïapp for serving as President / Evaluator of Doctoral Research Award applications from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) of Canada.
  • Taktek, K. (April 31, 2018). Received a¡°2017-201851³Ô¹Ïapp Publication Acceleration Award.¡±
  • Taktek, K. (March 2, 2018). President of the Faculty of Education Annual Congress ¡°Educational research: fostering dialogue between theory and pedagogical practice.¡± [? La recherche en ¨¦ducation?: favoriser le dialogue entre la th¨¦orie et la pratique p¨¦dagogique. ?] Financial support received from the Office of Research Services at 51³Ô¹Ïapp; Health Canada (CNFS); ACFAS-Sudbury; and J.N. Desmarais Library.
  • Taktek, K. (November 30, 2017). Submitted a grant application to the 51³Ô¹Ïapp Research Excellence Award.
  • Taktek, K. (November 15, 2017). Submitted a grant application to the ¡°Canada-US Fulbright Scholar Awards¡±(Foundation for Educational Exchange between Canada and the United States of America).
  • Taktek, K. (November 14, 2017). Received 51³Ô¹Ïapp Research Conference Funds.¡±
  • Taktek, K. (September 07, 2017). Served as a Research Coordinator for the Faculty of Education.
  • Taktek, K. (June 22, 2017). Submitted an application for merit increment.
  • Taktek, K. (Mach 17, 2017). Selected for the ¡°51³Ô¹Ïapp Research Funds (LURF-Research).¡±
  • Taktek, K. (March 3, 2017). Selected to the ranks of 51³Ô¹Ïapp Faculty of Education ¡°Top Five Achievements in Research and Innovation in 2016¡±.
  • Taktek, K. (March 3, 2017). President of the Faculty of Education Annual Congress ¡°On a Journey to the Frontiers of Research in Education: Diversity and Psycho-pedagogical applications in the contemporary Context of Ontario.¡± [??Voyage aux fronti¨¨res de la recherche en ¨¦ducation?: diversit¨¦ et applications p¨¦dagogiques dans le contexte contemporain en Ontario. ?] Financial support received from the Office of Research Services at 51³Ô¹Ïapp, Faculty of Education Dean Office, School of Education, ?cole des sciences de l¡¯¨¦ducation, and J.N. Desmarais Library.
  • Taktek, K. (March 3, 2017). Recommended by several colleagues, notably the Dean of the Faculty of Education, Dr. Brogden, to the ¡°2016-2017 51³Ô¹Ïapp Research Excellence Award.¡±
  • Taktek, K. (September 7, 2016). Selected as Research Coordinator for the Faculty of Education at 51³Ô¹Ïapp in order to champion research activities promoted by the Office of Research Services and particularly to enhance research productivity and possibilities within the Faculty of Education. Financial support received from the Office of Research Services at 51³Ô¹Ïapp.
  • Taktek, K. (Academic Years 2010-2011, 2011-2012 and 2016-2017). Submitted a grant applications to the ¡°51³Ô¹Ïapp Research Excellence Award.¡±
  • Taktek, K. (November 16, 2015). 51³Ô¹Ïapp congratulates Dr. Khaled Taktek, ¡°2014-2015 Canada-US Fulbright Scholar Awards.¡±
  • Taktek, K. (Academic Year 2014-2015). Awarded a Medallion of Excellence in Research from the Dean of the Academic Board, United States Military Academy (USMA), West Point, New York, Dr. Timothy Trainor, Brigadier General.
  • Taktek, K. (Academic Year 2014-2015). Selected for a ¡°Canada-US Fulbright Scholar Awards¡± (Foundation for Educational Exchange between Canada and the United States of America) at the USMA, West Point, New York. For further details, please consult the following link:?
  • Taktek, K. (April 1-5, 2015). Selected to the Fulbright Visiting Scholar Enrichment Seminar entitled ¡°Old to New West: The Role of Land in Shaping the American Story,¡± hosted by the Tulsa Global Alliance (TGA) and their partners, the University of Tulsa and the Thomas Gilcrease Institute of American History and Art (Gilcrease Museum). Tulsa Oklahoma, USA.
  • Taktek, K. (Academic Year 2014-2015). Selected for the ¡°51³Ô¹Ïapp Research Funds (LURF-Research).¡±
  • Taktek, K. (February 28, 2014). President of the 3rd Annual Congress in Education ¡°On a Journey to the Frontiers of Canadian Education: A Showcase of Research and Psychopedagogical Practices.¡± [??Un voyage aux fronti¨¨res de l¡¯¨¦ducation canadienne : une exposition des recherches et des pratiques psychop¨¦dagogiques??.] Financial support received from the office of the Vice-President, Research and Francophone Affairs; Health Canada (CNFS); Ontario Physical and Health Education Association (Ophea); the office of the Dean, Faculty of Professional School; the ?cole des sciences de l¡¯¨¦ducation; and J.N. Desmarais Library.
  • Taktek, K. (November 27, 2013). Submitted a grant application to the ¡°51³Ô¹Ïapp Research Excellence Award.¡±
  • Taktek, K. (October 22, 2013). Submitted a grant application to the ¡°51³Ô¹Ïapp Faculty of Professional Schools Research Excellence Award.¡±
  • Taktek, K. (March 8, 2013). President of the 2nd Annual Congress in Education ¡°On a Journey to the Frontiers of Canadian Education: A Showcase of Research and Psychopedagogical Practices.¡± [??Un voyage aux fronti¨¨res de l¡¯¨¦ducation canadienne : une exposition des recherches et des pratiques psychop¨¦dagogiques.??] Financial support received from the office of the Vice-President, Research and Francophone Affairs; Health Canada (CNFS); and Ophea.
  • Taktek, K. (November 01, 2012). Submitted a grant application to the ¡°Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC).¡±
  • Taktek, K. (Academic Year 2010-2011). Selected for ¡°51³Ô¹Ïapp Research Funds (LURF-Research).¡±
  • Taktek, K. (March 21, 2011). President of the 1st Annual Congress in Education ¡°On a Journey to the Frontiers of Canadian Education: A Showcase of Research and Psychopedagogical Practices.¡± [??Un voyage aux fronti¨¨res de l¡¯¨¦ducation canadienne : une exposition des recherches et des pratiques psychop¨¦dagogiques.??] Financial support received from the office of the Vice-President, Research and Francophone Affairs; and Health Canada (CNFS).
  • Taktek, K. (Academic Year 2008-2009). Selected for ¡°51³Ô¹Ïapp Research Funds (LURF-Research).¡±
  • Taktek, K. Academic Years 2007-2008 and 2008-2009). Selected for Health Canada Research funds (Consortium National de Formation en Sant¨¦, CNFS, in French) at 51³Ô¹Ïapp.
  • Taktek, K. (Academic Year 2007-2008 and 2008-2009). The assessment of Dr. Taktek¡¯s scientific research record by the Dean of the Faculty of Professional Schools for the academic year 2007-2008 was ¡°exceptional¡±. In addition, he received a ¡°merit increment¡± from the Vice-President, Academic, at 51³Ô¹Ïapp, during the academic year 2008-2009.
  • Taktek, K. (Academic Years 2007-2008 and 2008-2009). Collaborated in Mathematics Research Project. Ontario Ministry of Education.
  • Taktek, K. (Academic Year 2007-2008). Received travel funds from the Office of the Dean of Professional School at 51³Ô¹Ïapp in order to participate to the American Psychological Association Convention.Boston, Massachusetts.
  • Taktek, K. (Academic Year 2007-2008). Selected for ¡°51³Ô¹Ïapp Research Funds (LURF-Research).¡±
  • Taktek, K. (Academic Year 2006-2007). Received travel funds from the Office of the Dean of Professional School at 51³Ô¹Ïapp in order to participate the 12th European Congress of Sport Psychology. Athos Palace, Halkidiki, Greece.
  • Taktek, K. (Academic Year 2006-2007). Received travel from the School of Education (?cole des sciences de l¡¯¨¦ducation, in French) in order to participate the 12th European Congress of Sport Psychology. Athos Palace, Halkidiki, Greece.
  • Taktek, K. (Academic Year 2006-2007). Received ¡°51³Ô¹Ïapp Starting Research Funds.¡±
  • Taktek, K. (Academic Years 2006-2007, 2007-2008, and 2008-2009). Received Research funds from the Royal Military College of Canada (RMC) and the ¡°Center of Enhanced Performance¡±, United States Military Academy (USMA), West Point, New York.
  • Taktek, K. (Academic Year 2006-2007). Received ¡°Research Funds from the Department of Military Psychology and Leadership of RMC.¡±
  • Taktek, K. (Academic Year 2005-2006). Received Research funds from the Dean of the Faculty of Arts at RMC.
  • Taktek, K. (Academic Year 2004-2008). Selected for the Academic Research Program grant for Natural Sciences and Engineering at RMC.
  • Taktek, K. (Academic Year 2003-2004). Selected for the ¡°Academic Research Program grant for Natural Sciences and Engineering at RMC.¡±
  • Taktek, K. (Academic Year 2000-2002). Selected for ³¢±«¸é¹ó-¸é±ð²õ±ð²¹°ù³¦³ó.¡±
  • Taktek, K. (Academic Years 1988-1989 and 1989-1990). Selected for graduate study grants from the ¡°Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA).¡±


2006 TO PRESENT. FULL?PROFESSOR, 51³Ô¹Ïapp, Sudbury, Ontario.

Teaching assignments:

  • EDUC3005: Educational Psychology
  • EDUC2505: Child Development (Adolescence)
  • EDUC3506: Introduction to Applied Research in Psychopedagogy
  • EDUC4129: Health and Physical Education?(Primary & Junior)
  • EDUC4228: Health and Physical Education (Junior & Intermediate)
  • EDUC4473: Teaching Strategies in Health and Physical Education (Intermediate)????????????????????????
  • EDUC4474: Teaching Strategies in Health and Physical Education (Senior)
  • EDUC4157FL-01: Health and Physical Education (Primary & Junior)?
  • EDUC4267FL-01: (Health and Physical Education (Junior & Intermediate)?
  • EDUC4367FL-01: (Health and Physical Education (Intermediate and senior)
  • EDUC4456FL-01: Teaching Strategies in Health and Physical Education (Intermediate)
  • EDUC4556FL-01: Teaching Strategies in Health and Physical Education (Senior)
  • EDUC4317FL-01: Human Development and Learning Theories (Intermediate and Senior)
  • EDUC4317FL-01: Human Development and Learning Theories (Junior and Intermediate)

11-29 JULY 2022. FULL?PROFESSOR, ACTING DIRECTOR, Faculty of Education, 51³Ô¹Ïapp, Sudbury, Ontario.


2004-2005 and 2005-2006. ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR, Royal Military College of Canada (RMC), Kingston, Ontario.

Teaching assignments:

  • PSF112A: Introduction to Psychology
  • PSF112B: Psychosociology
  • PSF214: Research Methods in Psychology
  • ?PSF228: Group Dynamic
  • PSF462A: Human Factors in Applied Military Sciences
  • PSF444B: Sports Psychology
  • PSF123B: Fundamentals of Human Psychology


?2002-2003 and 2003-2004. ASSISTANT PROFESSOR, RMC, Kingston, Ontario.

Teaching assignments:

  • PSF112A: Introduction to Psychology
  • PSF112B: Psychosociology
  • PSF214: Research Methods in Psychology
  • PSF228: Group Dynamic
  • PSF462A: Human Factors in Applied Military Sciences
  • PSF444B: Sports Psychology
  • PSF123B: Fundamentals of Human Psychology


2000-2002. ASSISTANT PROFESSOR, 51³Ô¹Ïapp, Sudbury, Ontario.

