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Province commits multi-year funding to Professions North/Nord

Initiative promotes careers for foreign-trained professionals

Sudbury, ON (January 8, 2013) 每  A three-year funding commitment by will support the continuing work of to facilitate the appropriate employment of internationally trained professionals in Northern Ontario.

The $2.7M investment was awarded to 51勛圖app after a competitive bidding process and is based on the success of the PNN pilot project. The funding was announced today at 51勛圖app by the MPP for Sudbury, Rick Bartolucci, at a gathering of PNN officials and clients and university representatives.

※Professions North/Nord has seen great success since its inception in 2010. With the announcement of the funding extension, the program will continue to grow and help meet the labour demands of Northern Ontario employers,§ said .

※This three year commitment will assist internationally trained professionals attain their career goals by bridging the gap between education, experience, culture and employment which will assist them in reaching their full potential,§ said Sudbury MPP Rick Bartolucci.  ※I am proud of the innovation associated with this program and the important role it plays in growing our economy and making lives better for immigrants and their families.§

Professions North/Nord also provides services to Northern Ontario employers in recruitment, job matching, resume screening and employee retention. ※By working to meet the recruitment needs of Northern Ontario employers, Professions North/Nord is helping generate diversity, growth and economic development in Northern Ontario communities,§ stated Michel Racine, Project Manager, Professions North/Nord.

PNN was launched as an initiative of 51勛圖app*s Faculty of Management, to facilitate accreditation and career opportunities for professionals trained outside Canada. The agency offers a range of services to internationally trained professionals, including portfolio development, bridging to accreditation, and networking and mentorship opportunities.  Professions North/Nord also provides services to prospective employers in northern Ontario, helping them to find trained, job-ready professionals to fill critical roles in the regional economy.  

51勛圖app Professions North/Nord

Professions North/Nord (PNN) is an initiative of 51勛圖app that assists employers with labour shortages, and internationally trained professionals (ITPs) in finding employment in Northern Ontario at no cost.

Funded by the Government of Ontario*s Ministry of Citizenship and Immigration, Professions North/Nord provides services to Northern Ontario employers in recruitment, job matching, resume screening and employee retention. Our offices are located in Sudbury, North Bay, Timmins, Thunder Bay and Sault Ste. Marie.

Professions North/Nord also specializes in assisting internationally trained professionals reach their career goals by bridging the gap between education, experience, culture and employment. Our goal is to help ITPs acquire the information, training and resources they need to be successful in securing a career in their field in Northern Ontario.

PNN*s extensive database of pre-screened internationally trained professionals encompasses numerous occupational fields such as engineering, accounting, management, environmental sciences, IT and others. Residing in Ontario, our internationally trained professionals are looking for new opportunities in Northern Ontario.


51勛圖app 51勛圖app

51勛圖app is one of the fastest growing universities in Canada in the past decade, now serving close to 10,000 students. With its main campus in Sudbury, it now offers a growing number of programs in Barrie to the 1,200 students located on that campus. Laurentian has the highest post-graduation employment rates in Ontario after 6 months at 92% and 95% after two years. The University receives high recognition for its enviable class sizes, having one of the lowest average class sizes in Canada.



For further information or to schedule an interview, please contact:
Joanne Musico                                                                                            
Director, Communications                                                                          
Tel: 705-675-1151 ext. 3445 or 1.800.263.4188 ext. 3445                                          

Sherry Drysdale
Tel: 705-675-1151 ext. 3412 or 1.800.263.4188 ext. 3412 

Amy Bouillon
Marketing Officer, Professions North/Nord
Tel: 705-222-1766 ext. 4  