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Psychology (MA)

Enhance mental health and well-being in your community with 51勛圖app's Master's in Psychology program.


Learn why and how people think and act the way they do and help them improve their daily lives

Earn a Master's in Psychology and prepare for a career in schools, mental health, or other applied settings, or pursue PhD level studies. Learn to diagnose and treat mental health as well as use techniques to prevent mental illness and enhance well-being. Observe behavioural patterns that make up normal and abnormal behaviours and how they affect people socially, mentally, and physically.

The Master of Arts in Psychology program at 51勛圖app combines coursework, a thesis, and a supervised field placement within mental healthcare settings under the supervision of a Registered Psychologist. The clinical practicum provides 400 hours of hands-on experience and the opportunity to develop practical experiences in assessment, counselling, diagnosis, and report writing.

Limitless research opportunities placements in applied settings and a diverse range of research interests, including:

  • Cognitive psychology
  • Developmental psychology
  • Educational psychology
  • Forensic psychology
  • Neuroscience
  • Physiological psychology
  • Social psychology

Key Features

A romanian building
Apply your knowledge to many areas such as diagnosis, prevention, consult with schools, police, research, personnel issues in organizations.
A head with a thinking bubble in it
Help your community by creating supportive environments that encourage mental health and well-being where people live and work.
A certificate with a graduation cap on it
Flexible degree opens doors to many different career possibilities.

Career Opportunities

Behavior therapist, research analyst, counsellor (addictions, employment, corrections), interviewer, environmental planner, computer consultant, recruitment coordinator, psychometrist, teaching, speech pathology, personnel administrator.

Settings: associations for persons with disabilities, school boards, correctional centres, industries such as Hydro and INCO, mental health centres, social service agencies, chronic psychiatric patients, prison settings, drug addiction, and hospitals.

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Program Details

Faculty Members

Sessional Faculty

  • Blake Dotta
  • Nicole Dubuc-Charbonneau
  • Jamie-Lyn Flesch
  • Mark Fraser
  • Reeshma Haji
  • Zsuzsanna Kerekes
  • Ryan Kneer
  • Rose-Ann Kozinski
  • Charles Lachance
  • Christian Laforge
  • Robert Lafrenie
  • Denis Lapalme
  • Matias Mariani
  • Anna-Liisa Mottonen
  • Annie Pelletier
  • Linda St-Pierre
  • Diana Urajnik
  • David Vares
  • Ljiljana Vuletic
  • Cynthia Whissell

The following sessional faculty members are available to co-supervise theses in the Masters Graduate program.

Bruce Oddson boddson@laurentian.ca

Research interests: Wellbeing, Happiness, and Learning

Diana Urajnik durajnik@laurentian.ca

Research interests: Children’s health and development, with a focus on mental health, health service access and use, family engagement in care, and children’s resilience and outcomes. Her research is also focused on the continuing medical education needs of northern and rural physicians, and the validation of culturally-appropriate tools in education

Blake Dotta bx_dotta@laurentian.ca

Research interests: Neurobiology, Electromagnetics, & Electrophysiology. In general, am concerned with how applied electromagnetic fields affect the brain and developing nerve cells

Kelly Harding kharding@laurentian.ca

Research interests: developmental disability issues, particularly pertaining to Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD). I employ mixed methods or purely qualitative approaches to study various aspects of developmental disabilities. Presently, I am interested in three programs of research: (1) the professional training of care providers and their knowledge, attitudes, and self-efficacy working with individuals who have developmental disabilities/FASD; (2) family adaptation to childhood disability; and (3) social constructions of popular culture narratives regarding alcohol use during pregnancy and their implications for health promotion and FASD prevention

The following faculty members are able to supervise Theses in the Masters Graduate Program.

Chantal Arpin-Cribbie carpincribbie@laurentian.ca

Michael Emond memond@laurentian.ca

Elizabeth Levin elevin@laurentian.ca

Mélanie Perron mperron@laurentian.ca

Luc Rousseau lrousseau@laurentian.ca

Josée Turcotte jturcotte@laurentian.ca

Michael Emond

Michael Emond

School of Social Sciences
Glenn Legault

Glenn Legault

School of Social Sciences
M谷lanie Perron

M谷lanie Perron

School of Social Sciences
Luc Rousseau

Luc Rousseau

School of Social Sciences
Jos谷e Turcotte

Jos谷e Turcotte

School of Social Sciences
Chantal Arpin-Cribbie

Chantal Arpin-Cribbie

School of Social Sciences
Elizabeth Levin

Elizabeth Levin

School of Social Sciences