Teaching assignments:

  • EDUC4129: Health and Physical Education (Primary & Junior, Grades 1-6)
  • EDUC4228: Health and Physical Education (Junior & Intermediate, Grades 4-10)
  • EDUC4328: Health and Physical Education (Intermediate, Grades 7-10)
  • EDUC4473: Teaching Strategies in Health and Physical? Education (Intermediate, Grades 7-10)????????????????????????
  • EDUC4474: Teaching Strategies in Health and Physical Education (Senior, Grades 11-12)
  • EDUC3005: Psychopedagogy of Learning


1998-2000 ASSISTANT PROFESSOR, Universit¨¦ du Qu¨¦bec en Outaouais (UQO), Qu¨¦bec

Teaching assignments:

  • PED1683: School Learning I: Models and Theories
  • AND6120: Methods and Techniques in Adult Education
  • BEP1023: Child Development I: Preschool and Grades 1-6
  • BEP1043: Child Development II: Preschool and Grades 1-6
  • PED1783: Methods and Techniques in Teaching and Learning
  • PED1803: School Learning II: Domains, Strategies and Determinants? ? ?


1997-1999LECTURER. Universit¨¦ du Qu¨¦bec ¨¤ Montr¨¦al (UQAM), Qu¨¦bec.

Teaching assignments:

  • KIN2100: Motor Learning and Performance


Dr.?Taktek is also?the teaching field placement supervisor?for the Public and Seperate Schools of Ontario.



Secondary School Teacher

Centre Saint-Paul, Commission des ?coles Catholiques de Montr¨¦al (CECM)


Secondary School Teacher



Fitness and Health Instructor

Centre Communutaire Bois de Boulogne, Montr¨¦al


Fitness and Health Instructor

Athletic Services, Universit¨¦ de Montr¨¦al


Fitness and Health Instructor

Centre Communautaire de loisirs De-La C?te Des Neiges, Montr¨¦al


Physical and Health Education Teacher

Marguerite Bourgeoys School, CECM, Montr¨¦al


Physical and Cultural Activities Supevisor

Parc Extension Youth Organization (PAYO)

1993 (Summer)

Leisure Activities Specialist

Cap St-Jacques, Parc R¨¦gional, Communaut¨¦e Urbaine de Montr¨¦al


Fitness and Health Program Coordinator

Joe Weider Gym, Montr¨¦al


Secondary School Teacher

Centre P¨¨re Marquette, CECM, Montr¨¦al


Fitness and Health Director???????????

KiloControl Amaigrissement Nutrition, Montr¨¦al

1990 (Summer)??????????

Leisure Activity Coordinator

Camp Maromac, Val des lacs,

Saint Agathe, QC

1988, 1991 & 1992 (Summer)

Leisure Camp Director

University of Ottawa Camp, Gracefield, QC


Health and Physical Education Teacher

School?mixte Sidi Bouzid, Tunisia


Health and Physical Education Teacher

Lyc¨¦e Farhat and Lyc¨¦e El Riana, Tunisia

1983, 1986

Swimming Lifeguard and Windsurf Instructor

Club Med & Grand Hotel, Tunisia



  • Prepare subject material for presentation to students according to an approved curriculum
  • Teach students using a systematic plan of lectures, discussions, audio-visual presentations, and laboratory, shop and field studies
  • Assign and correct homework
  • Prepare, administer and correct tests
  • Evaluate progress, determine individual needs of students and discuss results with parents and school officials
  • Prepare and implement remedial programs for students requiring extra help
  • Participate in staff meetings, educational conferences and teacher training workshops
  • Advise students on course selection and on vocational and personal matters



  • Provide expert advice and consulting services to community groups, corporations, schools and other organizations in the design and development of fitness programs and activities
  • Write proposals and press statements for corporations, industry and the fitness community
  • Develop, plan and co-ordinate sports, fitness and recreation programs, and special sporting events
  • Conduct fitness tests and assessments, and design, develop and deliver fitness counseling
  • Water Fitness Trainer and National Lifeguard



  • Prepare subject material for presentation to students according to an approved curriculum
  • Assign and correct homework
  • Plan and carry out recreational, athletic, fitness and sports activities
  • Assemble supplies and sports and game equipment
  • Demonstrate and instruct athletic, fitness or sports activities and techniques
  • Provide health information
  • Enforce safety rules and regulations
  • Assist with co-ordination of special events
  • Schedule activities, keep logs, maintain records and prepare reports
  • Maintain and repair sports equipment
  • Prepare, administer and correct tests
  • Evaluate progress, determine individual needs of students and discuss results with parents and school officials
  • Prepare and implement remedial programs for students requiring extra help
  • Participate in staff meetings, educational conferences and teacher training workshops
  • Advise students on course selection and on vocational and personal matters



  • Prepare subject material for presentation to students according to an approved curriculum
  • Teach students using a systematic plan of lectures, discussions, audio-visual presentations, and laboratory, shop and field studies
  • Assign and correct homework
  • Prepare, administer and correct tests
  • Evaluate progress, determine individual needs of students and discuss results with parents and school officials
  • Prepare and implement remedial programs for students requiring extra help
  • Participate in staff meetings, educational conferences and teacher training workshops
  • Advise students on course selection and on vocational and personal matters
  • Supervise physical and cultural activities for 6-12 year old children
  • Coordinate staff jobs
  • Develop cultural, educational, physical and leisure activity programs



  • Monitor and supervise children ages 6-12 in an outdoor/indoor environment
  • Develop a safe, healthy and stimulating environment for school-age children
  • Plan and lead cooperative activities (i.e. cheers, chants, dance routine)
  • Communicate with parents and children in a professional manner
  • Assist with the set-up and take-down of room/gym space
  • Transport children to and from park/school/rec-center locations
  • Purchase and ensure appropriate use of equipment and materials
  • Conduct various administrative tasks
  • Prepare group activity programs
  • Meet clients and enforce park rules
  • Supervise canoeing, windsurfing, sailing and swimming activities



  • Provide expert advice and consulting services to community groups, corporations, schools and other organizations in the design and development of fitness programs and activities
  • Write proposals and press statements for corporations, industry and the fitness community
  • Develop, plan and co-ordinate sports, fitness and recreation programs, and special sporting events
  • Conduct fitness tests and assessments, and design, develop and deliver fitness counseling



  • Provide expert advice and consulting services to community groups, corporations, schools and other organizations in the design and development of fitness programs and activities
  • Write proposals and press statements for corporations, industry and the fitness community
  • Develop, plan and co-ordinate sports, fitness and recreation programs, and special sporting events
  • Conduct fitness tests and assessments, and design, develop and deliver fitness counseling



  • Plan, organize, direct, control and evaluate the operations of recreation, sports and fitness programs and services
  • Provide technical and professional advice on recreation, sports and fitness matters
  • Prepare budget estimates and develop policies and procedures to implement programs
  • Monitor and supervise children ages 6-12 in an outdoor/indoor environment
  • Develop a safe, healthy and stimulating environment for school-age children
  • Plan and lead cooperative activities (i.e. cheers, chants, dance routine)
  • Communicate with parents and children in a professional manner
  • Transport children to and from park/school/rec-center locations
  • Purchase and ensure appropriate use of equipment and materials
  • Manage camp administrative and financial business
  • Hire employees and supervise training courses
  • Programme school group activities
  • Coordinate staff and handle the camp¡¯s day-to-day needs



  • Prepare subject material for presentation to students according to an approved curriculum
  • Assign and correct homework
  • Plan and carry out recreational, athletic, fitness and sports activities
  • Assemble supplies and sports and game equipment
  • Demonstrate and instruct athletic, fitness or sports activities and techniques
  • Provide health information
  • Enforce safety rules and regulations
  • Assist with co-ordination of special events
  • Schedule activities, keep logs, maintain records and prepare reports
  • May maintain and repair sports equipment
  • Prepare, administer and correct tests
  • Evaluate progress, determine individual needs of students and discuss results with parents and school officials conferences and teacher training workshops
  • Advise students on course selection and on vocational and personal matters
  • Prepare and implement remedial programs for students requiring extra help
  • Participate in staff meetings, educational
  • Supervise physical and health education classes (Grades 1-6)
  • Organize and supervise after-school sports activities and sports competitions



  • Plan, organize, direct, control and evaluate the operations of recreation, sports and fitness programs and services
  • Provide technical and professional advice on recreation, sports and fitness matters
  • Prepare budget estimates and develop policies and procedures to implement programs
  • Monitor and supervise children ages 6-12 in an outdoor/indoor environment
  • Develop a safe, healthy and stimulating environment for school-age children
  • Plan and lead cooperative activities (i.e. cheers, chants, dance routine)
  • Communicate with parents and children in a professional manner
  • Transport children to and from park/school/rec-center locations
  • Purchase and ensure appropriate use of equipment and materials
  • Manage camp administrative and financial business
  • Hire employees and supervise training courses
  • Programme school group activities
  • Coordinate staff and handle the camp¡¯s day-to-day needs



  • Plan itinerary for trip or expedition and arrange transportation or transport individuals or group to site
  • Assemble necessary equipment and supplies, such as camping gear, rafts, life jackets, fishing tackle and food
  • Lead or escort individuals or groups and advise on safety and emergency measures, techniques and the use of equipment
  • Provide instruction for activities such as canoeing, rafting and mountain climbing
  • Follow environmental guidelines and prevent violations
  • Provide first aid in emergency situations
  • Supervise swimming, sailing and windsurfing activities


References Upon Request.


6. Publications

Dr. Taktek has published several refereed articles, two (2) books, seventeen (17) book chapters, ten (10) lecture notes, three (3) theses, as well as nine (9) conference proceedings and research reports. Moreover, he has presented fifty-six (56) conference articles in prominent peer-reviewed national and international scientific associations and sixty-four (64) non-refereed conference papers. Dr. Taktek was also invited as a lecturer to several symposiums, colloquiums and/or seminars organized by the Ontario Ministry of Education; the United States Military Academy, West Point, New York; the Royal Military College of Canada (RMC); the Ministry of Defense, Rochefort Air, France Republican; The Ontario Teacher Federation (FEO/OTF); the IAEQ; and the Canadian Francophone Association of Knowledge Promotion (Association canadienne francophone d¡¯avancement du savoir, ACFAS-Sudbury).

Overall, Dr. Taktek puplications deal with the Psychopedagogy of Learning; School Learning; Principles of Health and Physical Education (Primary, Junior, Intermediate and Senior Grades); Exercise and Sport Psychology; and also Motor Learning and Performance. Of particular note, Dr. Taktek contributed to the publication of a collective book of three volumes on peacekeeping managed by the Ministry of Defense, France Republican. He has indeed published an article about the American intervention in Iraq with the collaboration of Dr. Houchang Hassan-Yari, former Head of the Department of Politic Sciences and Economics at RMC.

Dr. Taktek also published a book dealing with ¡°Transactional Analysis as an Effective Conceptual Framework and a Dynamic Strategy for Peace Education: Practices, Trends and Challenges for International Geopolitical Conflict Resolution and Reconciliation¡±. This book is written in collaboration with several colleagues from 51³Ô¹Ïapp, the Royal Military College of Canada, the University of Ottawa andthe Ministry of Defense, France Republican.

