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Terrance Galvin

Terrance Galvin

Full Professor, McEwen School of Architecture
McEwen?School?of Architecture
Science, Engineering and Architecture
TE-213, School of Architecture


Terrance GALVIN, Ph.D., MRAIC?? ?

Dr. Terrance Galvin is the Founding Director of the 51勛圖app, McEwen?School of Architecture (LAL), that officially opened in September 2013. He began architecture studies at University of Toronto and graduated with a Bachelor of Environmental Design Studies and a Master of Architecture from the Technical University of Nova Scotia (TUNS). He holds a post-professional Master's in History & Theory?from McGill University and a Doctorate in Architecture from the University of Pennsylvania (PENN).

Galvin began teaching architecture and design at McGill University, first as an Adjunct Professor and then as?a Research Associate.?Prior to moving with his family to Sudbury, Dr. Galvin was the?Director of the School of Architecture at Dalhousie University in Halifax where, as?an Associate Professor, he taught?architectural history, theory and design.?Dr. Galvin is Past President of the Canadian Architectural Certification Board (CACB) and is the current CACB Vice-President; he?has served on numerous provincial and national boards governing architectural education and practice in Canada, including the CCUSA.?

As an academic researcher, Galvin's?applied research regarding local technologies and cultural sustainability have led to collaborations with communities in Peru, India, Thailand and Mexico. In each of these projects, funded through agenices including CIDA, IDRC, and HRSDC,?local technologies that have been lost or abandoned have?been reexamined for their appropriateness and affordability. Other scholarly?writings on diverse?subjects related to architectural theory, including?angels in architecture, the loss of theories of proportion in architecture, and architecture and freemasonry, have been published in Canada, the USA and Germany.


  • Doctor of Philosophy (Architecture), University of Pennsylvania (PENN), Graduate School of Fine Arts (2003)
  • Master of Architecture (post-professional, History & Theory), McGill University (1990)
  • Master of Architecture (professional), Technical University of Nova Scotia (1987)
  • Bachelor of Environmental Design?Studies (BEDS), Technical University of Nova Scotia (1985)

Academic Appointments

2012- present. Founding Director, 51勛圖app, McEwen School of Architecture

2007-10. Director, School of Architecture, Faculty of Architecture & Planning, Dalhousie University

2001-06. Assistant Professor & Associate Professor, School of Architecture, Dalhousie University

1998-2001. Research Associate,?Minimum Cost Housing Group (MCHG), McGill University

1998. Adjunct Professor, School of Architecture, McGill University

1989-94. Adjunct Professor, School of Architecture, McGill University

On The Web


  • Dalhousie Student Union (DSU), Award for Teaching Excellence?(2008)
  • Sir John Soane's Museum Foundation, Annual Fellowship & Medal (1998)
  • Canadian Architect, Award of Excellence (1995)
  • University of Pennsylvania, University Fellowship (1994-98)


ARCH 2036: Canadian Art & Architecture

ARCH 4505: Integrated Design Studio (Coordinator)

