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Student Spotlight: Olaoluwa Julianah Abejide

Tenacious mother of two realizes her educational dreams.

(December 20, 2023) 每 As a mother of two, a new immigrant, and a professional photographer, graduate student Olaoluwa Julianah Abejide has a lot on the go. Nevertheless, Julianah (as she is known to her friends) recently defended her thesis and will graduate from Laurentian*s Master in Computational Sciences program in spring 2024.

Her academic journey began in Nigeria where Julianah completed an undergraduate degree in Computer Science in 2010. Julianah moved to Sudbury in 2018 and enrolled at Laurentian to further her studies. ※Juggling a Master*s program with young children is not a walk in the park,§ said Julianah, ※I thought my story could inspire someone who has given up on their educational goals to go for what they want.§

Julianah developed a passion for STEM at an early age, and it continues to propel her in her pursuit of higher education. Although Julianah knew she would have to make sacrifices for her family while working on her Master*s, she also understood the future benefits of this decision. ※When I look back at all the sacrifices I made so far, it is painful. I know there is a bigger gain to be had. Family is priceless. A career in computer science and Information Technology will give me the opportunity to spend more time with my family and get involved with my community in the future,§ said Julianah.

In addition to her demanding roles as mother and graduate studies student, Julianah prioritizes community engagement. She took on a Graduate Teaching Assistant position early on in her Master's program as well as a Website Assistant position on LU's Digital Strategy team. ※When we help people and contribute to our community we feel satisfied and it has a direct way of making us feel fulfilled,§ said Julianah. Her many contributions to the Laurentian community are a testament to her devotion towards helping her others. 

It is important for Julianah to use her time and talent to make positive impacts in her community. One way she achieves this goal is through her photography business, . Julianah*s love for photography stemmed from her father*s devotion towards capturing the moment at family gatherings. ※I have been able to use photography to bring smiles to people*s faces. It is beyond snapping pictures. Photography is about capturing the moments and creating the memories,§ said Julianah. 

Julianah has felt supported by the Laurentian community in all aspects of her educational journey: ※I am lucky to have good people around me. My program coordinator and thesis supervisor, Dr. Kalpdrum Passi, is very knowledgeable and helpful. It is good that I am surrounded by accommodating people.§

Throughout the ups and downs Julianah remained consistent and kept her end goal in mind. Obtaining her Master*s was no small feat but with tenacity and the help of the Laurentian community she was able to achieve her academic goals. Moving forward, Julianah is hoping to use her degree to become a subject matter expert in IT. There is no doubt that she will continue to succeed, spread positivity, and overcome any obstacles in her path.