Social Work
Engage in personal and community change
Pursue a career and your calling in making society a better place for everyone.
Working holistically while recognizing and advancing human rights, you will have the opportunity to respond to those in need in order to promote social change and justice.
Help individuals, as well as society, thrive by promoting positive change and work to give all people an equal opportunity to be healthy. Work with community organizations and government policies to level the playing field and give people opportunities to grow and develop into their best selves.
Small class sizes and opportunities to work closely with peers and professors are the keys to student success.
Take part in Social Work Week, celebrated annually across Canada during the month of March.
Our Mission
The 51勛圖app School of Social Work aims to educate social workers who can apply critical analyses to respond to those in need in order to promote social change, problem-solving in the context of social justice and respect for human rights, and to improve the general well-being of individuals, groups, communities, and society.
Key Features
Career Opportunities
What do Social Workers do?
Work in schools, hospitals, mental health agencies, with children and youth, in addiction treatment, crisis intervention, and violence against women programs, and in the areas of community development, social policy, corrections, disability services, and gerontology.
Graduates can rest assured knowing there is a multitude of career options they can explore post-graduation. Many of these careers can be found in the public and private sector.

Nicholas Schwabe
Laurentian is amazing because it gives you the rare opportunity of getting to know your professors. Small classes let you ask the questions that matter to you and explore topics with flexibility. Many professors are glad to talk to students to further their learning and career goals. Laurentian is incredibly interconnected and is full of opportunities for collaboration, research, and involvement that learners who are only known by their student number do not get to benefit from.
My program has transformed my relationship to myself, others, and society. The opportunity for self directed learning and exposure to a variety of world views has been invaluable to developing my willingness, receptiveness, active engagement with new theories and perspectives. Social work matures your opinions by integrating lived experience with formal research. Course content in social work interweaves material on reconciliation that promotes an emotional, spiritual, and intellectual understanding of colonization; reflection on my settler identity; and decolonizing action. Social work is unique because students in every year are encouraged and sometimes even required to participate in activism and social justice initiatives. Learning is only considered successful when it translates into action beyond the boundaries of the classroom. Social work is a rigorous and theoretically complex program that teaches applied professional skills. Accordingly, social work at Laurentian is perfect for everyone who is prepared to work hard and come with an open mind, an open heart, and humility.

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