Refereed Monographs, Books and Book Chapters

  • Taktek, K. (2016). Transactional Analysis as a communication framework and dynamic strategy for peace education: Practices, trends and challenges for international geopolitical conflict resolution and reconciliation. New York, Hauppauge: Nova Science Publishers.


  • Taktek, K., & Guibert-Lassalle, A. (2016).Introduction: The embarrassing issue of barbarousand social sciences in the face of war. In K. Taktek (Ed.), Transactional Analysis as a communication framework and dynamic strategy for peace education: Practices, trends and challenges for international geopolitical conflict resolution and reconciliation (pp. 1-10).New York, Hauppauge: Nova Science Publishers.
  • Taktek, K. (2016). Education and its role in conflicts prevention and peacekeeping: Toward an inclusive definition of sustainable peace. In K. Taktek (Ed.), Transactional Analysis as a communication framework and dynamic strategy for peace education: Practices, trends and challenges for international geopolitical conflict resolution and reconciliation (pp. 11-18). New York, Hauppauge: Nova Science Publishers.
  • Taktek, K. (2016). Transactional Analysis: Principal attributes and effects of the dynamic of ego states on intrapersonal and interpersonal relationships.In K. Taktek (Ed.), Transactional Analysis as a communication framework and dynamic strategy for peace education: Practices, trends and challenges for international geopolitical conflict resolution and reconciliation (pp. 19-42). New York, Hauppauge: Nova Science Publishers.
  • Taktek, K., & Basalamah, S. (2016). United States hegemony and the military occupation of Iraq: War, aggression and state crime. In K. Taktek (Ed.), Transactional Analysis as a communication framework and dynamic strategy for peace education: Practices, trends and challenges for international geopolitical conflict resolution and reconciliation (pp. 43-60). New York, Hauppauge: Nova Science Publishers.
  • Taktek, K., St-John, B., & Hassan-Yari, H. (2016). The radical motives for the American invasion of Iraq: Political ideology, economic reality, and cultural philosophy.In K. Taktek (Ed.), Transactional Analysis as a communication framework and dynamic strategy for peace education: Practices, trends and challenges for international geopolitical conflict resolution and reconciliation (pp. 61-82). New York, Hauppauge: Nova Science Publishers.
  • Taktek, K., & Lacassagne, A. (2016). United States-led intervention in Iraq: A troubling signal for the world. In K. Taktek (Ed.), Transactional Analysis as a communication framework and dynamic strategy for peace education: Practices, trends and challenges for international geopolitical conflict resolution and reconciliation (pp. 83-102). New York, Hauppauge: Nova Science Publishers.
  • Taktek, K., & St-John, B. (2016). Canadian mission in Afghanistan: An integrated strategy to peacebuilding and the transformation of Canada¡¯s defense policy.In K. Taktek (Ed.), Transactional Analysis as a communication framework and dynamic strategy for peace education: Practices, trends and challenges for international geopolitical conflict resolution and reconciliation (pp. 103-120). New York, Hauppauge: Nova Science Publishers.
  • Taktek, K., & Basalamah, S. (2016). Israel-Palestine conflict: Zionist¡¯s land reconquest and expropriation.In K. Taktek (Ed.), Transactional Analysis as a communication framework and dynamic strategy for peace education: Practices, trends and challenges for international geopolitical conflict resolution and reconciliation (pp. 122-138). New York, Hauppauge: Nova Science Publishers.
  • Taktek, K., & Lacassagne, A. (2016). Israel attack on Lebanon: Is it just war theory or war of aggression?In K. Taktek (Ed.), Transactional Analysis as a communication framework and dynamic strategy for peace education: Practices, trends and challenges for international geopolitical conflict resolution and reconciliation (pp. 139-154). New York, Hauppauge: Nova Science Publishers.
  • Taktek, K., & Lacassagne, A. (2016). Iran¡¯s nuclear programme: A drastic shift in the policy of the United States.In K. Taktek (Ed.), Transactional Analysis as a communication framework and dynamic strategy for peace education: Practices, trends and challenges for international geopolitical conflict resolution and reconciliation (pp. 155-168). New York, Hauppauge: Nova Science Publishers.
  • Taktek, K., et Hassan-Yari, H. (2009). L¡¯Analyse Transactionnelle?: une strat¨¦gie efficace pour l¡¯¨¦ducation ¨¤ la paix. [Transactional Analysis: Efficient strategy for education to peacekeeping.] In A. Guilbert-Lasalle & D, Lema?tre (Eds.), Peut-on ¨¦duquer ¨¤ la paix [Can we educate for peace] (pp. 123-132). Paris, France?: L¡¯Harmattan.
  • Taktek, K. (2008). Psychopedagogy of learning theories: Issues, trends, and applications in the field of education. Bronx, New York: Brandon House, Inc.
  • Taktek, K. (2008). Learning: Conceptual analyses and fundamental attributes.In K. Taktek (Ed.), Psychopedagogy of learning theories: Issues, trends, and applications in the field of education(pp. 1-24). Bronx, New York: Brandon House, Inc.
  • Taktek, K. (2008). Classic behavioral theories of learning: Underlying processes and educational applications.In K. Taktek (Ed.), Psychopedagogy of learning theories: Issues, trends, and applications in the field of education(pp. 25-38). Bronx, New York: Brandon House, Inc.
  • Taktek, K. (2008). Cognitive theories of learning: Epistemological perspectives and pedagogical implications.In K. Taktek (Ed.), Psychopedagogy of learning theories: Issues, trends, and applications in the field of education(pp. 39-58). Bronx, New York: Brandon House, Inc.
  • Taktek, K. (2008). Interactive theories of learning: Educational implications of Bandura¡¯s Social Learning Theory and Gagn¨¦¡¯s conditions of learning.In K. Taktek (Ed.), Psychopedagogy of learning theories: Issues, trends, and applications in the field of education(pp. 59-72). Bronx, New York: Brandon House, Inc.
  • Taktek, K. (2008). Humanistic paradigms of learning: Pragmatic pedagogical relevance in academic settings.In K. Taktek (Ed.), Psychopedagogy of learning theories: Issues, trends, and applications in the field of education(pp. 73-90). Bronx, New York: Brandon House, Inc.
  • Taktek, K. (2008). Ahsen¡¯s Image Psychology: A cutting-edge ecological learning theory pertaining to the field of education.In K. Taktek (Ed.), Psychopedagogy of learning theories: Issues, trends, and applications in the field of education(pp. 91-132). Bronx, New York: Brandon House, Inc.

Lecture Notes

  • Taktek, K. (2021-2023). D¨¦veloppement humain et th¨¦ories de l¡¯apprentissage aux cycles interm¨¦diaire et sup¨¦rieur (EDUC-4317FL-01). USA, Michigan:
  • Taktek, K. (2018). D¨¦veloppement humain et th¨¦ories de l¡¯apprentissage en ¨¦ducation aux cycles moyen et interm¨¦diaire (EDUC 4217 FL 01). Toronto, Ontario, Canada: Canadian Scholar Press Inc. (CSPI).
  • Taktek, K. (2018). Didactique de la sant¨¦ et de l¡¯¨¦ducation physique aux cycles primaire, moyen, interm¨¦diaire et sup¨¦rieure. [Didactic of health and physical education for primary, junior, intermediate, and Senior.] Sudbury, Ontario, Canada: 51³Ô¹Ïapp Book Store.
  • Taktek, K. (2018). Educational psychology: Theories of learning and pedagogical applications. Sudbury, Ontario, Canada: 51³Ô¹Ïapp Book Store.
  • Taktek, K. (2017). Psychop¨¦dagogie de l¡¯apprentissage?: mod¨¨les, th¨¦ories et applications dans le domaine de l¡¯¨¦ducation scolaire. [Psychopedagogy of learning: Models, theories, and applications in the field of education.] Sudbury, Ontario, Canada: 51³Ô¹Ïapp Book Store.
  • Taktek, K. (2006-2007). ?ducation physique et sant¨¦?: Esquisse de le?ons (cycles primaire et moyen). [Health and physical education: Course lessons. Sudbury, Ontario, Canada?: ?cole des sciences de l`¨¦ducation, 51³Ô¹Ïapp. ?Sudbury, Ontario, Canada: 51³Ô¹Ïapp Book Store.
  • Taktek, K. (2000). Didactique de la sant¨¦ et de l¡¯¨¦ducation physique au cycle interm¨¦diaire. [Didactic of health and physical education for intermediate]. Sudbury, Ontario, Canada: 51³Ô¹Ïapp Book Store.
  • Taktek, K. (2000). Psychop¨¦dagogie de l¡¯apprentissage (Cours EDUC3005). [Psychopedagogy of learning.] Sudbury, Ontario, Canada: 51³Ô¹Ïapp Book Store.
  • Taktek, K. (2000). Apprentissage scolaire 1: mod¨¨les et th¨¦ories (Cours PED1683). [School learning I: Models and theories (course PED1683)]. Montr¨¦al, Qu¨¦bec, Canada : Coop¨¦rative de l¡¯Universit¨¦ de Qu¨¦bec ¨¤ l¡¯Outaouais.
  • Chevalier, N., & Taktek, K. (1999). Apprentissage moteur et performance motrice (Cours KIN2100). [Motor learning and performance.] Montr¨¦al, Qu¨¦bec, Canada : Coop¨¦rative de l¡¯Universit¨¦ de Qu¨¦bec ¨¤ Montr¨¦al.


  • Taktek, K. (2000). Strat¨¦gies p¨¦dagogiques et apprentissage d¡¯une t?che motrice chez des enfants de huit ¨¤ dix ans.[Pedagogical strategies and learning of a motor task in children 8 to 10 years of age.] Th¨¨se de doctorat en Sciences de l¡¯?ducation. Universit¨¦ du Qu¨¦bec ¨¤ Montr¨¦al (UQAM). 684 pages. (Rating: Excellent)
  • Taktek, K. (1990). La pr¨¦paration motrice: interf¨¦rence possible entre les r¨¦ponses des doigts d¡¯une m¨ºme main.[Motor preparation: Possible interference between the responses of one hand fingers.] Th¨¨se de Ma?trise en Sciences de l¡¯Activit¨¦ Physique. Montr¨¦al : Universit¨¦ de Montr¨¦al. (Rating: Excellent)
  • Taktek, K. (1987). Diff¨¦renciation des param¨¨tres du mouvement (espace, temps et force) et son influence sur la pr¨¦cision des tirs.[Differentiation of movement parameters (space, time, and force) and its influence on the precision of shootings.] M¨¦moire de fin d¡¯¨¦tudes sup¨¦rieures. Tunisie : ?cole Normale Sup¨¦rieure d¡¯?ducation Physique et Sportive. (Rating: Excellent)

