December 7, 2023 - When we think of problem solving, we think of mathematics but when it comes to Dr. Luckny Z¨¦phyr¡¯s research, problem solving far exceeds numerics to profoundly impact the environment, community and academia.
A proud Haitian Canadian citizen, Dr. Luckny Z¨¦phyr, Associate Professor with the School of Business Administration, is an entrepreneur and a scholar. In 2014 the s that Dr. Z¨¦phyr co-founded in Haiti began to see immense success but, as he was just nearing the end of his post doctorate at Cornell University, Z¨¦phyr knew that he wanted to continue in academia. When the opportunity to teach at Laurentian came in 2018, Dr. Z¨¦phyr was happy to move back to Canada. ¡°I love to work with youth. It¡¯s the best means to make a difference in this world, if I can influence youth,¡± says Dr. Z¨¦phyr. ¡°I have the chance to see the future leaders of the world.¡±
Dr. Z¨¦phyr¡¯s work focuses on the development of mathematical models for power system optimization, the integration of renewable energy sources into traditional power grids, including energy storage, and the optimal deployment of electric vehicles. The outcomes of these mathematical models create sustainable solutions and innovation. Dr. Z¨¦phyr says that the desired outcome of more sustainable solutions in industry is guided both by a developing world-view that prioritizes sustainability in the sector and by Canada¡¯s goal to reduce industry carbon footprint. Dr. Z¨¦phyr recently received the for a project with in Saguenay that will explore the potential integration of wind energy into the hydropower system.
Connection to industry sometimes comes through funding opportunities but Dr. Z¨¦phyr credits his outgoing personality as a major contributor in his ability to connect with folks in industry, students, and non-governmental organizations alike. He doesn¡¯t shy away from making connections and talking about his research and how it can be applied to the work others are doing. ¡°I have the chance to apply my research to practical contexts and help organizations make better decisions - to me that¡¯s valuable. It makes an impact,¡± says Dr. Z¨¦phyr. ¡°That¡¯s why we do research. We want to solve real problems and help people and organizations do better¡±.
As Dr. Z¨¦phyr innovates the integration of renewable energy into power grids and power system management, he says that it¡¯s his work with students that continues to be a huge motivator. When asked what he looks forward to most, Z¨¦phyr talks about further developing his work with students, in addition to the PhD candidates already under his supervision. ¡°I have my first Masters student starting in January and I¡¯m recruiting three more students, two masters and a PhD student¡±. Dr. Z¨¦phyr continues, ¡°I look forward to supervising more students and continuing to support them with the success of their projects¡±.