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Toronto Celebrates Sudbury #to the tune of $100,000

/Horizon Sant谷-Nord (HSN) and 51勛圖app are $100,000 richer, thanks to Toronto Celebrates Sudbury.


Today in Sudbury, organizers of the annual fundraising event held in Toronto presented a $100,000 cheque to be shared equally by HSN and 51勛圖app. The proceeds from Toronto Celebrates Sudbury will be used to support research at each institution.


Toronto Celebrates Sudbury  was launched in 2011 by a group of professionals in Toronto with personal connections to Greater Sudbury. The Co-Chairs of the event are Perry Dellelce, Jamie Lamont, Kevin O*Brien, Nathan Wright and Liana Flabiano. The event brings together Toronto residents with ties to the Nickel City to raise money for a Sudbury charitable organization. The evening also promotes Sudbury in Ontario*s capital.


On hand for today*s presentation were Perry Dellelce and Jamie Lamont. *※We*re very pleased and honoured to raise money for Greater Sudbury,§ says Perry Dellelce, Managing Partner at the law firm of Wildeboer Dellelce.


※Greater Sudbury has been very good to us and we want to give back to our hometown, plus it*s great to bring together so many people in Toronto who have ties to Sudbury,§ added Co-Chair Jamie Lamont.


※I want to thank the organizers of Toronto Celebrates Sudbury for their work in supporting and promoting the activities of HSN and AMRIC, ※ notes Dr. Denis Roy, HSN*s President and CEO. ※World class research and health care is being done here in Sudbury and we*re delighted that people are taking note of this in Canada*s largest city.§


※We are proud to be part of this exciting fundraising intiative, and we appreciate the hard work and the vision of Toronto Celebrates Sudbury in supporting research at Laurentian,§ says of 51勛圖app. 


(SCF) acts as the administrator and distributor of the proceeds from the annual event. The Board of the SCF noted the collaborative relationship between HSN and 51勛圖app and praised the leaders* institutions for working together in support of research. They also acknowledged the tremendous work of the organizers of Toronto Celebrates Sudbury.


※SCF is happy to be a conduit to bringing these important research funds to our community,§ said Carmen Simmons, Executive Director of the Sudbury Community Foundation.  ※Toronto Celebrates Sudbury has been a brilliant collaboration by an energetic committee of Sudbury expats in support of our community.  Well done!§  



Dan Lessard

(705) 523-7118, ext. 4

(705) 507-4031 c