Refereed Conference Proceedings and Research Report

  • Taktek, K., Fielitz, L., Germain, J., Zinsser, N., & Ciccarelli, D. (June 8-10, 2021). Efficacy of mental imagery training strategy for enhancing athletic and sport performance: Effects of internal visual imagery perspective, external visual imagery perspective and kinesthetic imagery on the learning, retention and transfer of motor skills. 4th Global Conference on Education and Research (GLOCER). University of South Florida, Muma College of Business, M3 Center for Hospitality, Technology and Innovation.
  • Taktek, K., Fielitz, L., Germain, J., & Zinsser, N. (June 26-30, 2018). Sport psychology in effective coaching: Efficacy of kinesthetic imagery and different visual imagery perspectives for the enhancement of athletic motor skills and performance. 29th International Congress of Applied Psychology (ICAP) in collaboration with the Canadian Psychological Association (CPA). Montr¨¦al, Qu¨¦bec.
  • Taktek, K., Zinsser, N., Fielitz, L., & St-John, R. (June 26-30, 2018). Learning how to prepare athletes for peak performance Use of mental imagery training as a psychological strategy to enhancing motor learning, retention and transfer. 29th International Congress of Applied Psychology (ICAP) in collaboration with the Canadian Psychological Association (CPA). Montr¨¦al, Qu¨¦bec.
  • Taktek, K. (June 13-15, 2018). Psychology in the realm of sports injury and rehabilitation: Mental imagery use by injured athletes. International Congress of the French Society of Sport Psychology. Lausanne, Switzerland.
  • Taktek, K., Zinsser, N., Fielitz, L., & St-John, R. (June 13-15, 2018). The psychology of training: How to use mental imagery efficiently to enhance sports performance. International Congress of the French Society of Sport Psychology. Lausanne, Switzerland.
  • Taktek, K. (2016).?L¡¯Analyse Transactionnelle comme strat¨¦gie efficace de communication et d¡¯¨¦ducation ¨¤ la paix?: vivre en harmonie?et s¡¯affronter sans violence.?[Transactional Analysis as an effective communication and peace education strategy: living in harmony and confronting each other without violence]. In Sheppard, G., & Tremblay, L., (Eds).? Diversity in Research - La diversit¨¦ dans la recherche - Nooch Gegoo Ndagkendma-daa 2015. Sudbury: 51³Ô¹Ïapp. ISBN 978-0-88667-091-7 (PDF), retrieved from
  • Taktek, K. (2016). Therapeutic imagery and athletic injuries: A quantitative analysis.?In Sheppard, G., & Tremblay, L., (Eds).? Diversity in Research - La diversit¨¦ dans la recherche - Nooch Gegoo Ndagkendma-daa 2015. Sudbury: 51³Ô¹Ïapp. ISBN 978-0-88667-091-7 (PDF), retrieved from
  • Radford, L., Demers, S., Andr¨¦, M., Simbagoye, A., & Taktek, K. (2008). Le passage ¨¤ l¡¯abstrait dans l¡¯apprentissage des math¨¦matiques au cycle interm¨¦diaire (7e-10e ann¨¦e)?: Rapport de recherche pr¨¦par¨¦ pour le Conseil scolaire catholique du Nouvel-Ontario. [Transition to the abstract thinking during the learning of mathematics in intermediate (Grade 7-10): Research report prepared for the Nouvel-Ontario Catholic School Board.] Sudbury, Ontario, Canada: ?cole des sciences de l¡¯¨¦ducation de l¡¯Universit¨¦ Laurentienne.
  • Taktek, K. (2004). Effets de l¡¯imagerie visuelle versus kinesth¨¦sique sur la r¨¦tention et le transfert d¡¯apprentissage d¡¯une habilet¨¦ motrice ferm¨¦e chez des enfants de huit ¨¤ dix ans. [The effects of visual versus kinesthetic imagery on the retention and transfer of a closed motor task in 8 to 10 years of age.] Ontario, Canada :Actes du colloque de l¡¯ACFAS-Sudbury.

Refereed Articles Published in Scientific Journals

  • Taktek, K., Fielitz, L., Germain, J., Zinsser, N., & Ciccarelli, D. (In progress).?Efficacy of mental imagery training strategy for enhancing athletic and sport performance:?Effects of internal visual imagery perspective, external visual imagery perspective and kinesthetic imagery on the learning, retention and transfer of motor skills.?
  • Robin, N., Carien, R., Taktek, K., Hatchi, V., & Dominique, L. (2023). ?Effects of motor imagery training on service performance in novice tennis players: The role of imagery ability. International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 1-13. ?
  • Taktek, K., Zinsser, N., Fielitz, L., Corbari, G., Miller, S., & St-John, B. (2019). Learning how to prepare athletes for peak performance: Use of mental imagery training as a psychological strategy to enhancing motor learning, retention and transfer of sport rifle marksmanship. Journal of Sport and Human Performance, 1(1), 1-21.
  • Taktek, K. (2017). L¡¯apprenant au c?ur du transfert des apprentissages : perspectives d¡¯interventions p¨¦dagogiques dans le domaine de l¡¯¨¦ducation. [Student in the heart of learning transfer: Educational intervention perspectives in the field of education].Canadian Journal of Education / Revue Canadienne de l¡¯?ducation, 40(4), 514-542.
  • Fielitz, L. R., Taktek, K., Germain, J. L., Zinsser, N., and Ciccarelli, D. (2017). Mental Imagery Training for Peak Performance: A Study on the Enhancement of Motor Learning, Retention and Transfer in Basketball. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport Science, 88, (1) Supplement.
  • Taktek, K. (2013). Ahsen¡¯s Triple Code ISM Model of imagery: A persuasive theoretical framework for psychotherapy, education, motor skills, and performance. Journal of Mental Imagery, 37(1&2), 100-111.
  • Taktek, K. (2012). Conceptual and methodological dilemmas in imagery perspectives research: Piaget¡¯s theory of image development as a potential explanation for Morris and Spittle¡¯s default Hypothesis, with suggestions for future research. Journal of Mental Imagery, 36(1&2), 95-109.
  • Taktek, K. (2009a). Hypoth¨¨se de la variabilit¨¦ de la pratique physique mise en perspective?: recension des ¨¦crits et discussions m¨¦thodologiques. [Variable physical practice hypothesis in perspective: A literature review and methodological discussions.] Revue des Sciences de l¡¯?ducation, 35(2), 177-197.
  • Taktek, K. (2009b). Strat¨¦gies de pratique physique sp¨¦cifique / variable et acquisition d¡¯habilet¨¦s motrices : analyse des ¨¦crits sp¨¦cialis¨¦s. [Strategies of specific / variable physical practice and acquisition of motor skills: Analysis of specialized literature] Revue des Sciences de l¡¯?ducation, 35(3), 173-193.
  • Taktek, K., Zinsser, N., & St-John, B. (2008). Visual versus kinesthetic mental imagery: Efficacy for the retention and transfer of a closed motor skill in young children. Canadian Journal of Experimental Psychology, 62(3), 174-187. ?
  • Taktek, K. (2008). Learning: Conceptual analyses and fundamental attributes. Journal of Mental Imagery, 32(3&4),1-24.
  • Taktek, K. (2008). Classic behavioral theories of learning: Underlying processes and educational applications. Journal of Mental Imagery, 32(3&4),25-38.
  • Taktek, K. (2008). Cognitive theories of learning: Epistemological perspectives and pedagogical implications. Journal of Mental Imagery, 32(3&4),39-58.
  • Taktek, K. (2008). Interactive theories of learning: Educational implications of Bandura¡¯s Social Learning Theory and Gagn¨¦¡¯s conditions of learning. Journal of Mental Imagery, 32(3&4),59-72.
  • Taktek, K. (2008). Humanistic paradigms of learning: Pragmatic pedagogical relevance in academic settings. Journal of Mental Imagery, 32(3&4),73-90.
  • Taktek, K. (2008). Ahsen¡¯s Image Psychology: A cutting-edge ecological learning theory pertaining to the field of education. Journal of Mental Imagery, 32(3&4),91-132.
  • Taktek, K. (2006). Mental representation: Fundamental principles and ontogenetic perspectives. Journal of Mental Imagery, 30(1&2), 125-162.
  • Taktek, K. (2006). L¡¯apprentissage d¡¯un geste : fondements ¨¦pist¨¦mologiques et strat¨¦gies p¨¦dagogiques. [Motor learning: Epistemological attributes and pedagogical strategies.] Minist¨¨re de la D¨¦fense, Journal Militaire. Rochefort Air, R¨¦publique fran?aise.
  • Taktek, K., & Rigal, R. (2005). Strat¨¦gies p¨¦dagogiques et apprentissage d¡¯une t?che motrice discr¨¨te chez des enfants de huit ¨¤ dix ans. [Pedagogical strategies and learning of a discrete motor task in children 8 to 10 years of age.] Revue des Sciences de l¡¯?ducation, 31(3), 607-632.
  • Taktek, K. (2004). The effects of mental imagery on the acquisition of motor skills and performance: A literature review with theoretical implications. Journal of Mental Imagery, 28(1&2), 79-114.
  • Taktek, K. & Hochman, J. (2004). Ahsen¡¯s Triple Code Model as a solution to some persistent problems within Adams¡¯ Closed Loop Theory and Schmidt¡¯s Motor Schema Theory. Journal of Mental Imagery, 28(1&2), 115-157.
  • Taktek, K., Salmoni, A., & Rigal, R. (2004). The effect of mental imagery on the learning and transfer of a discrete motor task by young children. Journal of Mental Imagery, 28(3&4), 87-120.
  • Alain, C., Taktek, K., & Buckolz, E. (1993). Same-hand and different-hand finger pairings in two-choice reaction time: Presence or absence of response competition? Journal of Motor Behavior, 25(1), 45-51.

