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June 4, 2021 - The Government of Ontario has passed legislation granting independence to the Northern Ontario Medical School (NOSM) and the Université de Hearst which were previously affiliated with 51³Ô¹Ïapp. The legislation remains subject to Royal Assent, and there is no indication as to the timing of when this may become effective.
Although the relationship has resulted in two independent entities, 51³Ô¹Ïapp students will see their educational opportunities unchanged. Laurentian has a strong history of providing NOSM with exceptional students who become family doctors in many of our Northern Ontario communities. Many NOSM graduates who crossed the stage at convocation this week were also 51³Ô¹Ïapp graduates. This will most certainly continue, as will our many research partnerships.
Our shared goals remain the same and we will continue to collaborate with our Medical School colleagues. We look forward to consultations with the provincial government to advance health education for all in Northern Ontario.