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Nahid Golafshani
Assistant Professor, School of Education
School of Education
Faculty of Education and Health
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I am specialized in math education. I am currently teaching an undergraduate course, Mathematics?Content Review for Teachers,?Primary/Junior and Junior/Intermediate Mathematics Curriculum, Teaching and Learning methods.
My research areas include Multicultural teaching and learning, Mathmatics teachers' beliefs, Teaching Mathematics with manipulatives, and Mixed research methodologies.?
- BA. Hons,? Mathematics, California State University, Chico, U.S.A.
- MSc,? Mathematics, Oregon State University, Corvallis, U.S.A.
- PhD. Curriculum, Teaching and Learing, OISE/University of Toronto, Canada
- Ontario, Teaching Certificate
Academic Appointments
Assisstant Professor, Faculty of Education
- A certificate of appreciation by the schools for two PDA workshops 2016
- A certificate of appreciation by The Clute Institute for presenting in the conference 2014
- A book signed by the pro-year students has been presented to me 2013
- A book signed by the pro-year students has been presented to me 2009
- Recognition Award: Workshop for teachers in OAME Annual conference 2008
- Recognition Award: Workshop for teachers in OAME Annual conference 2006
- Recognition Award 每 Principal researcher in the Lighthouse project for the Ontario Ministry of Education for North Eastern Ontario
- 2005-51勛圖app Research Fund $4000
- 2002: Scholarship Award - OISE/University of Toronto $2000. 1997: Professional Award 每 Alzahra University, Middle East. 1997: Instructional Award 每 Hoda High school, Middle East. 1990:Dean*sHonour List Award - California State University, Chico 1982: Dean*s Honour List Award 每 California State University, Hayward. 1982: Membership Awards 每 California State University, Chico.
- EDUC 4142 Mathematics Education?PJ
- EDUC 4242?Mathematics Education JI
- EDUC 4236 Mathematics Teachable subject
- EDUC 3026 Math Content Review for Teachers
- EDUC 4171 and EDUC 4172?PJ field Supervision
- EDUC 4271 abd EDUC 4272?JI Field supervision
- Golafshani, Nahid (2015). Iranian Teachers* Professed Beliefs about Mathematics Education and the Efficacy on their Practice. Middle Eastern & African Journal of Educational Research, Issue 17, 4-21.
- Golafshani, Nahid (2013).Teachers* Beliefs andTeaching Mathematics with Manipulatives. Canadian Journal of Education, 36(3), 1-24
- Salehi K & Golafshani, N. (2010). Using Mixed Methods in Research Studies: An Opportunity with its Challenges. International Journal of Multiple Research Approaches. 4(3): 186-191
- Golafshani, N. (Oct. 2004). Teachers' Conceptions of Mathematics and Practices. Philosophy of Mathematics Education.PoME Journal 18. (Non-refereed)
- Golafshani, N. (Dec. 2003). Understanding Validity and Reliability in Qualitative Research.The Qualitative Report.8(4): 597-607
- Golafshani, N. (2002). Teachers* Beliefs about Mathematics.OISE Papers in Mathematics and Technology Education, Vol.1, 101-110.
- Golafshani, N. (Spring 2002). Identity Formation through Second Language Learning: A Journey through Narrative. EMME, Vol 1, No.4.