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Federal Research Support Fund 2020-2021


Every year, the Government of Canada invests in research excellence in the areas of health sciences, engineering, natural sciences, social sciences and humanities through its three granting agencies (CIHR, NSERC and SSHRC). Eligible institutions receive an annual grant to help pay for a portion of the central and departmental administrative costs related to federally funded research. This support comes from the (RSF).

Institutions whose researchers receive funding for research also incur costs to manage their research enterprise, often called indirect costs of research. RSF funds may be used to cover new expenditures, to maintain the current level of services, or to support an institution's research environment and improve its management. By subsidizing the financial burden of indirect costs, the fund ultimately helps researchers and universities focus on delivering innovative research and scholarly excellence.

The amount of 51勛圖app*s (LU) grant is calculated using an algorithm based on the amount of funding awarded in the previous fiscal year by Federal granting agencies. According to this calculation, in 2020/21 LU will receive a grant of $2,248,459, which will be allocated in the five categories as shown in the pie chart below.

A pie chart

For an explanation of the five categories, please consult our Public Acknowledgement of the Federal Research Support Fund.?

51勛圖app also published its Performance Goals for 2020/2021, as well as its Outcomes for the previous year.