Patrick Harrop is a licensed architect (MOAQ), electronic artist and a recently appointed (fall 2015) associate professor of Architecture at the?McEwin School of Architecture at 51勛圖app | Universite Laurentienne. Over the past 20 years, his research and practice has been focused on questions concerning the impact of emerging technology on architecture.?The topics of digital fabrication, interaction and responsiveness, physical computing, immaterial phenomenon (Light and Sound), contemporary theory, history and philosophy of technology and maker culture have figured prominently in his research/creation, theoretical writings, teaching and service to the community.?
Professor Harrop is the past CMRI Chair in Masonry Studies and?a former researcher with CAST (CFI funded, Centre for Architectural Structures and Technology) at the University of Manitoba. He was also a founding member of the NSERC funded Canadian Design Research Network. He has served as an advisor, external reviewer for the SSHRC (Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada) granting agency, Canada Research Chairs and the Atlantic Development Fund. He has also served as a regular jury member (5 years) for the FQRSC (Fonds Quebecois de Recherche en Societe et Culture).
Patrick Harrop*s ongoing collaborative and individual research-creation work has been exhibited in group and solo shows in Montreal, Shanghai, Berlin, London, Vancouver, Rome and Winnipeg. He is currently an artist?and board member of Perte de Signal | Centre d*artistes en art numerique et innovation.
M. Arch History & Theory (Post-Professional).?McGill University, School of Architecture; Montr谷al (1992)
B. Arch (Professional 5 year program).?Carleton University, School of Architecture; Ottawa (1986)
Academic Appointments
Associate Professor,? McEwin School of Architecture, 51勛圖app. 2015 - Present
Associate Professor,? Department of Architecture, University of Manitoba. 1999 - 2015
Canada Research Chairs, College of Reviewers. 2014 - present
CMRI (Canadian Masonry Research Institute) Chair of Masonry Studies ?2004 - 2008
On The Web
Research/Creation. ※Training for Modernity: Moholy-Nagy and the Onslaught of?the Digital§. ?Creation of a contemporary interpretation of Moholy-Nagy*s Kinetic Polycinema?project. Co-applicant. Dr. Oliver Botar (PI) (Manitoba)
※Design and Construction Exchange Network§ - Expansion of dbx (Design Build Exchange) as part of ※Thinking While Doing: Connecting Insight?to Innovations in the Construction Sector§ SSHRC Partnership Grant. Specific role: dbx database lead, co-chair of dbx virtual conference in design-build strategies in collaboration with the ACSA. Co-applicants. Dr. Edwin Cavanagh (PI) (Dalhousie), Patrick Harrop (CA) (Manitoba), Michael Monti (CA) (ACSA), Stephen Verderber (CA addition) (Toronto)
※Thinking While Doing: Connecting Insight to Innovations in the Construction Sector§ - International Research/Creation project examining and engaging with Design/Build practices. Specific role: Open Sourced digital fabrication collectives, techniques and networks. Collaborator. Dr. Edwin Cavanagh (PI) (Dalhousie)
Spiegelsaal: BIAN (Biennale d'art Numerique) perte de signal. 2016
Vortical Filament: ISEA 2015 exhibition, Vancouver. Canada 2015
Kinetic Polycinema : Bahaus Archive, Berlin, Germany 2014-2015
Vortical Filament: Kinetica, Art Fair. London. UK (with Perte de Signal) 2014
Kinetic Polycinema : Plugin ICA, Winnipeg, Manitoba 2014
Vortical Filament: Residency, Oboro Gallery, Montreal, QC 2012
Vortical Filament: RAW Gallery of Art and Architecture, Winnipeg, Manitoba 2012
Vortical Filament: Winnipeg Art Gallery, Eckheart Hall, as part of Atmosphere Symposium, Winnipeg,Manitoba 2012
Vorticose: Sound and movement installation piece: Pneuma with Gerard Leckey, SAT: Societe D*art et Technology, Montreal, QC 2011
Curator for projective work: MMX Encore: Transmediale Festival, Berlin, Germany 2011
Tensile Structure: Installation by Lancelot Coar and Patrick Harrop at MMX Gallery & Transmediale Festival, Berlin, Germany 2010
Laureat: Concours Stanley for Capteur || Emetteur (now Vorticose) installation piece, Pneuma with ?Atelier Insitu, Montreal, QC 2010
Oboro 25th Anniversary exhibition. Group Show 2009
※Pneuma§ Portes Ouvertes Montreal: Showcase of Topological Media Lab and Pneuma. Montreal, QC. 2009
※Pneuma§ Patrick Harrop, Peter Hasdell, Sha Xin Wei: Arch II gallery, University of Manitoba 2009
Installation and Projection screen design. ?※AirXY: From Immaterial To Rematerial§ (interactive?
installation), Group show for Venice Biennale, Chris Salter and Erik Adegard. Venice, Italy. Sept 14 每 Nov 23.2008
※eSea§ (interactive installation), Patrick Harrop, Peter Hasdell, Joshua Bolchover and Sha Xin Wei, earts?International festival in electronic arts, Shanghai, China. October 24 - 28 2008
※pneus§ (interactive installation), Patrick Harrop, Peter Hasdell and Sha Xin Wei, FOR?T/FOREST: 8th?
manifestation internationale of champ libre, Montreal, Quebec. September 24 - 28 2008
Patrick Harrop and Peter Hasdell, with Sha Xin Wei and the Topological Media Lab ?Remedios?
Terrarium, (interactive pneumatic installation) FOFA Gallery, Concordia University, Montreal, ?QC 2008