Refereed Conferences

  • Taktek, K., Fielitz, L., Germain, J., Zinsser, N., & Ciccarelli, D. (June 8-10, 2021). Combined physical and mental training for peak performance: Differential effects of internal visual imagery, external visual imagery and kinesthetic imagery on the learning, retention and transfer of motor skills. 4th Global Conference on Education and Research (GLOCER). University of South Florida, Muma College of Business, M3 Center for Hospitality, Technology and Innovation.
  • Taktek, K., Fielitz, L., Germain, J., & Zinsser, N. (June 26-30, 2018). Sport psychology in effective coaching: Efficacy of kinesthetic imagery and different visual imagery perspectives for the enhancement of athletic motor skills and performance. 29th International Congress of Applied Psychology (ICAP) in collaboration with the Canadian Psychological Association (CPA). Montr¨¦al, Qu¨¦bec.
  • Taktek, K., Zinsser, N., Fielitz, L., & St-John, R. (June 26-30, 2018). Learning how to prepare athletes for peak performance Use of mental imagery training as a psychological strategy to enhancing motor learning, retention and transfer. 29th International Congress of Applied Psychology (ICAP) in collaboration with the Canadian Psychological Association (CPA). Montr¨¦al, Qu¨¦bec.
  • Taktek, K. (June 13-15, 2018). Psychology in the realm of sports injury and rehabilitation: Mental imagery use by injured athletes. International Congress of the French Society of Sport Psychology. Lausanne, Switzerland.
  • Taktek, K., Zinsser, N., Fielitz, L., & St-John, R. (June 13-15, 2018). The psychology of training: How to use mental imagery efficiently to enhance sports performance. International Congress of the French Society of Sport Psychology. Lausanne, Switzerland.
  • Taktek, K. (March 28-29, 2018). Vers une approche ¨¦cologique renouvel¨¦e en ¨¦ducation?: Une perspective p¨¦dagogique bas¨¦e sur la culture autochtone. [Towards a renewed ecological approach to education: A pedagogical perspective based on indigenous culture.] Forum 2018 : ? La ?recherche avec un petit et un grand ? R ? : moteur de changement ?. Ontario Ministry of Education. Hotel Radisson Admiral Harbourfront, 249 Queen¡¯s Quay West, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
  • Taktek, K., & Roque, M. (May 9, 2017). La culture autochtone et ses implications p¨¦dagogiques : vers une strat¨¦gie ¨¦cologique d¡¯apprentissage de fine pointe con?ue pour le d¨¦veloppement int¨¦gral des ¨¦l¨¨ves et la r¨¦conciliation au sein des ¨¦tablissements scolaires ontariens?[¡°Aboriginal Culture and its Pedagogical Implications: Towards a Cutting-Edge Ecological Learning Strategy Designed for Integral Student Development and Reconciliation in Ontario¡¯s Schools.¡±] Forum 2017 : ? R¨¦pondre ¨¤ la commission de v¨¦rit¨¦ et de r¨¦conciliation: apprendre et vivre nos appels ¨¤ l¡¯action dans les ¨¦coles de l¡¯Ontario ?. Ontario Ministry of Education. Hotel Radisson Admiral Harbourfront, 249 Queen¡¯s Quay West, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
  • Fielitz, L., Taktek, K., Germain, J., Zinsser, N., & Ciccarelli, D. (March 14-18, 2017). Mental imagery: Enhancement of learning, retention, and transfer in basketball. SHAPE America - Society of Health and Physical Educators.National Convention and Expo. Boston, MA.
  • Taktek, K. (November 30-December 1, 2016).L¡¯Analyse Transactionnelle (AT) au c?ur du d¨¦veloppement personnel et de la r¨¦ussite scolaire : mythe d¨¦pass¨¦ ou r¨ºve ¨¤ r¨¦aliser au sein des ¨¦coles de langue fran?aise de l¡¯Ontario. Forum Synergy 2016. Ontario Ministry of Education. Toronto, Ontario.
  • Taktek, K. (November 30-December 1, 2016).R?le de la pr¨¦paration mentale dans l¡¯acquisition des habilet¨¦s motrices : ¨¦tude exploratoire dans le contexte scolaire franco-ontarien. Forum Synergy 2016. Ontario Ministry of Education. Toronto, Ontario.
  • Taktek, K. (December 6-7, 2016).?A road map to applying sport and exercise psychology: An exploratory quantitative study for developing athletes¡¯ psychological skills and enhancing motor performance. 8th Annual Conference of the Faculty of Health and Faculty of Education. 51³Ô¹Ïapp. Sudbury, Ontario.
  • Taktek, K., Fielitz, L., Germain, J., Ciccarelli, D., & Zinsser, N. (December 6-7, 2016).?Toward the development of an evidenced-based practice of sport psychology: Identifying ideal mental training strategy for peak performance. 8th Annual Conference of the Faculty of Health and Faculty of Education. 51³Ô¹Ïapp.
  • Taktek, K. (December 9, 2015). L¡¯Analyse Transactionnelle comme strat¨¦gie efficace de communication et d¡¯¨¦ducation ¨¤ la paix?: vivre en harmonie?et s¡¯affronter sans violence. 7th Annual Conference of the Faculty of Health and Faculty of Education. 51³Ô¹Ïapp.
  • Taktek, K. (December 9, 2015). Therapeutic imagery and athletic injuries: A quantitative analysis. 7th Annual Conference of the Faculty of Health and Faculty of Education. 51³Ô¹Ïapp.
  • Taktek, K. (May 13-14, 2015). Round tables to facilitate the establishment of research partnerships: Development of a social and emotional learning program tailored to students in Ontario French schools [Tables rondes pour faciliter l¡¯¨¦tablissement de partenariats de recherche : d¨¦veloppement d¡¯un programme d¡¯apprentissage social et ¨¦motionnel adapt¨¦ aux ¨¦l¨¨ves des ?coles francophones de l¡¯Ontario??].Forum Synergy 2015. Ontario Ministry of Education. Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
  • Taktek, K. (April 16-17, 2013). Utilisation de l¡¯imagerie visuelle versus kinesth¨¦sique dans les milieux scolaires?: implications p¨¦dagogiques pour la r¨¦tention et le transfert des habilet¨¦s cognitivo-motrices chez des enfants. [Using visual versus kinesthetic imagery in school settings: Educational implications for retention and transfer of cognitivo-motor skills, in children]. Forum Synergy 2013. Ontario Ministry of Education. Toronto, Ontario.
  • Taktek, K. (April 16-17, 2013).La mutualisation des connaissances [knowledge mutualization]. Forum Synergy 2013. Ontario Ministry of Education. Toronto, Ontario.
  • Taktek, K. (August 2-5, 2012). Athletic insight and advances in sport and exercise psychology: Mental imagery use for enhancing motor skill learning and performance. American Psychological Association Annual Convention. Orlando, Florida, USA.
  • Taktek, K. (August 2-5, 2012). The role of motor imagery in sport-related injury rehabilitation: An experimental study in university student athletes. American Psychological Association Annual Convention. Orlando, Florida, USA.
  • Taktek, K. (August 4-7, 2011). Sports psychology: Using mental imagery for peak performance by skilled shooters.American Psychological Association Annual Convention. Washington D. C. USA.
  • Taktek, K. (June 2-4, 2011). L¡¯analyse transactionnelle?: vers une approche dynamique de communication et d¡¯¨¦ducation ¨¤ la paix. [Transactional analysis: Toward a dynamic approach of communication and peace keeping]. Canadian Psychological Association Annual Convention. Toronto, Ontario.
  • Taktek, K. (June 2-4, 2011). Why does mental imagery work in sports? A study on the effects of training strategies on the acquisition of an open motor skill by expert athletes. Canadian Psychological Association Annual Convention. Sheraton Center Toronto Hotel, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
  • Taktek, K. (May 18-19, 2011). Libert¨¦ pour apprendre et implications p¨¦dagogiques de l¡¯approche centr¨¦e sur l¡¯¨¦l¨¨ve?: Vers une strat¨¦gie dynamique d¡¯enseignement et de leadership pour le personnel des ¨¦coles de langue fran?aise de l¡¯Ontario. [Freedom to learn and pedagogical implications of student-centered approach: Towards a dynamic teaching and leadership for the staff of French schools in Ontario.]Minist¨¨re de l¡¯?ducation de l¡¯Ontario. Toronto, Ontario.
  • Taktek, K. (March 24-26, 2010). Transactional analysis: An efficient strategy intended for the prevention of school violence, school shooting, vandalism, gang activity, harassment, and intimidation. National School Defence & Security Conference & Exhibit. Toronto, Ontario.
  • Taktek, K. (August 6-9, 2009). Mental imagery: A psychological approach to sport injury rehabilitation. American Psychological Association Annual Convention.Toronto, Ontario.
  • Taktek, K. (June 11-13, 2009). Les Principes fondamentaux de l¡¯apprentissage : th¨¦ories et applications p¨¦dagogiques dans le domaine de l¡¯¨¦ducation. [Fundamental principles of learning: Theories and applications in the field of education.] Canadian Psychological Association Annual Convention. Fairmont The Queen Elizabeth, Montr¨¦al, Qu¨¦bec.
  • Taktek, K. (June 11-13, 2009). Mental imagery: An efficient active strategy intended for exercise and athletic knee injury rehabilitation. Canadian Psychological Association Annual Convention. Fairmont The Queen Elizabeth, Montr¨¦al, Qu¨¦bec.
  • Taktek, K., & Simbagoye, A. (January 30-31, 2009). Portes d¡¯acc¨¨s ¨¤ la formation ¨¤ l¡¯enseignement?: ¨¦tude exploratoire aupr¨¨s des formateur(e)s et/ou ¨¦tudiant(e)s de l¡¯?cole des sciences de l¡¯¨¦ducation de l¡¯Universit¨¦ Laurentienne. Ontario Teacher Federation (OTF/FEO). H?tel Courtyard by Marriott, Toronto, Ontario.
  • Taktek, K. (August 14-17, 2008). Mental imagery and vividness in children: A study on the enhancement of motor skills and performance. American Psychological Association Annual Convention.Boston, Massachusetts, USA.
  • Taktek, K., Zinsser, N., & St-John, B. (August 14-17, 2008). Application of imagery theory to sport psychology: Differentiating visual, kinesthetic and temporal imagery in mental practice.American Psychological Association Annual Convention. Boston, Massachusetts, USA.
  • Taktek, K. (June 12-14, 2008). Strat¨¦gies de pratique physique variable versus sp¨¦cifique et acquisition d¡¯habilet¨¦s motrices?: Analyse de la litt¨¦rature de sp¨¦cialit¨¦. [Strategies of variable versus specific physical practice and acquisition of motor skills: A literature analysis.] Canadian Psychological Association Annual Convention. Marriott Harbourfront, Halifax, Nova Scotia.
  • Taktek, K. (June 12-14, 2008). Hypoth¨¨se de la variabilit¨¦ de la pratique physique mise en perspective?: Recension des ¨¦crits et discussions m¨¦thodologiques. [Variable physical practice hypothesis in perspective: A literature review and methodological discussions.] Canadian Psychological Association Annual Convention. Marriott Harbourfront, Halifax, Nova Scotia.
  • Taktek, K. (April 28-29, 2008). Th¨¦ories b¨¦havioriste, cognitive et ¨¦cologique de l¡¯apprentissage et de la performance motrice?: r?le des strat¨¦gies dynamiques d¡¯imagerie mentale. [Behavioral, cognitive and ecological theories of motor learning and performance: Role of dynamic mental imagery strategies.]? Minist¨¨re de l¡¯?ducation de l¡¯Ontario. Toronto, Ontario, Canada?: Coll¨¨ge Glendon, RoomHY210 et HY172.
  • Taktek, K. (April 28-29, 2008). Apprentissage psychomoteur?: effets de la pratique physique sp¨¦cifique, l¡¯imagerie visuelle, l¡¯imagerie kinesth¨¦sique et la capacit¨¦ d¡¯imagerie mentale. [Psychomotor learning: Effects of specific physical practice, visual imagery, kinesthetic imagery, and mental imagery capacity.] Minist¨¨re de l¡¯?ducation de l¡¯Ontario. Toronto, Ontario, Canada?: Coll¨¨ge Glendon, RoomHY210 et HY172.
  • Taktek, K. (January 25-26, 2008). Conditions for the person-centered learning: Implications for teacher training and role of the associate teachers. Ontario Teacher Federation (OTF/FEO). H?tel Courtyard by Marriott, Toronto, Ontario.
  • Taktek, K. (September 4-9, 2007). Mental imagery use by children and its influence on motor skills learning and performance enhancement. 12th European Congress of Sport Psychology. Athos Palace, Halkidiki, Greece.
  • Taktek, K., Zinsser, N., & St-John, B. (September 4-9, 2007). Visual, kinesthetic and temporal mental imagery: efficiency for retention and transfer of an open motor skill by future military officers. 12th European Congress of Sport Psychology. Athos Palace, Halkidiki, Greece.
  • Taktek, K. (June 6-10, 2007). Strat¨¦gie dynamique d¡¯acquisition des habilet¨¦s avec application ¨¤ l¡¯apprentissage moteur et la performance motrice : Revue historique et critique de la litt¨¦rature de sp¨¦cialit¨¦. [Dynamic strategy of skill acquisitions with application to motor learning and performance: Historical and critical review of literature.] Canadian Psychological Association Annual Convention. Westin Hotel, Ottawa, Ontario.
  • Taktek, K., St-John, B., & Zinsser, N. (June 6-10, 2007). Mental imagery training for peak performance: Application in military rifle marksmanship. Canadian Psychological Association Annual Convention. Westin Hotel, Ottawa, Ontario.
  • Taktek, K. (April 26-28, 2007). Theories of learning: Epistemological perspectives and pedagogical implications. International Imagery Association: Imagery Center for Learning and Performance. Yonkers, New York, USA.
  • Taktek, K., & Demers, S. (January 26-27, 2007). Le r¨¦pertoire p¨¦dagogique d¡¯un enseignement strat¨¦gique?: r?le des th¨¦ories de l¡¯apprentissage, de la recherche scientifique et des organisations ou syst¨¨mes responsables de la formation initiale des enseignants. [Pedagogical repertory of strategic teaching: Role of learning theories, scientific research, and organizations or systems responsible of teachers¡¯ training.] Ontario Teacher Federation (OTF/FEO). H?tel Courtyard by Marriott, Toronto, Ontario.
  • Taktek, K., St-John, B., & Zinsser, N. (August 10-13, 2006). Use of visual and kinesthetic mental imagery for enhancing the shooting performance of futures military officers. American Psychological Association Annual Convention. New Orleans, USA.
  • Taktek, K., St. John, B., & Zinsser, N. (July 16-21, 2006). Mental imagery: An efficient dynamic strategy for the retention and transfer of a closed motor skill by young children. International Congress of Applied Psychology. Athens, Greece.
  • Taktek, K., & St-John, B. (June 8-10, 2006). L¡¯imagerie mentale : application dans l¡¯entra?nement des futurs officiers militaires. [Mental imagery: Application in the training of future military officers.] Canadian Psychological Association Annual Convention. Westin Calgary Hotel, Calgary, Alberta.
  • Taktek, K. (June 8-10, 2006). Le mod¨¨le du Triple Code d¡¯Ahsen (Image-r¨¦ponse Somatique-Signification): Vers une nouvelle th¨¦orie de l¡¯apprentissage moteur et de la performance motrice. [Ahsen¡¯s Triple Code Model (Image-Somatic response-Meaning): Toward a new theory of motor learning and performance.] Canadian Psychological Association Annual Convention. Westin Calgary Hotel, Calgary, Alberta.
  • Taktek, K. (February 20-25, 2006). Mental representation: Fundamental principles and ontogenetic perspectives. International Imagery Association: Imagery Center for Learning and Performance. Yonkers, New York, USA.
  • Taktek, K. (February 20-25, 2006). Ahsen¡¯s image psychology and the new structuralism: Towards a dynamic, global and persuasive theory of learning. International Imagery Association: Imagery Center for Learning and Performance. Yonkers, New York, USA.
  • Taktek, K., & Hochman, J. (August 18-21, 2005). Visual versus kinaesthetic mental imagery: Efficacy for retention and transfer. American Psychological Association Annual Convention. Washington D. C. USA.
  • Taktek, K. (June 9-11, 2005). Imagerie visuelle versus kinesth¨¦sique et son influence sur l¡¯acquisition d¡¯une habilet¨¦ motrice ferm¨¦e. [Visual versus kinaesthetic mental imagery and its influence on the acquisition of a closed motor skill.] Canadian Psychological Association Annual Convention. Queen Elizabeth Hotel, Montreal, Quebec.
  • Taktek, K. (June 9-11, 2005). Ahsen¡¯s Triple Code Model (Image-Somatic-Meaning): An efficient active mental imagery strategy intended for motor skills and performance enhancement. Canadian Psychological Association Annual Convention. Queen Elizabeth Hotel, Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
  • Taktek, K. (May 2-4, 2005). L¡¯apprentissage d¡¯un geste: fondements ¨¦pist¨¦mologiques et strat¨¦gies p¨¦dagogiques. [Motor learning: Epistemological attributes and pedagogical strategies.] Ministry of Defence, ?cole de formation des sous-officiers de l¡¯arm¨¦e de l¡¯air. Base a¨¦rienne 721-17133 Rochefort Air, R¨¦publique fran?aise¡¯.
  • Taktek, K., & St.John, B. (August 3-8, 2004). Effets de l¡¯imagerie mentale et de la pratique physique sur la pr¨¦cision des tirs chez des futurs officiers militaires. [The effects of mental imagery and physical practice on the precision of shooting in future military officers.]International Imagery Association (Institut d¡¯Analyse Eid¨¦tique de Qu¨¦bec). Qu¨¦bec City, Qu¨¦bec.
  • Taktek, K., Salmoni, A., & Rigal, R. (July 28-August 01, 2004). The effects of mental imagery and physical practice on the learning and transfer of a discrete motor task in young children. American Psychological Association Annual Convention. Honolulu, Hawaii, USA.
  • Taktek, K., & Hochman, J. (August 3-8, 2004). Ahsen¡¯s (1984) Triple Code Model as a solution to some persistent problems within Adams¡¯ (1971) Closed Loop Theory and Schmidt¡¯s (1975; 1976) Motor Schema Theory. International Imagery Association (Institut d¡¯Analyse Eid¨¦tique de Qu¨¦bec). Quebec City, Qu¨¦bec.
  • Taktek, K. (June 10-12, 2004). Conditions de pratique physique et apprentissage d¡¯habilet¨¦s motrices. [Conditions of physical practice and learning of motor skills.] Canadian Psychological Association Annual Convention. St John, Newfoundland.
  • Taktek, K. (June 10-12, 2004). Effets de l¡¯imagerie mentale et de la pratique physique sur l¡¯apprentissage d¡¯une t?che motrice discr¨¨te chez des enfants de huit ¨¤ dix ans. [The effects of mental imagery and physical practice on the learning of a discrete motor task in children 8 to 10 years of age.] Canadian Psychological Association Annual Convention. St John, Newfoundland.

