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Bill Keller

Research Interests

Documenting and understanding the chemical and biological nature of northern aquatic ecosystems and investigating the combined effects of climate change and multiple environmental stressors.

Publications (last 6 years)

Cheng, Y., Michelutti, N., Meyer-Jacob, C., Paterson, A. M., Keller, W., Gunn, J. M., & Smol, J. P. (2023). Legacy effects of acidification and climate warming affect recent recovery of diatom assemblages in Sudbury-region lakes (Ontario, Canada). Hydrobiologia, 850(9), 2101–2114. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10750-023-05222-6

Pilla, R. M., Mette, E. M., Williamson, C. E., Adamovich, B. V., Adrian, R., Anneville, O., Balseiro, E., Ban, S., Chandra, S., Colom-Montero, W., Devlin, S. P., Dix, M. A., Dokulil, M. T., Feldsine, N. A., Feuchtmayr, H., Fogarty, N. K., Gaiser, E. E., Girdner, S. F., González, M. J., Zhukova, T. V. (2021). Global data set of long-term summertime vertical temperature profiles in 153 Lakes. Scientific Data, 8(1). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41597-021-00983-y

Kraemer, B. M., Pilla, R. M., Woolway, R. I., Anneville, O., Ban, S., Colom-Montero, W., Devlin, S. P., Dokulil, M. T., Gaiser, E. E., Hambright, K. D., Hessen, D. O., Higgins, S. N., Jöhnk, K. D., Keller, W., Knoll, L. B., Leavitt, P. R., Lepori, F., Luger, M. S., Maberly, S. C., Adrian, R. (2021). Climate change drives widespread shifts in lake thermal habitat. Nature Climate Change, 11(6), 521–529. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41558-021-01060-3

Tipping, E., Lofts, S., & Keller, W. (2021). The use of Wham-FTOX, parameterized with laboratory data, to simulate zooplankton species richness in acid- and metal- Contaminated Lakes. Aquatic Toxicology, 231, 105708. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.aquatox.2020.105708

Pilla, R. M., Williamson, C. E., Adamovich, B. V., Adrian, R., Anneville, O., Chandra, S., Colom-Montero, W., Devlin, S. P., Dix, M. A., Dokulil, M. T., Gaiser, E. E., Girdner, S. F., Hambright, K. D., Hamilton, D. P., Havens, K., Hessen, D. O., Higgins, S. N., Huttula, T. H., Huuskonen, H., Zadereev, E. (2020). Deeper waters are changing less consistently than surface waters in a global analysis of 102 Lakes. Scientific Reports, 10(1). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-020-76873-x

Hargan, K. E., Finkelstein, S. A., Rühland, K. M., Packalen, M. S., Dalton, A. S., Paterson, A. M., Keller, W., & Smol, J. P. (2020). Post-glacial Lake Development and paleoclimate in the Central Hudson Bay lowlands inferred from sediment records. Journal of Paleolimnology, 64(1), 25–46. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10933-020-00119-z

Meyer-Jacob, C., Labaj, A. L., Paterson, A. M., Edwards, B. A., Keller, W. (Bill), Cumming, B. F., & Smol, J. P. (2020). Re-browning of Sudbury (Ontario, Canada) lakes now approaches pre-acid deposition Lake-water dissolved organic carbon levels. Science of The Total Environment, 725, 138347. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.138347

Lescord, G. L., Johnston, T. A., Heerschap, M. J., Keller, W. (Bill), Southee, F. M., O’Connor, C. M., Dyer, R. D., Branfireun, B. A., & Gunn, J. M. (2020). Arsenic, chromium, and other elements of concern in fish from remote boreal lakes and rivers: Drivers of variation and implications for subsistence consumption. Environmental Pollution, 259, 113878. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envpol.2019.113878

Meyer-Jacob, C., Michelutti, N., Paterson, A. M., Cumming, B. F., Keller, W., & Smol, J. P. (2019). The browning and re-browning of lakes: Divergent Lake-water organic carbon trends linked to acid deposition and climate change. Scientific Reports, 9(1). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-019-52912-0

Hadley, K.R., A.M. Paterson, K. Rühland, H.White, B. Wolfe, W. (Bill) Keller, and J.P. Smol. 2019. Biological and geochemical changes in shallow lakes of the Hudson Bay Lowlands: a response to recent warming. J. Paleolimnology DOI: 10.1007/s10933-018-0061-9.

Keller, W., J. Heneberry, and B. Edwards. 2018. Recovery of acidified Sudbury, Ontario, Canada lakes: a multi-decade synthesis and update. Environ. Rev. 10.1139/er-2018-0018.

MacLeod, J., W. Keller, and A.M. Paterson. 2018. Crustacean zooplankton in lakes of the far north of Ontario, Canada. Polar Biology 41: 1257-1267 DOI 10.1007/s00300-018-2282-9.

MacLeod, J., W. Keller, A.M. Paterson, R.D. Dyer, and J.M. Gunn. 2017. Scale and watershed features determine lake chemistry patterns across physiographic regions in the far north of Ontario, Canada. J. Limnol. 76:211-220.