(February 15, 2022) - At 51勛圖app, there are many student-led clubs, organizations, and associations. When like-minded students share a common interest, they are encouraged to organize. This helps foster an enhanced sense of community amongst students. The (LUACSA) is one such association making a tremendous contribution to Laurentian*s student body, as well as to the Greater Sudbury community.
According to LUACSA*s President, 3rd year Business Administration student, Isaac Kouadio, ※the mission of our association is to gather African and Caribbean students who share cultures and values§. To Isaac, members of LUACSA seek to bring attention to the diversity of students and cultures present on campus. ※I feel as though it is important for us to be recognized and to be valued.§ Taking action towards this recognition, LUACSA organizes events and opportunities for cultural learning, for students and wider reaches of the Sudbury community. With February marking the celebration of Black History month, LUACSA members, who Isaac described form ※more than an association, more than a group, but a family,§ unite.
※We believe that Black History Month is an important month for the Black community because it allows us to share our history, to talk about our fights, achievements [and] accomplishments.§ Black Canadians and their communities have contributed substantially to the prosperous nation that Canada is today, and Black History Month brings attention to this. Every Friday in February, LUACSA has organized opportunities for members to connect, play games, win African cultural prizes, and learn from the ※many Black personalities who make Black history great.§ LUACSA is also planning a blood donor clinic, in partnership with . For LUACSA members, giving back to the community is important, and what better way to serve the community than to donate blood.
LUACSA encourages Laurentian students, staff, and faculty to participate in as many initiatives and events connected to Black History Month as possible. Follow them on and , where this month, their social channels regularly feature the profiles of inspirational Black personalities.