Presentations at Academic/Professional Conferences, Societies, and Workshops

  • Taktek, K. (March 22, 2022). Strat¨¦gies d¡¯apprentissage moteur ou de la psychologie du sport et leurs applications p¨¦dagogiques dans le milieu scolaire, notamment aupr¨¨s des ¨¦l¨¨ves du cycle interm¨¦diaire. [Motor learning strategies or sports psychology and their educational applications in the school environment, in particular among Intermediate grade.] Mini-Congress EDUC 4456FL-02. ?cole d¡¯¨¦ducation, 51³Ô¹Ïapp, Sudbury, Ontario.
  • Taktek, K. (March 17, 2022). Strat¨¦gies d¡¯apprentissage moteur ou de la psychologie du sport et leurs applications p¨¦dagogiques dans le milieu scolaire, notamment aupr¨¨s des ¨¦l¨¨ves des cycles primaire et moyen. [Motor learning strategies or sports psychology and their educational applications in the school environment, in particular among grades Primary and Junior.] Mini-Congress EDUC 4157Fl-01. ?cole d¡¯¨¦ducation, 51³Ô¹Ïapp, Sudbury, Ontario.
  • Taktek, K. (November 2-4, 2021). Strat¨¦gies d¡¯apprentissage moteur ou de la psychologie du sport et leurs applications p¨¦dagogiques dans le milieu scolaire, notamment aupr¨¨s des ¨¦l¨¨ves des cycles moyen et interm¨¦diaire. [Motor learning strategies or sports psychology and their educational applications in the school environment, in particular among grades Junior and Intermediate.] Mini-Congress EDUC 4267FL-01. ?cole d¡¯¨¦ducation, 51³Ô¹Ïapp, Sudbury, Ontario.
  • Taktek, K. (October 25-27, 2021). Approches p¨¦dagogiques de l¡¯apprentissage et leurs effets sur les conceptions de l¡¯apprentissage, de l¡¯enseignement, de l¡¯environnement, de l¡¯enseignant, de l¡¯apprenant et de l¡¯¨¦valuation. [Pedagogical approaches to learning and their effects on conceptions of learning, teaching, environment, teacher, learner and evaluation.] Mini-Congress EDUC 4217FL-01. ?cole d¡¯¨¦ducation, 51³Ô¹Ïapp, Sudbury, Ontario.
  • Taktek, K. (March 18, 2021). Strat¨¦gies d¡¯apprentissage moteur ou de la psychologie du sport et leurs applications p¨¦dagogiques dans le milieu scolaire, notamment aupr¨¨s des ¨¦l¨¨ves des cycles moyen et interm¨¦diaire. [Motor learning strategies or sports psychology and their educational applications in the school environment, in particular among grades Junior and Intermediate.] Mini-Congress EDUC 4267FL-01. ?cole d¡¯¨¦ducation, 51³Ô¹Ïapp, Sudbury, Ontario.
  • Taktek, K. (March 17, 2021). Strat¨¦gies d¡¯apprentissage moteur ou de la psychologie du sport et leurs applications p¨¦dagogiques dans le milieu scolaire, notamment aupr¨¨s des ¨¦l¨¨ves des cycles primaire et moyen. [Motor learning strategies or sports psychology and their educational applications in the school environment, in particular among grades Primary and Junior.] Mini-Congress EDUC 4157Fl-01. ?cole d¡¯¨¦ducation, 51³Ô¹Ïapp, Sudbury, Ontario.
  • Taktek, K. (March 6, 2020). Comment peut-on approfondir le lien entre la th¨¦orie et la pratique et surtout optimiser l¡¯exp¨¦rience d¡¯apprentissage au cours des stages ¨¤ la fois pour les ¨¦tudiant(e)s en ¨¦ducation et les enseignant(e)s sur le terrain? [How can we deepen the link between theory and practice and especially optimize the learning experience during internships for both education students and teachers in the field?] Table ronde de discussion / Round table discussion. ?S? Annual Congress. 51³Ô¹Ïapp, Sudbury, Ontario.
  • Taktek, K. (February 28, 2020). Strat¨¦gies p¨¦dagogiques en ¨¦ducation physique et sant¨¦ : Analyse et int¨¦gration des th¨¦ories contemporaines de l¡¯apprentissage moteur et de la performance motrice. [Teaching strategies in physical education and health: Analysis and integration of contemporary theories of motor learning and motor performance.] ?S? Annual Congress. 51³Ô¹Ïapp, Sudbury, Ontario.
  • Taktek, K. (February 28, 2020). Le Mod¨¨le du Triple Codes (ISM) d¡¯Ahsen comme une strat¨¦gie active et efficace d¡¯imagerie mentale d¨¦sign¨¦e pour le d¨¦veloppement des diff¨¦rentes formes de fonctionnement cognitif, la r¨¦habilitation des blessures sportives ainsi que l¡¯acquisition des habilet¨¦s motrices.?[Ahsen¡¯s Triple Codes Model (ISM) as an active and effective mental imagery strategy designed for the development of different forms of cognitive functioning, the rehabilitation of sports injuries and the acquisition of motor skills.] ?S? Annual Congress. 51³Ô¹Ïapp, Sudbury, Ontario.
  • Taktek, K. (February 28, 2020). La th¨¦orie de l¡¯apprentissage par observation de Bandura et ses applications dans le domaine de l¡¯apprentissage moteur et de la performance motrice. [Bandura¡¯s observational learning theory and its applications in the field of motor learning and performance.] ?S? Annual Congress. 51³Ô¹Ïapp, Sudbury, Ontario.
  • Taktek, K. (February 28, 2020). Hypoth¨¨se de la variabilit¨¦ de la pratique physique mise en perspective ¨¤ la lumi¨¨re de la th¨¦orie des boucles ferm¨¦es d¡¯Adams (1971) et la th¨¦orie du sch¨¦ma moteur de Schmidt (1975). [Hypothesis of the variability of physical practice put into perspective in the light of Adams¡¯ Closed Loop Theory (1971) and Schmidt¡¯s Motor Schema Theory (1975).] ?S? Annual Congress. 51³Ô¹Ïapp, Sudbury, Ontario.
  • Taktek, K. (May 16-17, 2019). The effects of physical practice, mental imagery, and observational learning on the acquisition, retention, and transfer of motor skills: An experimental study with undergraduate students. Department of Physical Education, United States Military Academy. West Point, New York.
  • Taktek, K. (May 16-17, 2019). Combined physical and mental training for peak performance: Differential effects of internal visual imagery, external visual imagery and kinesthetic imagery on the learning, retention and transfer of motor skills. Center of Enhanced Performance, United States Military Academy. West Point, New York.
  • Taktek, K. (March 2, 2018). Apprentissage et enseignement en milieu scolaire?: analyse des fondements conceptuels et th¨¦oriques [Learning and teaching in schools: analysis of conceptual and theoretical foundations.] Faculty of Education Annual Research Conference. 51³Ô¹Ïapp, Sudbury, Ontario.
  • Taktek, K., Bayala, C., & Kontchouo, J. B. (March 2, 2018).Les sciences du comportement?: l¡¯apprentissage b¨¦havioriste au c?ur du conditionnement classique et des th¨¦ories du renforcement. [Behavioral sciences: Behaviorist learning at the heart of classical conditioning and theories of reinforcement.] Faculty of Education Annual Research Conference. 51³Ô¹Ïapp, Sudbury, Ontario.
  • Taktek, K., Bennett, C., Leger. D., Bourgeois, L., Fortin, T., Poulin, L., Roy, J., & Roque, M. (March 2, 2018). Comment peut-on approfondir le lien entre la th¨¦orie et la pratique et surtout optimiser l¡¯exp¨¦rience d¡¯apprentissage au cours des stages ¨¤ la fois pour les ¨¦tudiant(e)s en ¨¦ducation et les enseignant(e)s sur le terrain? [How can we deepen the link between theory and practice and especially optimize the practicum experience for both education students and teachers in field?] Faculty of Education Annual Research Conference. 51³Ô¹Ïapp, Sudbury, Ontario.
  • Taktek, K., Dufour, D., & Dussault, R. (March 2, 2018). De la psychoth¨¦rapie ¨¤ la p¨¦dagogie de l¡¯¨¦ducation?: l¡¯approche centr¨¦e sur la personne, la pyramide des besoins et l¡¯analyse transactionnelle. [From psychotherapy to education pedagogy: the person-centered approach, the pyramid of needs and the transactional analysis.] Faculty of Education Annual Research Conference. 51³Ô¹Ïapp, Sudbury, Ontario.
  • Taktek, K., Ferguson, J., & Samaha, J. (March 2, 2018).L¡¯humanisme moderne et l¡¯apprentissage centr¨¦ sur l¡¯¨¦l¨¨ve?: O¨´ en sommes-nous?dans le contexte de la diversit¨¦ culturelle en Ontario. [Modern humanism and Student-Centered Learning: Where are we in the context of cultural diversity in Ontario.] Faculty of Education Annual Research Conference. 51³Ô¹Ïapp, Sudbury, Ontario.
  • Taktek, K., Flannigan, A., & Lauwers, T. (March 2, 2018).Principes des approches cognitives de l¡¯apprentissage?: Comment aider les enseignants et les formateurs ¨¤ perfectionner leurs interventions p¨¦dagogiques aupr¨¨s des apprenants. [Principles of cognitive approaches to learning: How to help teachers and trainers to improve their teaching interventions with learners.]Faculty of Education Annual Research Conference. 51³Ô¹Ïapp, Sudbury, Ontario.
  • Taktek, K., Mathias, Y. K., & Vall¨¦e, S. (March 2, 2018). Les fondements des approches interactionnistes?: interaction socioculturelle, motivation et r¨¦ussite des apprentissages scolaires. [The foundations of interactionist approaches: socio-cultural interaction, motivation and success of school learning]. Faculty of Education Annual Research Conference. 51³Ô¹Ïapp, Sudbury, Ontario.
  • Taktek, K., Moumeni, A., & Tchadeu, B. D. (March 2, 2018).Fondements th¨¦oriques des approches b¨¦havioristes classiques de l¡¯apprentissage?: Applications p¨¦dagogiques dans le milieu scolaire. [Theoretical foundations of classical behaviorist approaches to learning: Educational applications in schools.] Faculty of Education Annual Research Conference. 51³Ô¹Ïapp, Sudbury, Ontario.
  • Taktek, K., & Pelchat, C. (March 2, 2018).Kahoot?: une strat¨¦gie p¨¦dagogique efficace et interactive pour l¡¯int¨¦gration des connaissances en salle de classe. [Kahoot: An effective and interactive teaching strategy for classroom knowledge integration.] Faculty of Education Annual Research Conference. 51³Ô¹Ïapp, Sudbury, Ontario.
  • Taktek, K., & Roque, M. (March 2, 2018). L¡¯approche ¨¦cologique au c?ur l¡¯apprentissage authentique?: une perspective holistique inspir¨¦e de la culture autochtone. [The ecological approach at the heart of authentic learning: a holistic perspective inspired from the Aboriginal culture.] Faculty of Education Annual Research Conference. 51³Ô¹Ïapp, Sudbury, Ontario. ?
  • Taktek, K., Smibert, C. (March 2, 2018).Apprentissage par le jeu?: comment rendre la mati¨¨re ¨¤ enseigner captivante aux yeux des ¨¦l¨¨ves et ¨¦viter l¡¯¨¦chec et le d¨¦crochage scolaire. [Learning through play: How to make the subject matter of teaching captivating in the eyes of students and to avoid failure and dropping out of school.] Faculty of Education Annual Research Conference. 51³Ô¹Ïapp, Sudbury, Ontario.
  • Taktek, K., Th¨¦or¨ºt, M-C., & B¨¦langer, M. (March 2, 2018). L¡¯apport des sciences cognitives de l¡¯apprentissage : Quelles implications p¨¦dagogiques dans le domaine de l¡¯¨¦ducation. [The contribution of the cognitive sciences of learning: What pedagogical implications in the field of education.] Faculty of Education Annual Research Conference. 51³Ô¹Ïapp, Sudbury, Ontario.
  • Taktek, K., & Zoignon Sea, T. J. (March 2, 2018). Caract¨¦ristiques des approches interactionnistes?: Applications, recherches et perspectives critiques de la th¨¦orie sociocognitive de Bandura et de la th¨¦orie des conditions de l¡¯apprentissage de Gagn¨¦. [Characteristics of the interactionist approaches: Applications, research, and critical perspectives of Bandura¡¯s sociocognitive theory and Gagn¨¦¡¯s learning conditions theory.] Faculty of Education Annual Research Conference. 51³Ô¹Ïapp, Sudbury, Ontario.
