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Anishinaabemowin For Faculty, Staff And Students


Anishinaabemowin is one of approximately seventy distinct Indigenous languages in Canada. It also is the original language of the Anishinabek peoples and the lands that 51勛圖app (and the federated partners) are situated upon. It is a highly descriptive language rich with meaning. Unfortunately, almost 2/3rds of Indigenous languages in this country are endangered. The resources below are focused on the language and is a good place to start.


A fun and engaging free app developed that lets you learn common words and phrases in Anishinaabemowin. Available for download at The App Store and Google Play.


Wikwemikong launches Anishinaabemowin Language App for purchase on Apple and Android devices for download.


This app features more than 200 common words and phrases and instruction on writing basic syllabics. Available for IPad, IPod, Touch, IPhone, and Android devices.


An Anishinaabemowin language tool to help in conversation. Build a sentence in English then translate it to Ojibwe.

Indigenous Student Affairs Language Learning Resources

Take a look at some beginner phrases, nouns and verbs as well as links to more resources for Anishinaabemowin.


A video of how to tell time in Ojibwe.


A created so that the ancient sounds are not lost. The vocabulary is primarily Ojibwe and Odawa. The site offers lessons, stories and songs.


This site offers Ojibwe language materials such as vocabulary lists, pronunciation guides, stories in Ojibwe, nouns, possession, and links to other language resources.


This website will serve as the official resource for the Ojibwe language creating a unique and reputable location that people throughout the world can access for learning the language, and the various dialects spoken throughout our region.

Audio podcast by Jason Parenteau, with pronunciations of common words and phrases in the Ojibwe language.


A radio station serving approximately 3000,000 First Nations communities in Nishnawbe Aski Nation and Treaty 3 area, broadcasts in Ojibwe, Oji-Cree. Can be steamed online while the host takes phone calls to converse in Anishinaabemowin.

An Ojibwe-English audio dictionary that features the voices of Ojibwe speakers. Suits all levels of learning, from beginner to fluent.


Word lists of salutations, family, body parts, people, animals, plants, the world, weather, directions, seasons and time, feelings and emotions, colors, numbers, cultural things and medicine.


Suitable for first grade to first time adult beginners. This document helps students develop listening and speaking skills.

Algoma University is the only university in Canada to offer a three-year undergraduate degree in Anishinaabemowin, the Ojibwe language. Anishinaabemowin is a unique program, offering basic- to advanced-level instruction in the Ojibwe language and culture. Within the program, students will gain a functional level of fluency in the language and will thoroughly investigate the challenges posed by the written word.  Students will individually and collectively examine social structures and values within Anishinaabe society, and will also study the Anishinaabe worldview and philosophy. 

If you'd like to join one of the sessions with Lorney online, please check out the for the schedule!


Play the traditional Jeopardy game on the computer with all the questions being about indigenous culture our Anishinaabemowin.


Barbara Nolan is a Nishnaabe-Kwe who tells stories in Ojibwe, with the help of illustrations to aid understanding.


Lessons suitable for first grade to first time adult beginners.


A pilot program for an online Ojibwe language class. The lessons that are set up should take about 15 minutes each. Each word or phrase should be repeated 4 times.


Language lessons, sentence examples, simple words.


A series of videos teaching Anishinaabemowin presented as a classroom setting.