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Dr. Jacqueline Litzgus

Jane Goodall Fellow in Conservation Biology


Dr. Jacqueline Litzgus is a nationally-recognized leader in Conservation Biology of Species At Risk (SAR) reptiles and amphibians, which are among the most globally-imperilled animals. Dr. Litzgus combines basic and applied science to inform government policies and legislation, with particular focus on addressing the damaging effects of highway development and resource extraction (aggregates, mining, forestry) in SAR habitats.?Dr. Litzgus and her team have?empirically tested innovative conservation actions (eg, road mortality mitigation designs, headstarting to augment at-risk populations) to provide essential information to managers and practitioners. They also address conservation implications of climate change and mass mortality events on population ecology, contributing to a 50+ year turtle life-history dataset in Algonquin Park, one of the longest-running conservation studies in Canada.?


Faculty Profile

Jane Goodall Fellowship News Release