Pedro Jugo
???PhD 2003 - Earth and Atmospheric Sciences?(University of Alberta, Edmonton,?Canada)
MSc 1997 - Geology (University of Maryland,?College Park, U.S.A)
???BSc 1993 - Geological Engineering (Universidad Central de Venezuela, Caracas, Venezuela)
Academic Appointments
2023- Full Professor, 51勛圖app
2012-2023 Associate Professor, 51勛圖app
2006-2012 Assistant Professor, 51勛圖app
2004-2006 Post-doctoral Fellow, Johann Wolfgang Goethe University, Frankfurt am Main
???2003-2004 Post-doctoral Fellow, University of Alberta
On The Web
Origin of Pt, Pd, Au mineralization (orthomagmatic deposists)
Geochemistry of highly siderophile elements (Ru, Rh, Pd, Re, Os, Ir, Pt, Au) in magmatic systems
Geochemistry of metalloids (Se, As,?Sb, Te, Bi) and implications for the occurrence of precious metal minerals (PMM)?
Genesis of orthomagmatic and hydrothermal ore deposits
Behavior of sulfur in magmatic systems
GEOL 1006 Introductory Geology I
GEOL 1021 Introduction to Earth Sciences I
GEOL 2127 Optical Mineralogy
GEOL 3206 Igneous Petrology
GEOL 4206 Advanced Igneous Petrology
GEOL 5007 and GEOL 6007 Graduate Seminar in Earth Sciences
GEOL 5206 Topics in Igneous Petrology
????(Maier et al.,?2021)
(Keir-Sage et al.,?2021)
?(Mayer et al.,?2021)
?(Langa et al.,?2021)
?(Cafagna?and Jugo,?2016)
?(Adibpour et al., 2015)
?(Botcharnikov et al., 2011)
?(Jugo et al., 2010)
?(Ulrich et al., 2009)
?(Jugo, 2009)
?(Wilke et al., 2008)
?(Jugo?et al., 2005a)
(Jugo et al., 2005b)
?(Jugo et al., 1999)