  • Taktek, K. (March 3, 2017). L¡¯Analyse Transactionnelle au c?ur du d¨¦veloppement personnel, social et organisationnel : mythe d¨¦pass¨¦ ou r¨ºve ¨¤ r¨¦aliser vis-¨¤-vis la diversit¨¦ culturelle de la population en Ontario. [Transactional Analysis at the heart of personal, social and organizational development: Out of date myth or dream to be achieved vis-a-vis the cultural diversity of Ontario's population. Faculty of Education Annual Research Congress. 51³Ô¹Ïapp, Sudbury, Ontario. ??
  • Taktek, K. (March 3, 2017). Les th¨¦ories de l¡¯apprentissage moteur?: implications p¨¦dagogiques et mutualisation des habilet¨¦s en ¨¦ducation physique et sant¨¦. [Theories of motor learning: pedagogical implications and mutualization of skills in physical education and health]. Faculty of Education Annual Research Congress. 51³Ô¹Ïapp, Sudbury, Ontario.
  • Taktek, K. (February 18, 2016). Mental imagery training for peak performance: the effects on the acquisition, retention and transfer of motor skills. Center of Enhanced Performance, United States Military Academy. West Point, New York.
  • Taktek, K. (April 18, 2015). Visiting Scholar Enrichment meeting ¡°Learn about the history, heritage and culture of the Lenape-Delaware American Indians¡± at Lenape Village and interactive education center on the Delaware River in Stanhope, New Jersey.
  • Taktek, K. (April 10, 2015). Sport and exercise psychology: the role of mental preparation strategies on motor skills and performance enhancement. Center of Enhanced Performance, United States Military Academy. West Point, New York.
  • Taktek, K. (April 1-5, 2015). ¡°Old to New West: The Role of Land in Shaping the American Story,¡± Fulbright Visiting Scholar Enrichment Seminar hosted by the Tulsa Global Alliance (TGA) and their partners, the University of Tulsa and the Thomas Gilcrease Institute of American History and Art (Gilcrease Museum). Tulsa Oklahoma, USA.
  • Taktek, K. (January 19, 2015). Effects of mental imagery training on the acquisition, retention and transfer of motor skills and performance.Department of Physical Education. United States Military Academy. West Point, New York.
  • Taktek, K. (December 4, 2014). De la th¨¦orie ¨¤ la pratique?: un aper?u des th¨¦ories de l¡¯apprentissage moteur et de leurs implications p¨¦dagogiques sur les strat¨¦gies d¡¯enseignement de la sant¨¦ et de l¡¯¨¦ducation physique. [From theory to practice: an overview of motor learning theories and their pedagogical implications on the teaching strategies of health and physical education].Faculty of Health and Faculty of Education Annual Conference. 51³Ô¹Ïapp, Ontario, Canada.
  • Taktek, K. (December 4, 2014). Influence humaniste sur les strat¨¦gies d¡¯enseignement et d¡¯apprentissage: vers une p¨¦dagogie dynamique centr¨¦e sur l¡¯¨¦l¨¨ve. [Humanistic influence on teaching and learning strategies: towards a dynamic student-centered pedagogy].Faculty of Health and Faculty of Education Annual Conference. 51³Ô¹Ïapp, Sudbury, Ontario.
  • Taktek, K. (February 28, 2014). Th¨¦orie de l¡¯analyse transactionnelle: strat¨¦gies p¨¦dagogiques et perspectives d¡¯application en ¨¦ducation ¨¤ la paix. 3rd Annual Congress in Education. 51³Ô¹Ïapp, Sudbury, Ontario.
  • Taktek, K., & Russell-Denis,?G. (February, 28, 2014). Imagery use during athletic injuries: The road to successful therapy.3rd Annual Congress in Education. 51³Ô¹Ïapp, Sudbury, Ontario.
  • Taktek, K., Plourde, N., & Chaylt,?P. (February, 28, 2014). The effects of mental imagery on the learning and transfer of a discrete motor task by young children.3rd Annual Congress in Education. 51³Ô¹Ïapp, Sudbury, Ontario.
  • Taktek, K., & Dignard,?C. (February, 28, 2014). Imagery and vividness in children: A study on the enhancement of motor skills and performance. 3rd Annual Congress in Education. 51³Ô¹Ïapp, Sudbury, Ontario.
  • Taktek, K. (December 5, 2013). Sport psychology for athletes and coaches: Gaining the mental edge in competition. Faculty of Professional Schools¡¯ Annual Conference. 51³Ô¹Ïapp, Sudbury, Ontario.
  • Taktek, K. (December 5, 2013). Mental practice-based rehabilitation training: Implications and challenges for injured athletes. Faculty of Professional Schools¡¯ Annual Conference. 51³Ô¹Ïapp, Sudbury, Ontario.
  • Taktek, K. (March 8, 2013). Using the mind to heal the body: Psychological approaches to sports injury rehabilitation [Utilisation de l¡¯esprit pour gu¨¦rir le corps : approches psychologiques ¨¤ la r¨¦adaptation des blessures sportives]. 2nd Annual Congress in Education. 51³Ô¹Ïapp, Sudbury, Ontario.
  • Taktek, K. (March 8, 2013). Teaching of physical education and sport: towards an effective strategy for psychomotor learning [Didactique de l¡¯¨¦ducation physique et sportive?: vers une strat¨¦gie efficace d¡¯apprentissage psychomoteur]. 2nd Annual Congress in Education. 51³Ô¹Ïapp, Sudbury, Ontario.
  • Taktek, K. (December 13, 2012). Th¨¦ories et conditions de l¡¯apprentissage moteur : reconsid¨¦rer l¡¯EPS ¨¤ la lumi¨¨re de l¡¯approche ¨¦cologique. [Theories and conditions of motor learning: Reconsidering Health and Physical Education in the light of the ecological approach]. Faculty of Professional Schools¡¯ Annual Conference. 51³Ô¹Ïapp, Sudbury, Ontario.
  • Taktek, K. (December 13, 2012). Hypoth¨¨se de la variabilit¨¦ de la pratique : fondements ¨¦pist¨¦mologiques et applications p¨¦dagogiques [Variability of practice hypothesis: epistemological and pedagogical applications]. Faculty of Professional Schools¡¯ Annual Conference. 51³Ô¹Ïapp, Sudbury, Ontario.
  • Taktek, K. (March 21, 2011). Didactique de l¡¯¨¦ducation physique et sant¨¦?: th¨¦ories, mod¨¨les et applications dans le domaine de l¡¯¨¦ducation scolaire. [Didactics of physical education and health: Theories, models and applications in the field of school education.] 1st Annual Congress in Education, 51³Ô¹Ïapp, Sudbury, Ontario.
  • Taktek, K. (March 21, 2011). L¡¯analyse transactionnelle : une strat¨¦gie p¨¦dagogique interactive de connaissance de soi, de communication interpersonnelle et de pr¨¦vention de la violence au sein des ¨¦tablissements scolaires et universitaires. [Transactional Analysis: An interactive teaching strategy of self-knowledge, interpersonal communication and violence prevention in schools and universities.] 1st Annual Congress in Education. 51³Ô¹Ïapp, Sudbury, Ontario.
  • Taktek, K. (December 10, 2010). R?le de l¡¯imagerie mentale?dans la pr¨¦cision spatio-temporelle et dynamique : Une ¨¦tude exp¨¦rimentale aupr¨¨s d¡¯athl¨¨tes de hauts niveaux. [The role of mental imagery in the spatiotemporal and dynamic precision: A study with elite athletes.] Faculty of Professional Schools Annual Conference, ¡°How we come to know Windmaage Shpi¡±. 51³Ô¹Ïapp, Sudbury, Ontario.
  • Taktek, K. (December 10, 2010). Imagery use during athletic injuries: The road to successful therapy. Faculty of Professional Schools Annual Conference, ¡°How we come to know Windmaage Shpi¡±. 51³Ô¹Ïapp, Sudbury, Ontario.
  • Taktek, K. (June 30-July 02, 2010). Mental imagery training in basketball: A study on the enhancement of motor learning, retention, and transfer. Center of Enhanced Performance. United States Military Academy (USMA). West Point, New York, USA.
  • Taktek, K. (April 23-25, 2009). Mental imagery: Efficacy for exercise and athletic knee injury rehabilitation. Center of Enhanced Performance. United States Military Academy (USMA). West Point, New York 10996, USA.
  • Taktek, K. (April 24, 2009). Ahsen¡¯s Image Psychology: An efficient active pedagogical strategy designed for cognitive and motor learning enhancement. International Imagery Association. Imagery Center for Learning and Performance. Yonkers, New York, USA.
  • Taktek, K. (April 3, 2009). Libert¨¦ pour apprendre : implications p¨¦dagogiques de l¡¯approche humaniste dans le milieu de l¡¯¨¦ducation. [Freedom to learn: Pedagogical implications of the humanistic approach in the field of education.] ACFAS-Sudbury, Ontario, Canada.
  • Taktek, K. (April 17, 2008). Theories of learning: Psycho-pedagogical issues, trends, and applications in the field of education. International Imagery Association: Imagery Center for Learning and Performance. Yonkers, New York, USA.
  • Taktek, K. (April 15-16, 2008). Mental imagery training for peak performance: Application in military rifle marksmanship. Center of Enhanced Performance. United States Military Academy (USMA). West Point, New York 10996, USA.
  • Taktek, K. (April 4, 2008). Apprentissage psychomoteur : Th¨¦ories, mod¨¨les et applications p¨¦dagogiques dans le domaine scolaire. [Psychomotor learning: Theories, models and pedagogical applications in the field of education.] ACFAS-Sudbury. 51³Ô¹Ïapp, Sudbury, Ontario.
  • Taktek, K. (March 30, 2007). Implications de la pr¨¦paration mentale dans l¡¯entra?nement des cadets militaires am¨¦ricains. [Implications of mental preparation in the training of American military cadets.] ACFAS-Sudbury. 51³Ô¹Ïapp, Sudbury, Ontario.
  • Taktek, K. (March 17, 2006). Imagerie et r¨¦p¨¦tition mentale dans l¡¯acquisition d¡¯habilet¨¦s cognitivo-motrices chez des enfants. [Effects of imagery and mental rehearsal on the acquisition of cognitivo-motor skills in children.] S¨¦minaire ¡®pens¨¦e et culture¡¯ de l¡¯?cole des Sciences de l¡¯?ducation. 51³Ô¹Ïapp, Sudbury, Ontario.
  • Taktek, K. (June 25- July 13, 2006). R?le de la pratique mentale dans l¡¯optimisation de l¡¯apprentissage moteur et la performance motrice chez des athl¨¨tes chevronn¨¦s. [Role of mental practice in optimizing motor learning and performance among experienced athletes.] School of Physical Education and Sports. Tunis, Tunisia.
  • Taktek, K., & St. John, B. (April 01, 2005). La repr¨¦sentation des param¨¨tres du mouvement (temps, force et espace) et son influence sur la pr¨¦cision des tirs chez des futurs officiers militaires. [Mental representation of movement parameters (time, force, and space) and its influence on the precision of shooting in future military officers.] ACFAS-Sudbury. 51³Ô¹Ïapp, Sudbury, Ontario.
  • Taktek, K. (April 02, 2004). Effets de l¡¯imagerie mentale combin¨¦e ¨¤ la pratique physique sur la r¨¦tention et le transfert d¡¯apprentissage chez des enfants de huit ¨¤ dix ans. [Effects of mental imagery combined with physical practice on the retention and transfer of learning in children 8 to 10 years of age.] ACFAS-Sudbury. 51³Ô¹Ïapp, Sudbury, Ontario.
  • Taktek, K. (April, 2002). Effets de la pratique physique variable versus sp¨¦cifique sur l¡¯acquisition des habilet¨¦s motrices. [Effects of variable versus specific physical practices on the acquisition of motor skills.] ACFAS-Sudbury. 51³Ô¹Ïapp, Sudbury, Ontario.
  • Taktek, K. (April, 2001). Strat¨¦gies p¨¦dagogiques et apprentissage d¡¯une t?che motrice chez des enfants de huit ¨¤ dix ans. [Pedagogical strategies and learning of a motor task by children 8 to 10 years of age.] ACFAS-Sudbury. 51³Ô¹Ïapp, Sudbury, Ontario.
  • Taktek, K., & Radford, L. (February 14, 2001). Sondage et d¨¦veloppement d¡¯un questionnaire par la technique du groupe nominal (de Delbeq et coll., 1975) aupr¨¨s des ¨¦tudiants des trois options de l¡¯?cole des sciences de l¡¯¨¦ducation. [Development of Questionnaire by the Nominal Group Method (Delbeq et al., 1975) within students at 51³Ô¹Ïapp School of Education.] ?cole des sciences de l¡¯¨¦ducation. 51³Ô¹Ïapp, Sudbury, Ontario.


  • Robin, N., Carien, R., Taktek, K., Hatchi, V., & Dominique, L. (in progress). ?Effects of Motor Imagery Training on Service Performance in Novice Tennis Players: The Role of Imagery Ability and Amount of Practice.
  • Taktek, K., Fielitz, L., Germain, J., Zinsser, N., & Ciccarelli, D. (In progress). The effects of physical practice, mental imagery, and observational learning on the acquisition, retention, and transfer of motor skills: An experimental study with undergraduate students. (Grants applications submitted to ¡°Insight Development Grant-SSHRC¡± (February 2, 2021) as well as ¡°Canada-US Fulbright Scholar Awards¡± (November 15, 2021).
  • Taktek, K., Fielitz, L., Germain, J., Zinsser, N., & Ciccarelli, D. (FRUL Research Project, 2018, In progress). Combined physical and mental training for peak performance: Differential effects of internal visual imagery, external visual imagery and kinesthetic imagery on the learning, retention and transfer of motor skills.
  • Taktek, K., Germain, J., Fielitz, L., Zinsser, N., & Ciccarelli, D. (In progress).?Mental imagery training in basketball: An efficient strategy for motor skills and performance enhancement.
  • Taktek, K., Germain, J., Fielitz, L., Zinsser, N., & Ciccarelli, D. (FRUL Research Project, In progress). Mental imagery training in Judo: A study on the enhancement of motor learning, retention, and transfer.
  • Taktek, K. (in progress).Mental imagery: A psychological approach to sports injury rehabilitation.
  • Taktek, K. (In progress).?Transfert des apprentissages : fondements th¨¦oriques, analyse conceptuelle et strat¨¦gies p¨¦dagogiques [Transfer of learning: theoretical foundations, conceptual analysis and pedagogical strategies.]
  • Taktek, K. et Sokolsky, J. (In progress). L¡¯analyse transactionnelle?: Canada, Washington et maintien de la paix. [Transactional analysis: Canada, Washington and peace-keeping.]

Membership?and Contribution in Professional Associations

  • Member of the Consulting Editor Board of the Canadian Journal of Experimental Psychology (2009, to present).
  • Member of the Consulting Editor Board of the Journal of Mental Imagery (2006, to present).
  • Member of the Canadian Psychological Association (2002, to present).
  • Member of the Canadian Society for Industrial & Organizational Psychology (CSIOP) (2002, to present).
  • Member of the American Psychological Association (APA) (2003, to present).
  • Member of the International Imagery Association (2003, to present).
  • Member and expert-consultant for the Scientific Council of the Canadian Institute of Eidetic Image ¡®Institut Canadien de l¡¯Image Eid¨¦tique¡¯ (2009, to present).
  • Member and Expert-consultant for the Scientific Council of the Quebec Institute of Eidetic Image ¡®Institut d¡¯Analyse Eid¨¦tique du Qu¨¦bec¡¯ (2003-2004; 2004-2005; 2005-2006; 2006-2007, 2007-2008, to present).
  • Member of the Association du S¨¦minaire du Minist¨¨re de la D¨¦fense, R¨¦publique fran?aise (2005-2006, to present).
  • Member of the Canadian Association of Knowledge Development (ACFAS-Sudbury) (2000--2002 & 2006, to present).
  • Member of the Canadian Association of Knowledge Development (ACFAS-Montr¨¦al), (2008- to present).
  • Member of the Seminar Thought and Culture of the 51³Ô¹Ïapp School of Education (2006-2007, 2007-2008, and 2008-2009).
  • Member of the European Federation of Sport Psychology (EFPSAC)?2006-2007).
  • Member of the International Association of Applied Psychology (IAAP) (2005-2006).